Tuesday 26 February 2013

Announcing AWS Diagnostics for Microsoft Windows Server - Beta

We are excited to announce the beta release of AWS Diagnostics for Microsoft Windows Server. AWS Diagnostics for Microsoft Windows Server is an easy to use tool that you can run on your EC2 Windows

Startup Spotlight: Kinova Creating Robot Arms That Improve Lives - IEEE Spectrum

This is the second post in our Startup Spotlight series featuring new robotics companies from around the world. We're inviting representatives from the companies to describe their technologies a

Defining isAccessibilityElement In Your iOS Application · YDN Blog

I remember the first time I tested an iPad app for accessibility. Yahoo! Finance was preparing to launch MarketDash and wanted to make sure it was as accessible as the web site. With VoiceOver enabled and a Flip cam set to record, Victor Tsaran and I began exploring the app.

no indirect considered harmful | Reini Urban [blogs.perl.org]

Several p5p members argue that using indirect method call syntax is considered harmful.

I argue that using indirect method call syntax is the best and sometimes only way to extend the language withou

Dropzone.js Adds Drag-and-Drop File Uploads to Any Site | Webmonkey | Wired.com

New web technologies tend to travel a trajectory that moves from ?amazing demo with fiendishly complex code?, to ?very cool product feature? and finally to open source library that takes 10 seconds t

Raspberry Jamboree | Raspberry Pi

The first ever Raspberry Jamboree is being held on March 9 in Manchester, organised by the indefatigable Alan O'Donohoe. It's a big event, showcasing uses of the Pi in education, where you'll be able to share ideas about getting kids interested in computing and learn more about the wonderful Pi ecosystem.

Performance Tuning an Exalogic System (OTN Garage)

The engineers who designed Exalogic already took care of most of the performance tuning, but there is plenty of tuning you can still perform, particularly when your workloads change. This blog describ

March Developer Events

We're out and about again this month at South by Southwest, Tel Aviv Gaming Day, Social Developers London, and the Game Developers Conference in San Francisco. If you're heading to any of these events

Building Amazing Apps with the ASP.NET EmberJS Template

I have been using EmberJS for a while so I was pretty excited to work on the new EmberJS template for ASP.NET. If you are not familiar with EmberJS, I highly recommend reading through their documentation. In short though, ember is a framework for building client-side browser apps.

SignalR, ActionFilters and ASP.NET Web API - StrathWeb

The construct is a bit unusual, but that's due to the nature of Attributes. Named parameters are not allowed there, and since I want to avoid a constructor with two strings (which is not very intuitive), we use public properties to fake the named paramaters (a common approach when working with attributes).

Intel Leaps On Software Elephant for Trip to Hardware Heaven | Wired Enterprise | Wired.com

Like so many others, Intel wants to sell you Hadoop, the open-source software platform that crunches massive amounts of data across a sea of computer servers.

Semantics3 (YC W13) launches the one Consumer Products API to rule them all: Over 20M products with clean metadata

The company, which was founded by classmates at a computer engineering college program in Singapore, indexes several dozen of the top e-commerce sites online and provides a self-serve API so developers can tap into its constantly updated database of consumer products. Why would developers want to index this data?

Save your business from password hell: Meldium (YC W13) launches secure cloud password service for all your SaaS apps

It's a mess to maintain in itself, of course, but the real problems come when people leave the team. Right away, an admin must go one by one through shared apps such as Yammer and WordPress and disable access to the group version. As for the spreadsheet?

Google App Engine Blog: New Google Cloud Platform case studies - including Angry Birds and more

One of the most rewarding parts of working on is seeing our developers create groundbreaking new applications on top of our infrastructure. To help our current and prospective users gain insight into the vast array of these applications, we recently added a section to the Online travel agency used Google App Engine Google Cloud Platform site with a collection of case studies .

Finding Words by Synonym with Cinnamon.js ✩ Mozilla Hacks - the Web developer blog

There are only two hard things in Computer Science: cache invalidation and naming things.
? Phil Karlton

Naming things in web development is hard too, from evolving CSS classes to headers and links.

$15,000 in prizes added to Windows Phone Next App Star challenge. Speakers, Ultrabooks, and travel, oh my!

