Thursday 18 April 2013

FAA said to be near approving Boeing's Dreamliner battery fix

The FAA is rumored to be near announcing that the grounded jets are now good to fly after redesigned fireproof batteries have safely been installed on the planes. (Credit: Boeing) After three months of sitting on the ground, it's looking like Boeing's 787 Dreamliner jets may be able to soar again.

New algorithm helps evaluate, rank scientific literature

Keeping up with current scientific literature is a daunting task, considering that hundreds to thousands of papers are published each day. Now researchers have developed a computer program to help the

Google Summer of Code Veteran Mentors

ZenPayroll (YC W12) and Xero form cloud-based accounting partnership to rival the likes of ADP and QuickBooks

With this new relationship, small businesses can now choose between traditional industry powerhouses ADP and Intuit/QuickBooks for their accounting needs, or this cloud-based accounting paradigm that ZenPayroll and Xero hope to offer them.

jQuery 2.0 Released

jQuery: The Write Less, Do More, JavaScript Library

Maine company unveils high-tech SWAT team robot

Brothers Michael and Geoff Howe say the "SWAT robot" keeps SWAT teams and other first responders safe in standoffs and while confronting armed suspects. It also can provide cover from suspected explosive devices, like those set off Monday at the Boston Marathon. Howe and Howe Technologies Inc.

Maine company unveils high-tech SWAT team robot

Brothers Michael and Geoff Howe say the "SWAT robot" keeps SWAT teams and other first responders safe in standoffs and while confronting armed suspects. It also can provide cover from suspected explosive devices, like those set off Monday at the Boston Marathon. Howe and Howe Technologies Inc.

A new way to predict breast cancer survival

Researchers at Columbia University win a breast cancer prognosis challenge with a new computational model, which could potentially improve models for diagnosing and treating many types of cancer. A researcher who used to work in digital television has just led a team of Columbia University engineers to win the Sage Bionetworks / DREAM Breast Cancer Prognosis Challenge.

NASA has found 7 nice, habitable planets for us to choose from

The space agency's Kepler space telescope has located super-Earth-size planets that might just be able to support life as we know it. (Credit: NASA Ames/JPL-Caltech) NASA, that wily band of intergalactic peepers, says it's spied three distant planets in two different solar systems that are within the habitable zone.

NASA has found 3 nice, habitable planets for us to choose from

The agency's Kepler space telescope locates three planets -- in two new planetary systems -- that are the right distance from their suns to make them potentially life-supporting.

Originally posted

MooTools Conference

This year we?re thinking about getting everyone in the MooTools community together, in one place, for a weekend to meet up, chat, discuss, and have an all-around good time. That?s right, we?re tryi

AI could help investigation of Boston Marathon bombing

When two bombs tore through crowds at the Boston Marathon on Monday, cameras caught the tragedy from myriad angles, and in heart-wrenching detail. Investigators are now poring over the mountains of footage and still imagery shot from CCTV cameras, TV crews, cellphones and even cameras mounted on runners' heads.

Django now available on Windows Azure

Editor's Note: This post comes from Nir Mashkowski. Django is a high-level Python Web framework that encourages rapid development and clean, pragmatic design. Django is now available in the Windows Azure Web Application Gallery. This tutorial shows you how to create a website on Azure for Django Framework in just a few clicks.

Andres Lozano: Parkinson's, depression and the switch that might turn them off - (watch video)

Deep brain stimulation is becoming very precise. This technique allows surgeons to place electrodes in almost any area of the brain, and turn them up or down -- like a radio dial or thermostat -- to correct dysfunction.

NASA'S Kepler Discovers its Smallest 'Habitable Zone' Planets to Date

NASA'S Kepler Discovers its Smallest 'Habitable Zone' Planets to Date WASHINGTON -- NASA's Kepler mission has discovered two new planetary systems that include three super-Earth-size planets in the "habitable zone," the range of distance from a star where the surface temperature of an orbiting planet might be suitable for liquid water.

