Thursday 2 May 2013

Running With SSL

An important part of any production site is protecting user logins and data. Many sites can be built without the need for SSL because they do not have users authenticating to them or updates are on

Theme Selection Per Action

I had a need on a custom web application project recently to use more than one theme in Orchard, one for the standard front-end of the website and one for a back-end portion of my custom module. Af

Creating A Theme From A WrapBootstrap Template - Part 3

In our previous post, we completed the header and navigation containers in our Layout.cshtml. In this post, we're going to work on the main content container and the footer. I decided to break up the Layout.cshtml file into multiple blog posts because there is so much going on in this file to define the site structure that a single blog post would have been too long.

Creating A Theme From A WrapBootstrap Template - Part 2

In our previous post, we setup the bulk of the file structure for our theme including scr

Creating A Theme From A WrapBootstrap Template - Part 1

If you're a Twitter Bootstrap fan like myself, then you're already familiar with how easy it is to work with the styles and scripts included with Bootstrap. If you haven't discovered WrapBootstrap yet, you're in for a treat. WrapBootstrap is another website that sells templates, however, all of the templates on WrapBootstrap are built using Twitter Bootstrap.

How to wear Google Glass like a pro

A tech consultant who's been wearing Google Glass daily for two weeks offers observations and tips to living with Glass. Mobile tech consultant Lisa Oshima has been sporting Google Glass every day for about two weeks after being selected in the Google IO lottery, shelling out $1,500 and getting fitted at Google (where discovering her ears weren't as symmetric as she thought) Here's some of what she's experienced, observed and learned.

Strong Dart Presence at Google I/O 2013

Join us at Google I/O 2013 in San Francisco's Moscone Center from May 15 through 17.

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Robot bees take first flight

Harvard University researchers have conducted the first controlled flight of so-called "RoboBees," which weigh less than a tenth of a gram. (Credit: Kevin Ma and Pakpong Chirarattananon) After more than a decade of work, Harvard University researchers have finally gotten the so-called "RoboBee" to take flight.

Robo Raven Achieves Bird-like Flight

Ornithopers have been around for many years and robots based on the concept are not new. But, according to a UMD n

DARPA robotic hand prototype shows advanced moves (w/ video)

( ?Robotic hands designed and engineered for versatility and dexterity in handling harmful, harmless, small, large, light, and heavy objects tease robotics teams today. The US government's DA

DARPA robotic hand prototype shows advanced moves (w/ video)

( ?Robotic hands designed and engineered for versatility and dexterity in handling harmful, harmless, small, large, light, and heavy objects tease robotics teams today. The US government's DA

Printable bionic ear sends hearing to the dogs

Scientists have created a 3D-printed cartilage ear with an antenna that extends hearing far beyond the normal human range. (Credit: Frank Wojciechowski) Using off-the-shelf 3D printing tools, silver nanoparticles, and cell culture, scientists at Princeton University have created a functional bionic ear that can detect radio frequencies far beyond the normal human range.

Wishing WaveMaker good luck at Pramati

Well, it's found a new steward and home. The SpringSource team is confident WaveMaker has a bright future at Pramati, whose expertise in Java, Cloud and Mobile Computing will serve it well. WaveMaker's recent releases had all been centered around mobile and cloud support, making it a natural fit for Pramati's goals.

UN report wants moratorium on killer robots (Update)

15:07, Electronics/Robotics In this undated artist's rendering provided by BAE Systems, Taranis aircraft is shown. A new United Nations draft report posted online this week objects to the use of weapons systems like the Taranis that can attack targets without any human input. The report for the U.N.

UN report wants moratorium on killer robots (Update)

15:07, Electronics/Robotics In this undated artist's rendering provided by BAE Systems, Taranis aircraft is shown. A new United Nations draft report posted online this week objects to the use of weapons systems like the Taranis that can attack targets without any human input. The report for the U.N.

Robotic insects make first controlled flight

In the very early hours of the morning, in a Harvard robotics laboratory last summer, an insect took flight. Half the size of a paperclip, weighing less than a tenth of a gram, it leaped a few inches,

Streaming to YouTube Live? Put an API on it!

If your YouTube channel can live strea

A better button-down? Entrepreneur promises self-cleaning shirt

Marketing grad raises big Kickstarter bucks on claims his shirt can be worn time and again, doesn't wrinkle, and remains odor-free -- without a single washing.

Originally posted at <a href="http://

Access Google Keep with the new Chrome app

[Cross-posted from the <a href="" style="f

Fast digital forensics sniff out accomplices

WHEN a suspect is apprehended, their computers, phones and other devices become important sources of evidence. But mining all that data - a typical case can involve several terabytes of information - takes time, and usually requires specially trained officers. Backlogs can delay investigations for weeks. Not for much longer.

Student Proposal deadline for Google Summer of Code hours away

New digital-camera tech uses a bug's view on the world

Researchers say the insect-inspired technology can provide full, 180-degree fields of view with no interpretive mistakes in image quality. (Credit: University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign) A team of researchers at several universities around the world has created a new digital camera technology that takes cues from bug eyes.

