Friday 19 April 2013

Forums vs Social Networks

If you're considering whether to build a forum or social network, this article should be helpful to you. The mediums through which people interact with one another online is constantly changing. If you take a step back and think about all of the different ways you have communicated with the people in your life in the past week, it's staggering. (YC W08) announces 10X growth in the last year for its write-once-run-anywhere mobile platform

There's a huge shift to mobile underway right now and we're really only at the start. Ranking #1 for a search for "phonegap done right" and #4 for "mobile development platform" with our article on how to understand mobile platforms we want to enable web developers to make the transition with helpful content as well as our platform.

CrowdMed (YC W13) featured in New Scientist: Crowd diagnosis could spot rare diseases doctors miss

Shortly af

Crowdtilt (YC W12) Confirms $12M Raise From Andreessen, Sean Parker, Dave Morin & Others

Today, Crowdtilt has confirmed these reports and is officially announcing the close of its Series A financing. In so doing, the startup is adding a few more names to its roster of investors, which is led by Andreessen Horowitz and includes Sean Parker, SV Angel and DCM, along with CrunchFund, Reddit founder Alexis Ohanian, Elad Gil, AngelList's Naval Ravikant, Sam Altman, WordPress founder Matt Mullenweg, Dave Morin and and Exec founder, Justin Kan.

Verbling (YC S11) brings immersive language learning into your living room with Courses

When trying to master a new language, practice speaking and listening to it is essential. You don't become fluent by conjugating verbs in a workbook or listening to recordings, but many of us don't have the capability to spend months abroad honing conversation skills.

Review: Nook HD+ tablet a lightweight, if imperfect, bargain

16:30, Electronics/Consumer & Gadgets If you're in the market for a full-sized tablet but don't want to shell out big bucks for an iPad, Barnes & Noble's Nook HD+ is worth a look. I've long been a fan of Barnes & Noble's Nook products.

MySQL alternative Percona Server 5.1.68 -14.6 now available

By Percona is glad to announce the release of Percona Server 5.1.68 -14.6 on April 19, 2013 (downloads are available here and from the Percona Software Repositories). Based on MySQL 5.1.68, including all the bug fixes in it, Percona Server 5.1.68-14.6, a MySQL alternative, is now the current stable release in the 5.1 series.

Pub's New Constraint Solver

TL;DR: Pub now has a new constraint solver that will pick versions of packages that work with your SDK. No more "doesn't work with your SDK " errors. This should appear in your life in the next SDK build. Pub's job is to look at your dependencies and select the best versions for them.

FAA approves Boeing's new Dreamliner battery changes

With the new approved plans, the airlines could have the 787s up and running within weeks, the New York Times reports. (Credit: Boeing) After weeks of testing, the Federal Aviation Administration has approved Boeing's plans to the batteries of its 787 Dreamliner airplanes, the New York Times reported.

ASP.NET Web API: CORS support and Attribute Based Routing Improvements

We've seen a huge adoption of ASP.NET Web API since its initial release. In February we shipped the ASP.NET and Web Tools 2012.2 Update - which added a number of additional enhancements to both Web API and the other components of ASP.NET.

Eye Tribe wants to put an eye tracker in every mobile device. - (watch video)

Eye Tribe says it can make eye tracking technology cheap and easy for manufacturers to include in every mobile device.

Servers | IBM Prepares to Eject Self from World of Internet Servers

Servers | IBM Prepares to Eject Self from World of Internet Servers
IBM makes more m

Can Six Little Cameras and An App Fix Video Conferencing? - (watch video)

Altia Systems founders explain the $600 PanaCast video conferencing system at Demo Mobile 2013.

Change for a Yahoo! Developer Network (YDN) Offering

We?re constantly reviewing and iterating on our products and experiences. Sometimes we have to make tough decisions and say goodbye to some of our services in an effort to focus on our core offerings.

Deprecating IE6 and IE7 support in Twitter for Websites (TFW)

When the Tweet button was introduced in 2010, Microsoft?s Internet Explorer 6 was our baseline. Now, most users have upgraded and we see IE6 usage dwindled. On May 13th 2013, we?re going to prune o

FingerLink turns paper into touch screens

With just the swipe of a finger, Fujitsu's FingerLink interface lets you scan paper documents and project graphics onto them.

Originally posted at <a href="

Touchscreen interface for seamless data transfer between the real and virtual worlds #DigInfo - (watch video)

Real world touchscreen interface for interactive documents and books ( 11/4/2013 Fujitsu Laboratories, Fujitsu Next-Generation User Interface for Intuitive Touch-Based Operations DigInfo TV -

BLACK: My journey to yo-yo mastery - (watch video)

Remember the days you struggled just to make a yo-yo spin, and if you were really fancy, to "walk the dog"? You ain't seen nothin' yet. Japanese yo-yo world champion BLACK tells the inspiring story of finding his life's passion, and gives an awesome performance that will make you want to pull your yo-yo back out of the closet.

Stuff The Internet Says On Scalability For April 19, 2013

Friday, April 19, 2013 at 9:25AM Hey, it's HighScalability time: Two Trillion Objects, 1.1 Million Requests / Second: S3; 1.4TB/s: Titan supercomputer has world's fastest storage; four billion hours: Netflix streaming in last 3 months; $1.2B: Google's Q1 infrastructure spend Quotable Quotes: Google: We'll track EVERY task on EVERY data center server Stacey Higginbotham: All in all in the last five years the world has gained 54 Tbps of new capacity.

