Friday 12 April 2013

ReelSurfer (YC S12) gets a makeover, adds NY Times and ESPN

Y Combinator grad ReelSurfer is an instant video editor, born out of its founders frustration of trying to find clips, quotes and scenes from their favorite movies on YouTube and other video sites.

Fridaygram: fiber marches on, your brain on music, Earth from orbit

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NASA Selects Explorer Projects To Probe Earth's Upper Atmosphere

NASA Selects Explorer Projects To Probe Earth's Upper Atmosphere WASHINGTON -- NASA has selected a new satellite mission and a new space-based instrument to begin development as part of the agency's Heliophysics Explorer Program. The projects will provide space observations to study Earth's ionosphere and thermosphere.

Scaling Out with the SignalR 1.1 Beta

SignalR 1.1 beta We released SignalR 1.1 yesterday with a bunch of performance improvements and new features (detailed in the release notes). Among these new features, were improvements to the .NET client including the ability to set custom headers, client certificates and a custom JSON serializer.

Deploying an ASP.NET Website to Azure in Visual Studio 2012 from a Git Repository Directly

Deploying an ASP.NET Website to Azure in Visual Studio 2012 from a Git Repository directly Posted by: Suprotim Agarwal , on 4/11/2013, in Category Windows Azure Abstract: Explore how to deploy our own ASP.NET WebSite in Visual Studio, using the Git plugin to commit the code to Git and see how we can connect Windows Azure to our repository Azure Websites as we know is a 'platform as a service' offering allowing Azure subscribers to quickly deploy various type of web-applications.

ASP.NET 4.5 Web Forms Features - Strongly-Typed Data Controls

Dan Wahlin begins a series looing at new features in ASP.NET Web Forms with a look at strongly typed data controls.

Language and Spatio-temporal Cognition

We're all familiar with the checkered history of the Whorf Hypothesis; the idea that a person's worldview and cognition are limited by their language. At first it was widely accepted, to t

Alternative Limb Project creates gorgeously surreal prosthetics

The Alternative Limb Project not only produces realistic limbs for amputees. It also creates bespoke, one-of-a-kind pieces of wearable limb art. (Credit: Alternative Limb Project) It's hard to imagine life without a limb -- not just the physical difficulties, but how it might affect your relationship with your body, and your sense of how you're perceived by the world around you.

Study: Anxiety and alcohol use linked to Facebook

College freshmen who report higher levels of anxiety and alcohol use are more likely to feel emotionally connected with the social networking site than those who don't. (Credit: James Martin/CNET) In a quest to learn what leads some people to turn to Facebook to connect with others, doctoral student Russell Clayton of the Missouri School of Journalism found that anxiety and alcohol use seem to play a big role.

Uber to take on Lyft, Sidecar with ridesharing service

The controversial private car service says it will roll out the service in places where regulators aren't shutting down other existing carpooling businesses. (Credit: Uber) Uber announced today that it plans to start ridesharing services where other companies, like Lyft and Sidecar, have already tested the waters.

What the Tablet-Laptop Hybrid Means for Web Developers

X-48 Project Completes Flight Research for Cleaner, Quieter Aircraft

X-48 Project Completes Flight Research for Cleaner, Quieter Aircraft EDWARDS, Calif. -- NASA's remotely piloted X-48C hybrid-wing-body subscale aircraft, which demonstrates technology concepts for cleaner and quieter commercial air travel, completed an eight-month flight research campaign on April 9. The C model of the X-48 aircraft flew its first flight at Edwards Aug.

BIQ House: World's first building powered by algae

An apartment building powered by algae bio-reactors will open in Hamburg, Germany, at the end of this month. There's long been speculation and research about algae's potential as a power source. The fast-growing plants waste three-quarters of the sunlight they absorb, so what if that energy could be captured and converted?

NASA TV Provides Coverage of Space Station Spacewalk

Two members of the Expedition 35 crew will venture outside the International Space Station April 19 for a six-hour spacewalk to deploy and retrieve several science experiments and install a new naviga

NASA Announces Challenges for the 2013 International Space Apps Challenge

NASA and over 150 partner organizations worldwide will be hosting the International Space Apps Challenge on April 20-21, 2013.