Bug-eyed! This digital camera tech gives 180-degree view

Researchers say the insect-inspired technology can provide full, 180-degree fields of view with no interpretive mistakes in image quality. (Credit: University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign) A team of researchers at several universities around the world has created a new digital camera technology that takes cues from bug eyes.

New, more accurate way of imaging lung cancer tumors

Scientists have devised a new computational method for assessing lung cancer tumors using CT, PET or MRI diagnostic technologies. The method, called single click ensemble segmentation (SCES), uses a n

NASA's Fermi telescope dodges a 3,100-pound bullet

Evasive actions had to be taken to ensure the spacecraft wouldn't end in a massive collision high above Earth.

Originally posted at <a href="

Juan Enriquez: Your online life, permanent as a tattoo - (watch video)

What if Andy Warhol had it wrong, and instead of being famous for 15 minutes, we're only anonymous for that long? In this short talk, Juan Enriquez looks at the surprisingly permanent effects of digital sharing on our personal privacy. He shares insight from the ancient Greeks to help us deal with our new "digital tattoos."

BlackBerry Jam Unplugged: BBM APIs

Hot off the press is the latest episode of the BlackBerry Jam Unplugged series where we learn a little more about BBM integr

Data Centers | The Real Reason ARM Will Menace Intel in the Data Center

Data Centers | The Real Reason ARM Will Menace Intel in the Data Center
A team of res

Participants and spectators at the heavy-ion fireball

Heavy-ion collisions are used at CERN and other laboratories to re-create conditions of high temperature and high energy density, similar to those that must have characterized the first i

Blast off game

Here?s another little snippet of video from Mike Cook. This game is one of the projects you?ll be able to make with Raspberry Pi for Dummies (

Need a shot of creative juices? Call the crowd

Editorial: " To make your star quality real, you need a roadmap" WHETHER you're a software developer, an engineer, or just designing a family greeting card, chances are you've been stuck on a creative project at one point or another.

Sphinx 2.0.8-release is Available

We're happy to announce that Sphinx 2.0.8, the generally recommended release, is now available. In case you are wondering, to us, "generally recommended release" means that all features are stable and complete. We know that some of you are already making use of the shiny new features included in the beta release, but we would like to tell the rest of you about Sphinx 2.0.8.

Google, Nike, Jawbone and the fight to win wearable computing

The market is still young. But companies big and small are positioning themselves to be at the center of the wearable computing business when it explodes. (Credit: Jawbone) When wireless headset company Jawbone announced plans Tuesday to buy wearable sensor maker BodyMedia for what a source said was more than $100 million, it may well have marked a turning point for wearable computing.

Amazon Payments module for UK merchants

We are pleased to announce the launch of the Amazon Payments module for UK merchants. This module is free to download and is available on the extensions directory <a href="

Japanese Role-Playing Game, Usability checklist and more

From the blog YDN Blog: Every Thursday is Tech Thursday where we share a random assortment of technical links we found and liked. Here are some JavaScript best practices to get you coding like a pro. If you never wrote a shell script, Writing a ... Continue reading ?

NASA Opens New Era in Measuring Western U.S. Snowpack

NASA Opens New Era in Measuring Western U.S. Snowpack WASHINGTON -- A new NASA airborne mission has created the first maps of the entire snowpack of two major mountain watersheds in California and Colorado, producing the most accurate measurements to date of how much water they hold.

NASA Astrophysicist Elected to National Academy of Sciences

NASA Astrophysicist Elected to National Academy of Sciences WASHINGTON -- NASA astrophysicist Chryssa Kouveliotou, a senior scientist at NASA's Marshall Space Flight Center in Huntsville, Ala., has been selected for membership in the National Academy of Sciences, in recognition of her distinguished and continuing achievements in original scientific research.

Penny Pinching in the Cloud: Enabling New Relic Performance Monitoring on Windows Azure Websites

I've been looking for ways to save money running my (now 12) websites in the cloud lately. Getting insights from logs has been helpful, but I really want more details as to what my app is doing so

Connector/C 6.1

Connector/C (libmysqlclient) is a client library for C development.

Book Review: The Meteor Book

Discover Meteor, by Sacha Greif and Tom Coleman

Sacha Greif sent me a copy of <a href="http://w

Please update to the latest version of Web Essentials 2012 after installing VS2012 Update 2

After releasing ASP.NET and Web Tools 2012.2, which is also included in Visual Studio 2012 update 2, we?ve received a few customer feedback about their VS shows an error dialog saying: An exception ha

Computer algorithms help find cancer connections

Using powerful algorithms developed by computer scientists, medical researchers have assembled the most complete genetic profile yet of acute myeloid leukemia, an aggressive form of blood cancer.<img

Microsoft Invites You to Join the Cloud Conversation!

The 3 rd Annual Future of Cloud Computing Survey has just been launched by North Bridge and GigaOM Research. We are participating in this survey because your feedback on cloud computing is important to us and the industry.

Galera Flow Control in Percona XtraDB Cluster for MySQL

Last week at Percona Live, I delivered a six-hour tutorial about Percona XtraDB Cluster (PXC) for MySQL. I actually had more material than I covered (by design), but one thing I regret we didn't cover was Flow control. So, I thought I'd write a post covering flow control because it is important to understand.