Tuesday 2 April 2013

ET deal roundup: $150 off Dell UltraSharp U2413, Linksys Wireless-N extender, more

Dell UltraSharp U2413
With the help of our friends from Logi

ARM, TSMC complete 16nm Cortex-A57 tape-out, chip launching no time soon

ARM and TSMC jointly announced today that they've finished tape-out on a Cortex-A57 processor designed on TSMC's upcoming 16nm FinFET hybrid process. This is a major step for both companies - TSMC has been working to ramp its 16nm FinFET plans for months, and ARM's 64-bit Cortex-A57 is an integral part of the UK-based designer's server strategy.

Best Robot Photos of the Week

In this exciting edition of best robot photos of the week find out what happens when Lunar robots need gas,

Navy robot jellyfish is as big as a person

Just when you thought it was safe to go back in the water, the Navy and Virginia Tech unveil a robotic jellyfish that looks like it could swallow a seal.

Originally posted at <a href="http://news.c

Outlook.com Calendar Gets a New Look

Today, we released a fresh new interface for the Outlook.com Calendar service that is faster than ever, puts the focus on events, appointments and tasks and lets you take your Calendar with you on any device. Below is a screenshot of the new Calendar service.

Video: How the ALMA telescope works

Meet ALMA, a giant telescope positioned in Chile's Atacama Desert that is searching space for answers to how stars and planets are formed. Canada's National Research Council is responsible for

Enabling Full Keyboard Access On The Mac

This post originally appeared on the Yahoo! Accessibility blog.

Full keyboard access isn't enabled by default in Mac OS. Often this leaves developers thinking there is something w

Payments Startup Balanced (YC W11) Raises More Money From Andreessen Horowitz, CollabFund, And Others

The funding is somewhat strategic, as the startup is looking to help leverage the expertise of the investors involved to help grow its payments business for peer-to-peer marketplaces. On the Andreessen side, for instance, the funding was led by general partner and former PayPal president Jeff Jordan.

Close.io (YC W11) Raises Funding From SV Angel, Spark Capital To Improve Communication For Salespeople

Close.io was born from ElasticSales, a sales-as-a-service platform that provides both software and manpower that lets startups outsource their sales functions on demand. ElasticSales pivoted from SwipeGood last year. Elastic actually developed Close.io in-house to increase the performance of their sales people.

Obama unveils $100 million brain research project

The initiative aims to speed up the development and application of technologies that will help researchers create dynamic brain imaging, which could lead to new ways to treat brain disorders. (Credit: MANDEL NGAN/AFP/Getty Images) Touting the economic as well as scientific benefits of investing in basic research, President Obama today unveiled a new initiative to study the human brain that he called "the next great American project."

SpringOne 2GX 2012 Replays: Getting Started with Spring Security 3.1, What's new with Tooling for Spring, Grails and the Cloud

Spring Security is a framework that focuses on providing both authentication and authorization to Java applications. Like all Spring projects, the real power of Spring Security is found in how easily it can be extended to meet custom requirements.

CodePlex Daily Summary for Tuesday, April 02, 2013

Microsoft's open source project hosting web site. You can use CodePlex to find open source software or create new projects to share with the world.

NASA Seeks Academic Partners for Smallsat Technology Collaboration

NASA Seeks Academic Partners for Smallsat Technology Collaboration WASHINGTON -- NASA is seeking small spacecraft technology project proposals from U.S. colleges and universities that would like to collaborate with agency researchers. Small spacecraft, or smallsats, represent a growing field of space research and operations in which universities often have led the way in technology development.

Nvidia shows off GeForce 700M GPUs for notebooks

The company's technology is designed to save a notebook's battery life and enhance the overall performance of those devices.

