Wednesday 10 April 2013

Stephen Hawking predicts end-of-Earth scenario

The renowned theoretical physicist urges humans to go into space in order to save ourselves. (Credit: BBC Screenshot: Chris Matyszczyk/CNET) Stephen Hawking, one of the world's greatest physicists and cosmologists, is once again warning his fellow humans that our extinction is on the horizon unless we figure out a way to live in space.

New Dart Editor Release with Dedicated WebGL Library

A new Dart Editor build is available at Changes include: New preference to disable auto-activation of code completion. Theme preview works with new analysis engine. Many performance and memory improvements with new analysis engine. Existing base64 encoder method CryptoUtils.bytesToBase64(List bytes, [int lineLength]) is changed to CryptoUtils.bytesToBase64(List bytes, {bool urlSafe : false, bool addLineSeparator : false}) Remove the (long deprecated) List.addLast method.

Enum Proposal for Dart

The contents from the post: Rumor has it that people want enums in Dart. We've been looking at how to do this for a long time. We've examined all kinds of variations; the full account is, like the giant rat of Sumatra, a story the world is not yet ready to told (forgive me, Sherlock, but I couldn't resist).

High-speed cam catches cool 3D shots of snowflakes

The Multi-Angle Snowflake Camera captures closeup images of snowflakes, as well as data on their fall speed, to improve weather forecasting systems. Did we mention how stunning the shots are?


Kippt (YC S12), an Evernote for the Web, launches new API and App Gallery

The two-person startup has relied on outside developers to have a mobile presence on iOS, Android and Windows Phone. Kippt just relocated back to San Francisco from Helsinki, almost a year after graduating from YCombinator's summer batch.

Announcing jQuery Mobile 1.3.1

Best Robot Photos of the Week

This edition of best robot photos of the week includes a rare bubble-faced RoboBrrd, ROGER the Recycled Obj

Google 'Glass Collective' ropes in VC bigshots

Investment syndicate brings together Andreessen Horowitz, Kleiner Perkins Caufield & Byers and Google Ventures to offer seed money for Google Glass startups. (Credit: Google) Google Glass is winning the attention of the serious money crowd in Silicon Valley.

AWS Storage Gateway Now Supports Microsoft Hyper-V

The AWS Storage Gateway helps you connect your on-premises IT environment with the AWS cloud. Today, we are excited to announce support for runni

SmartAsset (YC S12) launches the most in-depth way to understand buying a home, now with even more helpful data

If the game of Life taught us anything, it is that buying a house is one of the most important decisions a person can make. Today, personal finance startup SmartAsset has significantly expanded its platform that provides people with tools they need to make intelligently make home-buying decisions.

Raspberry Pi-powers DIY autonomous underwater vehicle

Built by a team of engineering undergraduates from Singapore, the robotic vessel dubbed Coconut Pi uses both the Raspberry Pi and Arduino. (Credit: Coconut Pi) It seems creativity knows no bounds when it comes to the Raspberry Pi. The $25 credit card-size computer has turned mixologist, powered an R2-D2 toy robot, and was even sent into near space.

Backlift (YC W12) launches a back-end service for front-end developers, works great with Dropbox, Backbone, and Angular

Backlift, a Y Combinator-backed startup that's launching today, describes itself as a back-end service for front-end developers. The service takes all of the work of setting up a server environment out of the equation and just lets front-end developers focus on their work.

FOSS talk at Google Zurich office

March 8 celebrated Free and Open Source Software (FOSS) Day in the Google Zurich office. Google employees gathered to listen to talks by Chris DiBona, Director of Open Source at Google, and Ka

Microsoft Desktop Optimization Pack 2013 Now Available

The Microsoft Desktop Optimization Pack (MDOP) 2013 for Software Assuran

Asteroid capture wins $78 million in NASA funding in latest budget

Fiscal 2014 budget also seeks to give the U.S. the capacity to again send American crews to the International Space Station, without having to rely on foreign nations' space programs. (Credit: NASA/JPL Near-Earth Object Program Office) Turns out that crazy rumor was true: NASA is planning to capture an asteroid.