Hello everyone. As some of you may recall, not so long ago we announced a global contest* focused on helping your apps get more visibility with more customers via a featured placement in a Windows Pho

Windows Phone developer updates & offers from Mobile World Congress

Google Chrome Blog: Bettar spell chek in Chrome

Today?s Chrome Beta release brings improved spell checking to the browser. To start, we?ve refreshed the dictionaries for Chrome?s default spell checker, and have added support for Korean, Tamil and A

Sphinx 2.1.1-beta, Available Now! " full-text diary | Sphinx | Open Source Search Server

We've been talking all about it, now it's here! Download Sphinx 2.1.1-beta to see what lightning fast search is all about. Summary Better real time indexes, they're catching up with on disk indexes! Built in options for high availability Fulltext search and ranking optimizations JSON attributes Wordbreaker New SphinxQL commands and options RT Indexes Realtime indexes were lacking some of the functionality of on-disk indexes.

DailyJS: jQuery Roundup: jQuery.IO, Animated Table Sorter, jQuery-ui-pic

Note: You can send your plugins and articles in for review through our contact form.


jQuery.IO (GitHub: sporto / jquery_io.js, License: MIT) by Sebastian Porto can be used to convert betw

Bat Wing Robot Helping Us Figure Out Why Bats Are Awesome - IEEE Spectrum

Bats are awesome. At least, roboticists think so, and for good reason: bats are spectacular fliers, and we've got a lot to learn from them. Problem is, bats are bats, and bats, being bats, are m

W3C News Archive: 2013 W3C

The HTML Working Group has published two First Public Working Drafts today. Both documents were developed in collaboration with the Responsive Images Community Group.

The picture element. The picture

W3C News Archive: 2013 W3C

An updated Working Draft of Website Accessibility Conformance Evaluation Methodology (WCAG-EM) 1.0 was published today by the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines Working Group (WCAG WG) and Evaluatio

Internet Explorer 10 Arrives on Windows 7 | Webmonkey | Wired.com

Windows 7 users, the wait is over. Microsoft has finally released Internet Explorer 10 ? which debuted with Windows 8 four months ago ? for Windows 7.
For now IE 10 is an optional update, though Micr

Google+ Sign-In Now Part of Google Play Services | Android Developers Blog

Posted by Reto Meier, Android Developer Relations and Matt Waddell, Google+

Google Play Services is our platform for offering you better integration with Google products, and providing new capabiliti

Introducing Google+ Sign-In: simple and secure, minus the social spam - Google Developers Blog

By Seth Sternberg, Director of Product Management, Google+ Cross-posted from the Google+ Developers Blog Today we're adding a new feature to the Google+ platform: application sign-in. Whether you're building an app for Android, iOS or the web, users can now sign in to your app with Google, and bring along their Google+ info for an upgraded experience.

Interview: John Mutter, Senior Manager of the Enterprise Partner Developer Group

John Mutter, Senior Manager of the Enterprise Partner Developer Group, caught up with us at BlackBerry Jam Europe to share his excitement about the great opportunities available for enterprise developers on BlackBerry 10. Two of the outstanding benefits include BlackBerry Balance and BlackBerry World For Work.

Bing | Bing, Microsoft Research Bring the Power of Social, Search and Whimsy to TEDActive with TED.so.cl

One of the highlights for us each year is our continuing partnership with the folks at TED, and being able to bring creative projects and technology to attendees at TEDActive. Last year, we sponsored

Google Teams With Prodigal Son To Bust Data Sort Record | Wired Enterprise | Wired.com

How much data can you sort in under a minute? The official record is now 1.5 trillion bytes.

Bing | 3D Elevation Models using HTML5 and Bing Maps

Recently we published a blog post on 3D Elevation Models with Bing Maps WPF . In this blog post we will show you how to create a tool for generating a 3D model of elevation data from the Bing Maps REST Elevation Service using HTML5 and Bing Maps. There...

Pi Matrix | Raspberry Pi

A very quick post: I'm about to run out of the door to meet TechCrunch at Adafruit. Have a squizz at the video below; this is a really cute little add-on for your Pi that's just been put out by w8bh.net.

DailyJS: jQuery Roundup: jQuery.IO, Animated Table Sorter, jQuery-ui-pic

Animated Table Sorter (GitHub: matanhershberg / animated_table_sorter, License: MIT, jquery: AnimatedTableSorter) by Matan Hershberg is a table sorting plugin that moves rows using .animate when they're reordered.