Saturday 27 April 2013

Day 1 of Hack Europe: London is Smashing!

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Coming soon: A Breathalyzer for pot and cocaine?

Scientists in Sweden believe they've made a breakthrough in creating a machine that police can use to detect high drivers.

Originally posted at <a href="

An interactive corset teaching you how to breath

RUAH is an interactive corset powered by Arduino Lilypad and created by Giulia Tomasello for her BA graduation project. Its main aim is to help people into learning the importance and the benefits of a deep diaphragmatic breathing. The circuit is composed by a sensor sewn on an elastic belt and an actuator placed inside the corset.

At Shapeways facility, order emerges from 3D-printed chaos

One of the leading companies in the 3D-printing services industry, Shapeways has figured out a very efficient way to print hundreds of items. It looks like the aftermath of a flood.

Happiness tracking software could gauge mood in photos

Home | Tech | News SMILE - you're on camera! If you want a quick way to pick out the happiest snaps from a wedding or judge the changing mood of a crowd, now there's software that can do it for you.

Windows Azure: Improvements to Virtual Networks, Virtual Machines, Cloud Services and a new Ruby SDK

This morning we released some great enhancements to Windows Azure. These new capabilities include: Virtual Networks : New Point-to-Site Connectivity (very cool!), Software VPN Device and Dynamic DNS S