NASA's plan to bag an asteroid wins place in Obama's budget

Fiscal 2014 budget also seeks to give the U.S. the capacity to again send American crews to the International Space Station, without having to rely on foreign nations' space programs. (Credit: NASA/JPL Near-Earth Object Program Office) Turns out that crazy rumor was true: NASA is planning to capture an asteroid.

Platform Updates: Operation Developer Love

Since <a href="https

NASA Associate Administrator Statements on the Asteroid Initiative in the FY 2014 Budget Request

NASA Associate Administrator Statements on the Asteroid Initiative in the FY 2014 Budget Request WASHINGTON -- The following are statements from the associate administrators of NASA's Human Exploration and Operations Mission Directorate, Science Mission Directorate and Space Technology Mission Directorate on the administration's budget request for the 2014 fiscal year.

NASA Administrator Bolden's Statement on the NASA FY 2014 Budget Request

NASA Administrator Bolden's Statement on the NASA FY 2014 Budget Request WASHINGTON -- The following statement is from NASA Administrator Charles Bolden on the administration's budget request for the 2014 fiscal year: "Today, we unveil President Obama's Fiscal Year 2014 budget request for NASA -- a $17.7 billion investment in our nation's future.

More immersive mobile web

More content, less chrome - on mobile too

Today?s update to Chrome Beta for Android and Chrome for iPhone and iPad brings you more web and less chrome. We?ve heard your feedback, and n

ZenPayroll (YC W12) launches ZenPayroll for Accountants, making it easy for them to manage all their clients from one dashboard

With the initial product, ZenPayroll was aiming at small businesses and companies who use ADP. With the launch of ZenPayroll for Accountants, the startup is hoping to attract independent accountants, bookkeepers and CPAs who manage a number of small businesses.

msnNOW Comes to Firefox

We?ve got great news for Firefox users today.

msnNOW for Firefox is now available, allowing you to see what?s trending across the Web on msnNOW in a convenient sidebar view while you browse

Node Roundup: 0.8.23, indev, compressjs

New Hash-based Sharding Feature in MongoDB 2.4

Lots of MongoDB users enjoy the flexibility of custom shard keys in organizing a sharded collection's documents. For certain common workloads though, like key/value lookup, using the natural choice of _id as a shard key isn't optimal because default ObjectId's are ascending, resulting in poor write distribution.

Optimizely (YC W10) raises $28M from Benchmark Capital, growing over 400% a year

See ya, Segway! We've got a suitcase electric scooter now

A designer with sports car design street cred creates a sleek, easy-to-pack electric scooter for commuters. (Credit: Amir Zaid) Segway scooters are still kind of cool, but they have the disadvantage of being big. It's a bit difficult to just pack one up, take it on your morning public transportation commute, and then saddle up to ride it to the office.

China BlackBerry 10 App Contest

Last October, Zhang Dong, a developer based in Shanghai spent a week building a SNS Weibo (Chinese Twitter) app called MoWriter. It is now the most downloaded Chinese SNS app on BlackBerry World. He did expect few hundred downloads, but when he was invited to attend China's BlackBerry 10 App Contest Award ceremony on March [...] focuses on jobs

Here is Managing Editor Hallie Siegel introducing Robohub's week of focus on the interrelationship between robotics and jobs.

For the next week, Robohub will host a special focus on

Global Power Company ABB to Deploy Office 365 &amp; Yammer

Microsoft today announced that the power and automation technology company ABB will deploy Microsoft Office 365 and Yammer to its employees worldwide.

With about 145,000 employees in 100 cou

Check Yourself Before You Wreck Yourself - Avocado's 5 Early Stages of Architecture Evolution

Wednesday, April 10, 2013 at 9:25AM In Don't panic! Here's how to quickly scale your mobile apps Mike Maelzer paints a wonderful picture of how Avocado, a mobile app for connecting couples, evolved to handle 30x traffic within a few weeks. If you are just getting started then this is a great example to learn from.

