Wednesday 6 March 2013

MySQL :: Download MySQL Community Server

MySQL Community Edition is a freely downloadable version of the world's most popular open source database that is supported by an active community of open source developers and enthusiasts.

MySQL :: Download MySQL Community Server

MySQL Community Edition is a freely downloadable version of the world's most popular open source database that is supported by an active community of open source developers and enthusiasts.

MySQL :: Download MySQL Workbench

The following LGPL libraries are used by MySQL Workbench and their sources are provided for download in compliance with the LGPL. You do not need to download them if you use MySQL Workbench binaries provided by us or compile MySQL Workbench using pre-compiled libraries obtained from elsewhere.

MySQL :: Download Connector/ODBC

Connector/ODBC is a standardized database driver for Windows, Linux, Mac OS X, and Unix platforms

MySQL :: Download Connector/ODBC

Connector/ODBC is a standardized database driver for Windows, Linux, Mac OS X, and Unix platforms

MySQL :: Download MySQL Community Server

MySQL Community Edition is a freely downloadable version of the world's most popular open source database that is supported by an active community of open source developers and enthusiasts.

MySQL :: Download MySQL Community Server

MySQL Community Edition is a freely downloadable version of the world's most popular open source database that is supported by an active community of open source developers and enthusiasts.

MySQL :: Download MySQL Workbench

The following LGPL libraries are used by MySQL Workbench and their sources are provided for download in compliance with the LGPL. You do not need to download them if you use MySQL Workbench binaries provided by us or compile MySQL Workbench using pre-compiled libraries obtained from elsewhere.

MySQL :: Download Connector/ODBC

Connector/ODBC is a standardized database driver for Windows, Linux, Mac OS X, and Unix platforms

MySQL :: Download MySQL Workbench

The following LGPL libraries are used by MySQL Workbench and their sources are provided for download in compliance with the LGPL. You do not need to download them if you use MySQL Workbench binaries provided by us or compile MySQL Workbench using pre-compiled libraries obtained from elsewhere.

DailyJS: Node Roundup: 0.9.11, clinch, review

Node 0.9.11 was released last week, which has more changes for the new streams API. The _read method no longer takes a callback, which means your current _read methods need to be updated to call push() instead. If you're unsure about the new API, Node's tests (in test/simple) are useful for figuring out what to do.

Platform Updates: Operation Developer Love

March 2013 Breaking Changes Now Live As announced in December, the following breaking changes go into effect today: No more accessing mailbox FQL tables without a user session Removing apps from /me/accounts/ and page_admin FQL table Removing redirect to docs when hitting Updated policy for developer payment registration When you register a company with Facebook in order to accept payments on Facebook, you are required to provide verification documents if you use 1) a bank account located in certain countries outside the U.S.

Gallery - Know your stuff: Collect our pick of material wonders - Image 1 - New Scientist

Just 92 elements are known in nature - but human ingenuity has combined them to make a world of materials with amazing properties.


Sipke showed changes to content type editor: content types promoted to top-level admin menu item, added tabs for stereotypes. The content parts menu item should become a tab under content types. Stereotypes should not be tabs. We will list the stereotype next to the type name, and add a filter drop-down.

High Scalability - High Scalability - Low Level Scalability Solutions - The Aggregation Collection

Wednesday, March 6, 2013 at 10:16AM What good are problems without solutions? In 42 Monster Problems That Attack As Loads Increase we talked about problems. In this first post (OK, there was an earlier post, but I'm doing some reorganizing), we'll cover what I call aggregation strategies.


Sometimes, when for example you're writing a Widget, you come across the need to know what the "current" content item being displayed is.


There is a new Shape Link in Orchard for adding custom shapes in Orchard Menus and Navigation. This will be released as a part of Orchard CMS 1.7, but I thought I would add it to my Orchard Tutorials now so Orchard Web Developers can prepare for it.

CodePlex - Open Source Project Hosting

Microsoft's open source project hosting web site. You can use CodePlex to find open source software or create new projects to share with the world.

Winners of App to the Future Design challenge

Winners of App to the Future Design challenge

Unlock the magic: Get ready for Google I/O 2013 registration - Google Developers Blog

By Katie Miller, Developer Marketing With Google I/O 2013 registration only days away, on Wednesday, March 13, 2013 at 7:00 AM PDT (GMT-7), we want to make sure you're as prepared as possible for the process. - Japanese Space Bot Headed for ISS

A small Japanese humanoid robot, named Kirobo, is bound for the International Space Station, where it will join the crew as "communications robot". The Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency and Dentsu, Inc created the Kibo Robot Project, based on a commercially available robot known as Robi. Kibo's design was created by Tomotaka Takahashi of Robo Garage.

Node v0.9.12 (Unstable)

As of this release, Node v0.9 is finally performing faster than v0.8 on HTTP, file system, and TLS benchmarks.

Spring Integration 2.2.2 is Now Available |

We are pleased to announce that Spring Integration 2.2.2.RELEASE is now available.

