Sunday 12 May 2013

A week of symfony #332 (6->12 May 2013)

This week, Symfony 2.3.0 released its second and last beta version. Among other features, this version supports the <a href="http

Hottest places for innovation(new car)

Ever since they were invented over a hundred years ago, cars have been on the cutting edge of technology. It seems that every time you see a car commercial on TV, they're announcing the addition of a new gadget or a new feature.

DIY $200 Robotic Hand with Arduino Uno

Instructables user aaronthomen posted a couple of videos about his ingenious robotic hand and a controller he designed and built for less than $200. The first video shows the hand in action and the second one explains how he made it.

Spur-of-the-moment spacewalk a first for NASA, space station

An impromptu spacewalk triggered by the sight of ammonia flakes drifting past a window of the International Space Station wraps up with a replaced pump and a plan for "additional detective work."

Samsung shows off new flexible display technology; Bill Clinton appears as guest

<img title="Gadget_Show_Samsung_088fb" src="http://newtechnologyinventi

Your very own drone, to follow you home

Universal Air got its start with a $15,000 Kickstarter campaign that earned $220,000. Now it wants to make drones that can autonomously follow you around. Without an Internet signal. Imagine carving your way down a particularly challenging slope, your skis kicking up clouds of snow, trees flying by, your death-defying stunts captured perfectly on camera.

WordPress 3.6 Beta 3

WordPress 3.6 Beta 3 is now available! This is software still in development and we really don't recommend that you run it on a production site - set up a test site just to play with the new version. To test WordPress 3.6, try the WordPress Beta Tester plugin (you'll want "bleeding edge nightlies").

Security Fix: CakePHP 2.3.5 released

CakePHP 2.3.5 has just been released to fix a critical issue with how the webroot property in CakeRequest is handled that could potentially lead to XSS attacks on certain pages. In the following days we will offer a full description of the vulnerability and how it can be exploited, after some reasonable time has passed for our users to upgrade.

Desktop Othermill carves out circuit boards, jewelry

This successful Kickstarter project lets you make anything from printed circuits to brass earrings and molds for precision parts. (Credit: Kickstarter) What if you could easily add custom-designed circuits to DIY projects like 3D-printed stuff? Here's a small mill that can churn them out with precision and power.

Passenger plane flies 800 kilometres without a pilot

Say hello to the droneliner. A business plane has flown an 800-kilometre round trip in civilian airspace without the pilot onboard operating the its controls. Instead, the plane flew itself like an outsized drone with continual monitoring of its autonomous manoeuvres performed by a pilot based on the ground.

Redirecting ASP.NET Legacy URLs to Extensionless with the IIS Rewrite Module

ASP.NET has included support for "friendly URLs" for a while now. ASP.NET MVC has always supported friendly URLs and more recently, so has Web Forms. That means if you don't want to have

The results are in: Hardcode, the secure coding contest for App Engine

Author Photo

Windows Azure Community News Roundup (Edition #65)

Welcome to the newest edition of our weekly roundup of the latest community-driven news, content and conversations about cloud computing and Windows Azure.

PyOhio 2013 Call for Proposals due June 1st

News from the Python community: PyOhio 2013 Call for Proposals due June 1st PyOhio (July 27-28, 2013, Columbus, OH, USA) has released its Call for Proposals, due June 1. See Python 3.2.4 and 3.3.1 have been released Python 3.2.4 and Python 3.3.1 final have been released.

Staying centered

The following is a post from Frank X. Shaw, Corporate Vice President of Corporate Communications at Microsoft.

There are many advantages to living in a world t

Symfony 2.3.0 Beta 2 released

A week after the release of the first Symfony 2.3 beta, here is the second and last one.

If you want to help us, please, test this version on your existing projects or play with it on a new

The Pirate Bay now offering banned 3D-printed gun files

The State Department has successfully demanded the removal of the files from Defcad. The Pirate Bay has picked up the slack. (Credit: Screenshot by Dara Kerr/CNET) For those who worry that even 24 hours without the ability to download 3D-printed gun blueprints is too much, fret no more: The Pirate Bay is on the case.

Stuff The Internet Says On Scalability For May 10, 2013

Friday, May 10, 2013 at 9:00AM Hey, it's HighScalability time: Nanoscale: Plants IM Using Nanoscale Sound Waves; 100 petabytes: CERN data storage Quotable Quotes: Geoff Arnold: Arguably all interesting advances in computer science and software engineering occur when a resource that was previously scarce or expensive becomes cheap and plentiful.

NASA Sets TV Briefing Today to Discuss Space Station Status

NASA Sets TV Briefing Today to Discuss Space Station Status HOUSTON -- NASA managers will discuss the status of the International Space Station, including the latest on an external cooling loop leak that developed Thursday, during a televised briefing today at 3 p.m. CDT (4 p.m. EDT).

NASA Extends Safety and Mission Assurance Contract at Marshall

NASA Extends Safety and Mission Assurance Contract at Marshall HUNTSVILLE, Ala. -- NASA has exercised a second two-year award term option with Bastion Technologies Inc. of Houston for continued services to support the Safety and Mission Assurance Directorate at the agency's Marshall Space Flight Center in Huntsville, Ala.