NASA's Kepler spacecraft to reveal new planetary discoveries?

The space agency is announcing new sightings found by the Kepler spacecraft mission. (Credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech) NASA's Kepler spacecraft has been in hot pursuit of extraterrestrial life for four years now. And, on Thursday, it's letting people know just what it's found lurking in the Milky Way.

Microsoft.Bcl.Async is Now Stable

It's done. About five months ago, we shipped our Microsoft.Bcl.Async NuGet package which provides support for the async/await keywords for pre-.NET 4.5 platforms, such as .NET 4, Silverlight 4, and Windows Phone 7.5. Of course, this includes support for portable class libraries as well.

Try Out ASP.NET Web API CORS Support using the Nightly Builds

Recently we just added the support for CORS in Web API. You can find more information on this from our Channel 9 video. Although the feature is checked in, it's not officially released yet. Nevertheless, you can try it out using our signed nightly builds.

Owin, Katana and Getting Started

Friday, April 05, 2013 9:19 AM Introduction This article describes an emerging open source specification, referred to as Owin - An Open Web Interface for .Net, what it is, and how this might be beneficial to the .Net technology stack. It will also provide a brief, concise look at how to get started with Owin and related technologies.

New teeny-tiny battery charges in less than a second

A lithium ion micro-battery out of the University of Illinois is just millimeters in size, can jump-start a car battery, and recharges in less than a second. It's not ready for market just yet, though. (Credit: Beckman Institute for Advanced Science and Technology) One of the biggest bugbears of smartphones is just how much juice they drain -- and how long they take to recharge.

PageSpeed Service makes mobile sites faster

Author Photo

By Ra

Data Centers | Facebook Lets You Spy On Its Data Centers

Data Centers | Facebook Lets You Spy On Its Data Centers
If you walk into the lobby o

OpenCart one of the Best Ranked Ecommerce Solutions in the World!

After looking over some stats on I thought I would post some stats about OpenCart and some of our competitors.

Facebook SDK for .NET - Featured in the Facebook Technology Partner program

AngularJS: Let's Make a Feed Reader

I?m looking forward to seeing what services appear to fill Google Reader?s wake. Reeder and Press are my

Connector/C++ 1.1

All distributions of Connector/C++ contain a README file, which contains platform-specific notes. At the end of the README file contained in the binary distribution you will find the settings used to build the binaries. If you experience build-related issues on a platform, it may help to check the settings used on the platform to build the binary.

Sphinx @ Percona Live: Update

The Percona Live: MySQL User Conference is just around the corner! Before we begin our trek to San Jose, we want to provide you with one last announcement about our upcoming activities. First of all, as we've previously mentioned, Andrew Aksyonoff (Sphinx's founder) is going to be delivering a Sphinx tutorial on the 22nd of April at 1:30pm - 4:30pm in Ballroom H.

Lunar Landing, Guides and Grids and more

Every Thursday is Tech Thursday where we share a random assortment of technical links we found and liked. 'Into the Arctic' is an interactive campaign from Greenpeace allowing you to go on an expediti

Texas disaster: What links fertilisers and explosions?

An explosion at a fertiliser plant in the town of West, near Waco, Texas, has injured over 160 people and caused up to 15 deaths. Nearby buildings were also destroyed by the blast, which occurred at 7.50 pm local time (12.50 am GMT).

BlackBerry Jam Unplugged: Cordova and WebWorks

Continuing our BlackBerry Jam Unplugged series, we?ve now posted the latest episode which gives a little more information ar

Oliver and Amelia make a bee box

Oliver is five, and has produced this lovely bee box for school. He did the modelling, the painting and some of the soldering, and had lots of help from his very talented big sister Amelia, who is

Robot hands gain a gentler touch: Tactile sensing technology builds on tiny barometer chips

What use is a hand without nerves, that can't tell what it's holding? A hand that lifts a can of soda to your lips, but inadvertently tips or crushes it in the process? Scientists have now developed a

Miracle mix looks like liquid but shatters like glass

WALKING on water is possible - just as long as it contains corn starch. Now it seems this miracle mixture, dubbed oobleck, can also shatter like glass. Knowing how and why could help guide its use in soft body armour and car suspensions.