Watch OpenStreetMap Improve in Real Time

Node v0.11.1 (Unstable)

Note: This version does not work on 64-bit Windows systems Expect
a fix for this bug in the next v0.11 release. As this is an unstable
release, we opted to push out the changes f

LevelDB and Node: What is LevelDB Anyway?

This is the first article in a three-part series on LevelDB and how it can be used in Node. This article will cover the LevelDB basics and internals to provide a foundation for the next two articles. The second and third articles will cover the core LevelDB Node libraries: LevelUP, LevelDOWN and the rest of the LevelDB ecosystem that's appearing in Node-land.

Data Centers | Google Hacks Power Regulators to Build Greener Grid

Data Centers | Google Hacks Power Regulators to Build Greener Grid
Google has figured out a brand

Use your desktop or laptop screen and keyboard with your Pi

Meltwater has come up with a nice little trick which allows you to use your laptop or desktop?s display and keyboard as the display and keyboard for your Pi. You won?t need to do any soldering or t

Mozilla: WebRTC is the Real Future of Communications

Providing robotic carers and smart systems for the elderly

As people enter old age it can become increasingly difficult to maintain a good quality of life without help. Perhaps a faltering memory leads to missed meals or drinks, or a decrease in mobility lead

Providing robotic carers and smart systems for the elderly

As people enter old age it can become increasingly difficult to maintain a good quality of life without help. Perhaps a faltering memory leads to missed meals or drinks, or a decrease in mobility lead

More open online resources

Following up on our earlier post this week on free and open educational resources on the web, there's even better news to report. As of yesterday, the Digi

NASA's Hubble Sees a Horsehead of a Different Color

Astronomers have used NASA's Hubble Space Telescope to photograph the iconic Horsehead Nebula in a new, infrared light to mark the 23rd anniversary of the famous observatory's launch aboard the space

Earth Day Media Briefing With NASA Deputy Administrator Garver

Earth Day Media Briefing With NASA Deputy Administrator Garver WASHINGTON -- Journalists are invited to attend an Earth Day visit by NASA Deputy Administrator Lori Garver to the agency's Goddard Space Flight Center in Greenbelt, Md., from 10 - 11:15 a.m. EDT on Monday, April 22.

Zend Developer Series: Developers Create Mobile Apps Faster with Zend Server

Cupertino, CA.?April 19, 2013
?The smartphone revolution is under-hyped, more people have access to phones than access to runni

Helpful for robotics: Brain uses old information for new movements

Information from the senses has an important influence on how we move. For instance, you can see and feel when a mug is filled with hot coffee, and you lift it in a different way than if the mug were

Vibration and Barcode Extension details, by UCOSP student developer

Continuing the last UCOSP posting, where we talked about the release of the Barcode Scanning Extension for BlackBerry 10 WebWorks, we have some thoughts from another student regarding development of BlackBerry 10 WebWorks Extensions. Developing extensions in C++ that can be called from JavaScript involves some challenges, so if you've been thinking about diving in, [...]

Research | Bioengineers Build Open Source Language for Programming Cells

Drew Endy wants to build a programming language for the body. Endy is the co-director of the International Open Facility Advancing Biotechnology - BIOFAB, for short - where he's part of a team that's developing a language that will use genetic data to actually program biological cells.

Tech Time Warp of the Week: Xerox PARC Alto, 1979

The irony is that Steve Jobs could've caught the Alto on television. In late 1979, a 24-year-old Jobs visited Xerox PARC - the research lab where Xerox engineers had built a new-age machine called the Alto - and the myth is that the visit inspired Jobs and his company, Apple Computer, to create the Macintosh.

Mobile | Apple Finally Reveals How Long Siri Keeps Your Data

Mobile | Apple Finally Reveals How Long Siri Keeps Your Data
All of those questions,

The write cache: Swap insanity tome III

Swapping has always been something bad for MySQL performance but it is even more important for HA systems. It is so important to avoid swapping with HA that NDB cluster basically forbids calling ma

Save HABTM data in a single simple format

When you wander out of CakePHP standards and automatically baked views and start saving custom data , then you have to manually construct the data you send to your controllers and you have complete

Google Glass's word on the street now easier to read

TEXT displays are only as good as your ability to read what's written on them. Wearable displays like Google Glass or the Epson Moverio will free you from looking down at your smartphone to read tweets.

Will digital architecture build follies or glories?

RARELY does a single building transform the fortunes of a city as much as the Guggenheim Museum did for Bilbao. An overnight success, it was credited with revitalising the Spanish city. Ambitious towns around the world have since tried to emulate the "Bilbao effect" by erecting statement buildings of their own.

A Smart Phone Takes Your Temperature - (watch video)

And lets you check on what illnesses are going around your school or community.

Can Six Little Cameras and An App Fix Video Conferencing? - (watch video)

Altia Systems founders explain the $600 PanaCast video conferencing system at Demo Mobile 2013

Visual Programming for the Internet of Things - (watch video)

MAYA Design CEO Mickey McManus demonstrates MakerSwarm, a visual programming language for controlling the Internet of Things, at Demo Mobile 2013.