Welcome to the Google Cloud Platform blog

Welcome to the Google Cloud Platform blog, the evolution of the Google App Engine blog, which continues as a key component of our broader Google Cloud Platform vision. On this blog, you can find product updates, developer tips, and other content related to Google Cloud Platform.

Tune in live to Google Cloud Platform at Google I/O 2013

Google I/O 2013 is only a week away! We look forward to sharing updates across Google Cloud Platform. Here's everything you need to know to keep up with the latest happenings at I/O. This year, we will have a Google Cloud Platform track kickoff given by Urs Holzle, Senior Vice President of Technical Infrastructure, on Wednesday, May 15th at 12:45 PM Pacific.

Bringing Debian to Google Compute Engine

This was an exciting week for the Debian community who released Debian 7.0 ?wheezy? that brings big impro

Automatically Process Cloud Storage Uploads with Change Notifications

Do your customers upload files to Google Cloud Storage for your applications to process? For example, a photo app

Windows Azure Community News Roundup (Edition #62)

Welcome to the newest edition of our weekly roundup of the latest community-driven news, content and conversations about cloud computing and Windows Azure.

App Engine 1.7.7 Released

3 weeks following our last release, the App Engine team is happy to announce 1.7.7. We plan to deliver our Google I/O release next month. Outbound sockets moved to Preview Outbound sockets is now in preview in this release for and .

Python 2.5, thanks for the good times

Python 2.5 has a special place in the heart of any

Google Compute Engine - Expanded Availability, New Features, and Lower Prices

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Integrate Voice and SMS with Twilio on Google Cloud Platform

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Education Awards on Google App Engine

Last year we invited proposals for innovative projects built on Google's infrastructure. Today we are pleased to announce the 11 recipients of a Google App Engine Education Award . Professors and their students are using the award in cloud computing courses to study databases, distributed systems, web mashups and to build educational applications.

App Engine 1.7.6 Released

The App Engine team is continuing to make monthly improvements to our platform. We have a number of new features and fixes for this month's release. New App Engine billing system for paid applications We're making it easier to pay for App Engine each billing cycle by transitioning to a new billing system.

Using Tailbone to talk to App Engine with JavaScript

Today's post comes from Doug Fritz from the Data Arts Team of the Google Creative Lab. In this post, Doug shares a small open source project for reading and writing to the Google App Engine Datastore with JavaScript.

Python 2.5, thanks for the good times

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Improve your App Engine skills with Google Developers Academy

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Deploying App Engine apps with DevTable

Today's post comes from Jake Moshenko, founder of DevTable. DevTable is a collaborative hosted IDE which aims to provide a single development environment that can be accessed online from any device or location. It also allows you to collaborate on projects in real-time with your teammates.

New Google Cloud Platform case studies - including Angry Birds and more

One of the most rewarding parts of working on is seeing our developers create groundbreaking new applications on top of our infrastructure. To help our current and prospective users gain insight into the vast array of these applications, we recently added a section to the Online travel agency used Google App Engine Google Cloud Platform site with a collection of case studies .

Google Cloud Platform introduces new support packages

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Java 7 and Cloud Endpoints Preview

New Google App Engine training videos now available

Do you wonder how orchestrates hundreds of instances so smoothly? Can you imagine how and transactions work behind the scenes? Do you want to know the magic of how App Engine experts dramatically reduce traffic costs using edge caching? We've just published a series of great App Engine training videos to help you better understand our platform.

App Engine 1.7.5 Released

After a brief break last month, the App Engine team is back on our monthly release cycle. We made lots of improvements to our platform in 2012 and look forward to delivering more this year. In 1.7.5, we are releasing High-Memory Instances and Mail Bounce Notifications to General Availability.

Research Projects on Google App Engine

Last spring Google University Relations <a href="

Scaling SongPop to 60 million users with App Engine and Google Cloud Storage

Continuing our Developer Insights series, today's guest bloggers are Olivier Michon, CTO, and Alexis Hanicotte, software engineer, from Fresh Planet, maker of the popular mobile application SongPop. SongPop is a social application where players compete to be the fastest to guess the name of a song or artist.

Find sample code and more for Google Cloud Platform, now on GitHub

Today's post introduces the Google Cloud Platform organization on GitHub, which includes samples and tools for App Engine developers. You can now find Google Cloud Platform on ! The GitHub organization for Google Cloud Platform is your destination for samples and tools relating to , , Compute Engine , and Cloud Storage .

Calling all coders: Hardcode, the secure coding contest for App Engine


Mobile voucher sales terminal in Africa powered by App Engine

Today's guest blogger is Dale Humby, CTO of . Nomanini is a startup based in South Africa which provides a platform to sell prepaid products such as airtime, electricity and insurance electronically. In this post, Dale explains how the backend systems of their flagship device, Lula, run on App Engine.

App Engine 1.7.4 Released

The Google App Engine team has been busy putting together our final release of 2012. This release includes a number of features graduating from Experimental status as well as the usual batch of bug fixes and improvements. We'll be taking a short break from our monthly release cycle over the holidays, but we'll be back to our normal schedule starting in February.