Tuesday 30 April 2013

Video: What Does 10 Petabytes of Data Look Like?

The Internet Archive?s Wayback Machine is deceptively simple ? plug in a website and you can see copies of it over time.

What you don?t see is the massive amount of effort, data and storage necessary to capture and maintain those archives. Filmmaker Jonathan Minard?s documentary Internet Archive takes a behind the scenes look at how (and why) the Internet Archive?s efforts are preserving the web as we know it.

The interview with Brewster Kahle, founder of the Internet Archive, especially offers a look at not just the idea behind the archive, but the actual servers that hold the 10 petabytes of archived websites, books, movies, music, and television broadcasts that the Internet Archive currently stores.

For more on the documentary, head over to Vimeo. You can learn more about the Internet Archive on the group?s website.

crawled from : Webmonkey

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