Your next phone camera might be able to sense depth

13:20, Electronics/Consumer & Gadgets The camera in your smartphone may soon have a new trick: depth perception. Toshiba, Samsung and Silicon Valley startup Pelican Imaging are developing image sensors and software that would allow cameras to detect the distance of objects within the scenes they photograph.

Symbols entities for Tweets

Twitter auto-links financial symbols (which look like $FOO) in Tweet text. These parsed symbols will soon be made available via the API under the Tweet "<a href="

Linked smartphones catch the action from all angles

Home | Tech | News WHAT'S better than a smartphone packed full of features and with lightning-fast processing power? How about a handful - or even hundreds - of smartphones wirelessly networked together?

Pin to Pinterest Feature Comes to Bing

Today, the Bing team unveiled the ?Pin to Pinterest? feature on Bing image search. <a href="

Mozilla Reconsiders, May Support WebP Image Format

Laura Snyder: The Philosophical Breakfast Club - (watch video)

In 1812, four men at Cambridge University met for breakfast. What began as an impassioned meal grew into a new scientific revolution, in which these men -- who called themselves "natural philosophers" until they later coined "scientist" -- introduced four major principles into scientific inquiry. Historian and philosopher Laura Snyder tells their intriguing story.

ZestJS, backbone-pageable, Marionette and Chaplin

Stuff The Internet Says On Scalability For April 12, 2013

Friday, April 12, 2013 at 9:25AM Hey, it's HighScalability time: 877,000 TPS: Erlang and VoltDB. Quotable Quotes: Hendrik Volkmer: Complexity + Scale => Reduced Reliability + Increased Chance of catastrophic failures @TheRealHirsty: This coffee could use some "scalability" @billcurtis_: Angular.js with Magento + S3 json file caching = wicked scalability Dan Milstein: Screw you Joel Spolsky, We're Rewriting It From Scratch!

LED lights could become network devices, too

Fraunhofer Institute has demonstrated how conventional LED lighting could be used to send and receive data to laptops or smartphones, with speeds up to 3Gbps. (Credit: Fraunhofer Institute) Today, you've got wireless networks that use radio waves and you've got optical networks that use light traveling in tiny glass fibers.

Web Font Services Compared, 20 Ways to Create Cool 3D Effects and more

From the blog YDN Blog: Normally, every Thursday is Tech Thursday where we share a random assortment of technical links we found and liked. Well today we're posting this on Friday, so I guess that makes it Tech Friday this week. If the Earth were ... Continue reading ?

Online juries help curb bad gamer behaviour

In the heat of the moment, online players often hurl abuse at one another - crowd-based justice can help bring them back into line THERE is a place where 75 people die every second, hacked to bits with giant flaming swords or blasted into the air with powerful magic.

PHP South Africa 2013

PHPSouthAfrica is a 2
day conference (October 4th & 5th) to be hosted in the most
beautiful city

Drone-wrecking laser gun to sail on US warship

Incinerating a million dollars' worth of equipment in 3 seconds flat is pretty easy if you're the US navy and you need to destroy a hostile drone: short-range interceptor missiles that will do the job cost up to $1.4 million.

Guest post: more high altitude ballooning from Dave Akerman

Liz: Tomorrow, Eben and I are getting up at sparrowfart to go and stand in a field with Dave Akerman, where we will "help" him launch a balloon equipped with a Pi.

LIU 2013: Injector teams present status

During its second year, in 2012, the preparation of the upgrades of the LHC Injectors progressed well. The injector teams learned to understand many aspects of beam performance, and defined ways of mitigating performance limitations. Major steps forward were made in the design and test of future equipment.

History | Tech Time Warp of the Week: AT&amp;T Uncloaks the Picturephone, 1970

History | Tech Time Warp of the Week: AT&T Uncloaks the Picturephone, 1970
On June 30, 19

Map of the internet could make it stronger

IN MANY ways the internet is like another country. It has its own communities, cultures and even currency. But its infrastructure - the fibre optic cables that span the globe, and the thousands of buildings housing servers and routers - passes through almost every nation.

BlackBerry 10 WebWorks Barcode Scanner by UCOSP Students