Originally posted at <a href="http://news.cnet.com/8301-1001_3-57577514-

Vast cache of rare earth elements found in Japan's mud

A deposit under the Pacific Ocean gives Japan a new source of the valuable rare earth metals commonly used in electronics<img width="1" height="1" src="http://feeds.newscientist.com/c/749/f/10899/s/2a

DNA transistors pave way for living computers

Transistor-like devices have been made out of DNA, making biological gadgets with built-in circuitry possible<img width="1" height="1" src="http://feeds.newscientist.com/c/749/f/10899/s/2a41c411/mf.gi

Facebook Home might not be a 'phone' after all

Leak of software suggests it is a launcher replacement for Android, rather than a customisation of the OS itself

<img width="1" height="1" src="http://rss.feedsportal.com/c/670/f/8515/s/2a41fcd7

Microsoft Announces Windows 8 Apps for Social Good Winners

Last November, Microsoft launched the Windows 8 Apps for Social Good Contest. The public voted for its favorite apps and our judges voted for theirs. A wide variety of apps were submitted covering

Lost in the cloud: How safe are your online possessions?

In the digital age, your files and memories are not truly yours any more, says Douglas Heaven. They belong to the cloud<img width="1" height="1" src="http://feeds.newscientist.com/c/749/f/10899

Sanjay Dastoor: A skateboard, with a boost - (watch video)

Imagine an electric vehicle that can get you to work -- or anywhere in a six-mile radius -- quickly, without traffic frustrations or gasoline. Now imagine you can pick it up and carry it with you. Yes, this souped-up skateboard could change the face of morning commutes.

Game of Thrones Season 3 premiere becomes most illegally downloaded show

Game of Thrones Season 3 is looking to remain the main reason for you Sky Go subscription however for some viewers it seems the wait is just too long

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Hyundai E4U: Are eggmobile personal transports the solution to urban sprawl?

Hyundai E4U
As the human population grows and cities and suburbs become more

Dart Team Updates for March 2013

Dart Team Updates, Mar 6 - 19 Dart language specification: Make mixins more useful (apply to arbitrary superclasses). More consistent treatment of malformed types. Examining mechanisms to suppress warnings and checked mode when needed. Liberalizing function subtyping. Develop synchronous mirror API for introspection. remove deprecated Arrays, Date and StringBuffer.add/addAll/addCharCodes.

Amazon Takes on Dropbox with New Desktop File Syncing

Competition: name our bear!

In about a month?s time, we?re going to be launching a brand-new range of Raspberry Pi merchandise. (My desk is currently awash with notebooks, gym bags, pencils, mugs, umbrellas and?stuff.)


Integrate voice and SMS with Twilio on Google Cloud Platform

By Robert Do, Google Cloud Platform team Cross-posted from the Google App Engine blog Have you ever wanted to integrate SMS or voice communications into your app? We've been working with our friends over at Twilio to make it easier to do so.

Sponsored Post: Rackspace, Simple, Fitbit, Amazon, Booking, aiCache, Aerospike, Percona, ScaleOut, New Relic, LogicMonitor, AppDynamics, ManageEngine, Site24x7

Tuesday, April 2, 2013 at 9:25AM Who's Hiring? LogicMonitor is looking for a Front End developer to have a huge impact, be valued, realize their dreams, and help us realize ours. We are looking for someone to own the code that delivers the design and usability of LogicMonitor's enterprise SaaS application(s).

ASP.NET Web API Logging and Troubleshooting

Pablo M. Cibraro describes two options for troubleshooting ASP.NET Web API issues: error policy and tracing.

HMAC authentication in ASP.NET Web API

In this article I will explain the concepts behind HMAC authentication and will show how to write an example implementation for ASP.NET Web API using message handlers. The project will include both server and client side (using Web API's HttpClient) bits.

NASA Announces 17th Screening of Space Program Artifacts

NASA Announces 17th Screening of Space Program Artifacts WASHINGTON -- NASA is inviting eligible educational institutions, museums and other organizations to screen and request historical space artifacts. The artifacts represent significant human spaceflight technologies, processes and the accomplishments of NASA's many programs. NASA and the General Services Administration worked together to ensure broad access to space artifacts and to provide a web-based electronic artifacts viewing capability.