International Space Station to get 787-style batteries

NASA is pressing ahead with a plan to install lithium-ion batteries on the International Space Station (ISS), New Scientist has learned. The batteries are similar to those used on Boeing's 787 Dreamliner aircraft, all 50 of which have been taken out of commercial service worldwide since January following battery fires on two planes.

Sequoia supercomputer transitions to classified work

07:32, Electronics/Hardware The Sequoia supercomputer.The National Nuclear Security Administration (NNSA) today announced that its Sequoia supercomputer at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL) has completed its transition to classified computing in support of the Stockpile Stewardship Program, which helps the United States ensure the safety, security and effectiveness of its aging nuclear weapons stockpile without the use of underground testing.

Raspberry Pi colocation

In late February we began giving people the opportunity to colocate their Raspberry Pi in our data center - for free. Now, almost two months later, we have over 400 people making use of the initiative with new signups still coming in daily.

Mobile | Siri Remembers Your Secrets, But for How Long?

Not everyone realizes this, but whenever you use Siri, Apple's voice-controlled digital assistant, she remembers what you tell her. How long does she remember? Apple isn't saying. And the American Civil Liberties Union is concerned. A few years back, pressure from privacy advocates and the European Union forced Google, Yahoo, and Microsoft to clear up exactly what they were doing with search data.

Rotating MySQL slow logs safely

This blog post is part two of two. Like part one, published Wednesday, this is a cross

Equipping teens with hands-on approach to robots

Hello, I am Frank Magazu. I am 16 years old and go to school in Pasco, Florida. I make robots with the Arduino and got interviewed by my school district. Here is a video of me. Thanks for helping me become proficient at robotics as well as electronics and programing in general.

Next Evolution of Facebook Platform for Mobile

Today, we are hosting our Mobile Developer Conference in New York City, where we?re introducing the next evolution o under Open Governance

Right before Qt Developer Days in Berlin, November 2012, we began discussing with the moderators how to bring rest of the Qt Project into Open Governance. This includes the conte

NASA's Kepler spacecraft to reveal it discovered aliens?

The space agency is announcing new sightings found by the Kepler spacecraft mission. (Credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech) NASA's Kepler spacecraft has been in hot pursuit of extraterrestrial life for four years now. And, on Thursday, it's letting people know just what it's found lurking in the Milky Way.

HapiFork: Vibrating novelty or health revolution?

The vibrating fork designed to curb quick bites heads to Kickstarter. (Credit: James Martin/CNET) When HapiFork first debuted at the Consumer Electronics Show in January, the brightly-colored, vibrating fork caused a stir, landing press coverage from all over the world, including a mention on The Colbert Report.

MySQL Installer 5.6

MySQL Installer provides an easy to use, wizard-based installation experience for all your MySQL software needs. Included in the product are the latest versions of:

Amazon RDS for Oracle Now Supports Transparent Data Encryption and Native Network Encryption

We have good news to share. Many of you have told us that data encryption, at rest and in transit, is very important to you as you move mission-critical database workloads to Amazon RDS. Today, Ama

Amazon DynamoDB Announces Support for Local Secondary Indexes

We are thrilled to announce that we have expanded the query capabilities of DynamoDB. We call the newest capability Local Secondary Indexes (LSI). While DynamoDB already allows you to perform l

Instagram fan makes a DIY wooden photo-booth

Photographer and Instructables user Alexander Morris created a giant Instagram inspired photo-booth and published all the steps to make one yourself. It's the perfect solution to pimp-up your parties! What's inside of the box?

MySQL Community Server 5.6

MySQL Community Edition is a freely downloadable version of the world's most popular open source database that is supported by an active community of open source developers and enthusiasts.