For Malaysia: Bringing Google Apps and Chromebooks to the classroom

[cross-posted from the Official Google Blog]

As a

Lego Rovers head to NASA's International Space Apps Challenge

11:01, Electronics/Robotics Dr. Louise Dennis developed the robots as a research tool, before interest from NASA. A system that imitates navigation of a space rover, originally intended for use in North West schools, will become part of NASA's International Space Apps Challenge later this month.

Lego Rovers head to NASA's International Space Apps Challenge

11:01, Electronics/Robotics Dr. Louise Dennis developed the robots as a research tool, before interest from NASA. A system that imitates navigation of a space rover, originally intended for use in North West schools, will become part of NASA's International Space Apps Challenge later this month.

Google Summer of Code 2013

We're pleased to announce, Ruby on Rails has been accepted into Google Summer of Code 2013 as a mentoring organization

Dan Ariely: What makes us feel good about our work? - (watch video)

What motivates us to work? Contrary to conventional wisdom, it isn't just money. But it's not exactly joy either. It seems that most of us thrive by making constant progress and feeling a sense of purpose. Behavioral economist Dan Ariely presents two eye-opening experiments that reveal our unexpected and nuanced attitudes toward meaning in our work.

Gadget Box: A Handy Built for BlackBerry Application

I like to think of myself as a handy guy, but in actuality, I'm not. Oh I have a garage full of tools: hammers, saws, power tools of all shapes and sizes, I just don't use them very much. As it turns out, the tool I use most is a hammer.

COMAN: Researchers build first fully-limbed passive compliant robot (w/ video)

( ?Researchers at the Italian Institute of Technology with funding from the European AMARSI project have built the first passive compliant robot that features both arms and legs. Passive comp

COMAN: Researchers build first fully-limbed passive compliant robot (w/ video)

( ?Researchers at the Italian Institute of Technology with funding from the European AMARSI project have built the first passive compliant robot that features both arms and legs. Passive comp

Raspberry Pi GSM gateway

If you travel a lot, you'll be used to absurd roaming charges when you use your mobile phone. But sometimes your phone's an absolute necessity - those of us at the Foundation can't really go overseas for work or for holiday without paying those charges, because we need to be in touch with the office and with a lot of other people around the world who need to talk about things Pi.

Weekly Podcast 04/09/2013

Qt 5.0.2 Released

Today we are releasing Qt 5.0.2 - the second patch release of Qt 5.0 series. I am extremely happy about the interest towards Qt 5 as well as the amount of improvements we have been able to add into the Qt 5.0.2 release.

Research | Mathematicians Predict the Future With Data From the Past

Research | Mathematicians Predict the Future With Data From the Past
In Issac Asimov's c

Introducing &quot;x-default hreflang&quot; for international landing pages

Webmaster Level: All

The homepages of multinational and multilingual websites are sometimes configured to point visitors to localized pages, either via redirects or by changing the content

Using Redis with ASP.NET Web API at

In this article I am going to show how to use Redis as a data store in a ASP.NET Web API application. I will implement a basic scenario that leverages ServiceStack.Redis library and its strongly typed Redis client, show how to model and store one-to-many relationships and how to use Web API dependency injection capabilities along with Autofac to inject repositories into controllers.

Building a shopping cart with SignalR, ASP.NET Web API and Knockout.js

K Filip W In this tutorial we will go through a process of building a sample shopping cart with real time capabilities. On top of that, we'll also throw in a real time admin order overview.

A week of symfony #327 (1-&gt;7 April 2013)

A week of symfony #327 (1->7 April 2013) This week, Symfony 2.2.1 was released, including tens of fixes and tweaks. In addition, it was announced that the first international SymfonyCon will be held in Warzaw, Poland in December. Lastly, a new Symfony 2.3 code sprint was announced for the Friday, April 12th.

OAuth with ASP.NET MVC and WorldDomination.Web.Authentication

Posted 05 February 2013 | ASP.NET MVC This post is a follow on from my previous post OAuth with NancyFX and WorldDomination.Web.Authentication except this demonstrates how you can use WorldDomination.Web.Authentication with ASP.NET MVC, writing only minimal code in the process.