Saturday 9 March 2013

YANWT (Yet Another No-Warnings Tester) | Ether []

A few weeks ago a casual exchange occured on irc... I might as well quote it rather than paraphrase: 11:26 * GumbyNET7 CPAN Upload: Test-Roo-0.002 by DAGOLDEN 13:32 booo done_testing-- 13:32 Y U NO LIKE Test::NoWarnings 13:33 I do have a tuit item to make Test::NoWarnings play nicer with done_testing..


This is maybe the first question everybody starting with Orchard development asks. I.e. what should I do to have a Visual Studio solution that I can run and play with and use to start writing an Orchard module or theme? Here are the first steps.

CodePlex - Open Source Project Hosting

Microsoft's open source project hosting web site. You can use CodePlex to find open source software or create new projects to share with the world.

Engineers develop techniques to boost efficiency of cloud computing infrastructure

Computer scientists looked at a range of Google web services, including Gmail and search. They used a unique approach to develop their model. Their first step was to gather live data from Google's warehouse-scale computers as they were running in real time.

Zend Press Release - Zend Developer Series: Developers Debug Faster With Zend Server -

Zend Developer Series: Developers Debug Faster With Zend Server Zend Developer Series: Developers Debug Faster With Zend Server Cupertino, CA.-March 6, 2013 Debugging is twice as hard as writing the code in the first place. Therefore, if you write the code as cleverly as possible, you are, by definition, not smart enough to debug it."

ASP.NET Web API: Using Namespaces to Version Web APIs - .NET Web Development and Tools Blog - Site Home - MSDN Blogs

In this post, I'll show how to extend the routing logic in ASP.NET Web API, by creating a custom controller selector.

Improving Facebook for Books, Movies, TV and Fitness

We built Facebook Platform to enable people to capture memories and share experiences through the apps they use. Books, movies, TV and fitness comprise an important part of who people are, so today we're announcing new actions to give people better ways to express those things.

How to make animals smarter: Just add human brain cells | ExtremeTech

A new study describing human brain cells transplanted from fetal tissue into mice claims to have made them smarter. While any such claims are often questionable, this particular study also affords us a unique insight into how brains work, and how we might eventually build -- superbrains.

Mobile Browsers Help Users Avoid Bloated Webpages | Webmonkey |

The internet sees your bloated webpages as damage and it's taking steps to route around them. Both Chrome and Opera have recently added an option for mobile users to connect to proxy servers, which slim down webpages before sending them over constrained mobile connections.

Controversial quantum computer aces entanglement tests - physics-math - 08 March 2013 - New Scientist

Continue reading page |1 | 2 A few days ago, I held a quantum computer in my hand - or did I? The niobium wafers I saw are the guts of the only commercially available quantum computer, but whether their calculations truly harness the weird world of quantum mechanics has provoked heated debate.

High Scalability - High Scalability - Stuff The Internet Says On Scalability For March 8, 2013

Friday, March 8, 2013 at 9:29AM Hey, it's HighScalability time: Quotable Quotes: @ibogost: Disabling features of SimCity due to ineffective central infrastructure is probably the most realistic simulation of the modern city. antirez: The point is simply to show how SSDs can't be considered, currently, as a bit slower version of memory.

The Mojito Team Reports on W3Conf 2013 · YDN Blog

This post is written by two members of the Mojito team, Cynthia Li (@cynthiax) and Steven Lu (@luchenghan), who both attended the W3Conf 2013 last month. They were kind enough to share with us their favorite talks from the event. We hope you enjoy their dual perspectives.

How to run full-screen Windows 8 Metro apps in a window on the Desktop | ExtremeTech

Windows 8, as you probably know by now, is dominated by the brand-new Metro interface. It appears when you first log in, and there's no official way to disable it.

Sifting Through the CPAN | Olaf Alders []

Some interesting stuff has been said today on The Four Major Problems with CPAN, Don't release experiments to CPAN and CPAN is for experimentation and I hope that never changes. If you haven't read these posts yet, I encourage you to do so. They've all got interesting things to say.

Send a text message to charge your cellphone - tech - 09 March 2013 - New Scientist

People living off-grid can now pay for electricity to power their phones simply by sending a text message?- the cheapest method found so far AT THE Konokoyi coffee cooperative on the edge of Uganda's Mount Elgon national park, Juliet Nandutu is trying out a new toy: a solar-powered cellphone charging station that is activated by text message.

The Main Problem With CPAN Modules On Github | lestrrat []

Or, this entry is better titled as "Use cpanfile, and make sure to add it to your repository" This is a tongue-in-cheek addendum to being able to do `cpanm $git_url` described in " Dont' release experiments to CPAN".

Download a mailman archive | Kirk Kimmel []

Oracle is closing down the site on March 24th, which is inconvenient for the rest of us. I wanted to grab the mailman archives for the mailing lists so I fired up a search engine and looked for any existing open source projects to do this.

Abattoir! A topical Scratch game. | Raspberry Pi

Martin O'Hanlon from Stuff About Code (you might recall Thursday's post about his adventures in Minecraft) has written a Scratch game that made us laugh. Hard. Wherever you are in the world, you've probably heard something about the recent horsemeat adulteration scandal in Europe, where cheap beef mince products like lasagna and frozen burgers turned out to be anything up to 100% horse.

ANN: My Transition From Software Developer to Writer/Entertainer/Amateur Philosopher/Internet Celebrity | Shlomi Fish []

I'd like to make an announcement: after some serious thought, I decided that from now on, being a software developer (which I am not too bad at) will only be the means (but the absolutely necessary ones) to me being a writer / entertainer / philosopher / Internet celebrity (a little bit of all those and then some) whose main pride and passion is his personal web site, which is full of a lot of material, and various pages and material is constantly added to it.