Create your own browser extensions, Part 3: Extend your reach into Safari

Every browser has its fans, detractors, advantages, and disadvantages. One thing they all have in common is that people increasingly spend more time using them. This series examines how to build the s

US court rules against 'second-hand' digital music sales

A US judge has ruled that users who sell 'second-hand' iTunes digital music purchases are in breach of copyright

<img width="1" height="1" src="http://rss.feedsportal.com/c/670/f/8515/s/

Solar panel robot doesn't need water to clean

Cleaning solar panels is tough work, but Miraikikai's duster bot apparently can get to all the nooks and crannies with its swiveling brush. (Credit: Tohru Miyake/Miraikikai ) Saudi Arabia wants to spend over $100 billion to build vast solar arrays and reduce its dependency on oil to generate electricity.

Minecraft 360 update 9 due this Friday

Long awaited patch confirmed to land at the end of this week

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Integrate Voice and SMS with Twilio on Google Cloud Platform

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Driven by Strong Performance, Zend Grows Sales Team and Expands Channel Program

Driven by Strong Performance, Zend Grows Sales Team and Expands Channel Program Zend Responds to Strong Growth in Zend Server, the Leading Platform for Mobile and Web Apps Cupertino, Calif.-April 2, 2013 -After a strong year of growth, Zend, the PHP Company, is significantly expanding its sales team and channel partner program.

Ex-NASA Tech Boss Crams Cloud Into Box

Ex-NASA Tech Boss Crams Cloud Into Box
Chris Kemp isn't one to fall in line. As the

Serving Backbone for Robots &amp; Legacy Browsers

I like the Single Page Application model and Backbone.js, because I get it. As a former Java developer, I am used to object oriented coding and events for messaging. Within our HTML5 consultancy, SC5, Backbone has become almost a synonym for single page applications, and it is easy to move between projects because everybody gets the same basic development model.

BioShock Infinite tops UK games sales charts

BioShock Inifinite has debuted in first place in the UK video games sales chart enjoying the second biggest launch of any game all year

<img width="1" height="1" src="http://rss.feedsportal.com/

Metal Gear Solid 5 trailer unveiled

Metal Gear Solid 5: The Phantom Pain has been unveiled in an eye-popping trailer at GDC in San Francisco

<img width="1" height="1" src="http://rss.feedsportal.com/c/670/f/8515/s/2a3e3e9a/mf.gif"

Former Windows Phone exec joins Amazon

Charlie Kindel ? former general manager of developer relations ? heads to Kindle maker fuelling smartphone rumours

<img width="1" height="1" src="http://rss.feedsportal.com/c/670/f/8515/s/2a3e3e

DARPA's two-armed robot handles tools at less cost

(Phys.org) ?DARPA (Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency) is getting closer to its goal of securing robotic hands that mimic the hand's finer movements, at an affordable cost. A research project h

DARPA's two-armed robot handles tools at less cost

(Phys.org) ?DARPA (Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency) is getting closer to its goal of securing robotic hands that mimic the hand's finer movements, at an affordable cost. A research project h

Chinese smartphone appears with 5,000mAh battery

A smartphone manufacturer in China is reportedly developing a phone with a 5,000mAh battery on board

<img width="1" height="1" src="http://rss.feedsportal.com/c/670/f/8515/s/2a3e3e99/mf.gif" bor

Thief 4 trailer released

Thief 4's debut trailer was leaked online ahead of its scheduled official unveiling yesterday

<img width="1" height="1" src="http://rss.feedsportal.com/c/670/f/8515/s/2a3e46a7/mf.gif" border

Data Fusion: Movea Transforms Sensors into Indoor Navigation - (watch video)

Software company Movea helps app developers corral the data from the sensors that pack today's mobile devices. Read more at: http://spectrum.ieee.org/video/computing/software/moveas-data-fusion-transforms-sensors-into-indoor-navigation

Apple: Jobs approved design of next iPhone

Firm's legal exec reveals late boss approved the design of the iPhone 5 and the next phone before he died in October 2011

<img width="1" height="1" src="http://rss.feedsportal.com/c/670/f/85

Kinect-based system diagnoses depression with 90% accuracy

Diagnosing depression, with Kinect and SimSensei
Computer sc

Kindleberry Pi the second

Did you get a nice shiny new Paperwhite Kindle to replace your old one? (I haven't yet. I'm waiting until the inevitable moment when I drop my Kindle Touch and break the screen; I'm currently on my third.)