Web searches uncover hidden drug dangers - tech - 06 March 2013 - New Scientist

You're feeling unwell, and wonder if the problem might be a side effect of the drugs your doctor just prescribed. So you turn to a search engine and type in your symptoms and the names of the drugs.

Node v0.8.22 (Stable)

c536e71f028213e1dd195f6c143c43d4d92b3fda node-v0.8.22-darwin-x64.tar.gz c3993a424034022a675c8822a44402d1a04567d3 node-v0.8.22-darwin-x86.tar.gz fb2cd76139f258ff73980b2940c23e3d05ec7fc3 ...

Magento Ecommerce Blog | Magento

Choose the right extensions for your online store The Magento Connect extension marketplace offers more than 500 extensions for Magento Enterprise Edition, with new extensions in multiple categories added all the time. These extensions provide valuable customization options for your online store, but choosing the right extension for your specific needs can sometimes be challenging.

Release Notes 3/6/2013 - CodePlex Weblog - Site Home - MSDN Blogs

Release Notes 3/6/2013

March Port-A-Thon Rewards Update

The BlackBerry Developer Relations Team is committed to ensuring that everyone who participated in our Port-A-Thons are rewarded properly. We are very grateful for the hard work and long hours you've contributed to building your BlackBerry 10 apps. We are working hard to get your apps approved.

Opera News - Opera for Android - The unofficial videos

Our friends at Opera Turkey where kind enough to gather up a few of the amazing reviews for the new Opera for Android. The Verge CES 2013 Hong Chuan Low Mobile Bulgaria heise online Find any other cool videos? Let us know!

Curvy, Chrome-Style Tabs Coming Soon to Firefox | Webmonkey |

Firefox's tabs will soon sport a sleeker, rounded design. The new design will likely arrive in the Nightly Channel in the next few days, but if you'd like to test it today, you can download the Firefox UX branch. Retina MacBook Pro users should note that, thus far, the new curvy tabs don't support high-DPI screens.

Firefox OS support lands in EnyoJS 2.2 ✩ Mozilla Hacks - the Web developer blog

Firefox OS support lands in EnyoJS 2.2

Robotic fish gain new sense: Navigate water currents and turbulence

In an article published in Proceedings of the Royal Society A, researchers describe a robotic fish that is controlled with the help of lateral line sensors. During the last 4 years, the EU funded European research project FILOSE has investigated fish lateral line sensing and locomotion with the aims of understanding how fish detect and exploit flow features, and of developing efficient underwater robots based on biological principles.

MongoDB Tip: The touch Command

MongoDB 2.2 introduced the touch command, which loads data from the data storage layer into memory. The touch command will load a collection's documents, indexes or both into memory. This can be ideal to preheat a newly started server, in order to avoid page faults and slow performance once the server is brought into production.

MVC Single Page Application Template for ASP.NET and Web Tools 2012.2 - .NET Web Development and Tools Blog - Site Home - MSDN Blogs

MVC Single Page Application Template for ASP.NET and Web Tools 2012.2

Building Amazing Apps with the ASP.NET EmberJS Template

I have been using EmberJS for a while so I was pretty excited to work on the new EmberJS template for ASP.NET. If you are not familiar with EmberJS, I highly recommend reading through their documentation. In short though, ember is a framework for building client-side browser apps.

AWS Free Usage Tier Now Includes Amazon ElastiCache

AWS Free Usage Tier Now Includes Amazon ElastiCache

Devices + Services: Near Realtime Sensor Data with Windows Azure Mobile Services, .NET MicroFramework, Pusher and ASP .NET MVC | Nick Harris .NET

It's no surprise to people around me that I have a strong desire to code more, so I did just that on a Saturday several weeks back and here is what I built - a new devices + services scenario using a Gadgeteer, the .NET MicroFramework, Windows Azure Mobile Services and Pusher and Windows Azure Web Sites.

Customizing External Login Buttons in ASP.NET MVC 4

With the introduction of ASP.NET MVC 4 Microsoft has added functionality to allow you to easily add the ability for your users to log in to your websites using the existing their Facebook, Twitter, Google and other accounts using OAuth.

Design and Development: New Micro Brushless Motors from MICROMO | Robotics Trends

More Design and Development stories MICROMO introduces the new 0824 and 1028 motors from the FAULHABER Group. The new high performance, high precision motors are ideal for a wide variety of applications in such markets as medical devices and robotics. The 0824 and 1028 motors offer high precision speed control and optimal power in the smallest size.

Data Centers Eye Second Raid on Your Cellphone | Wired Enterprise |

In 2010, Christos Kozyrakis spent a few weeks at Microsoft's campus in Redmond, Washington, and he continued to collaborate with Microsoft's researchers for several months after he left. What he learned during this working sabbatical could help big-name web companies save some big money inside the data centers that drive their online services -- and change the way we think about the computer server.

MUD Pi | Raspberry Pi

Readers of a certain age are in for a shot of delicious nostalgia today. Back in the dawn of time (i.e. the 1990s), many of us had our first taste of multiplayer gaming in text mode, playing things called MUDs, or Multi-User Dungeons.