Monday 11 March 2013

Visual Studio Web Deployment Tutorial Series Updated for Windows Azure and LocalDB - .NET Web Development and Tools Blog - Site Home - MSDN Blogs

This week we published an updated version of the popular 12-part tutorial series that shows how to deploy an ASP.NET web application with SQL Server databases. Here are links to the new tutorials, with notes about what's in them and what's new: Introduction Overview of the series, prerequisites, download and run the sample application.

SAP Hana One Promo - $120 AWS Credit

AWS customers who are new to SAP Hana One on the AWS Marketplace will receive $120 of AWS Promotion Credit if they use at least 10 hours of SAP Hana One between February 18 and March 31, 2013. Visit the SAP Hana One product page on Marketplace to learn more.

Announcing AWS Elastic Beanstalk for Node.js

Elastic Beanstalk for Node.js supports a wide number of configuration settings to help you customize the environment for your application. You can easily configure HTTP or TCP load balancing, configure the version and command to launch your Node.js application, and improve performance by offloading static content handling to Apache or Nginx.


Last September we could be part of the awesome Orchard Harvest, the first Orchard conference. The next Harvest is not so far: it's nearing us as it will take place in June and now in Europe, in Amsterdam! Sign up for more information or vote for the schedule on the new Orchard Harvest website!

The iPad prototype from 2005 that became the iPhone | ExtremeTech

No, this isn't the new 8.6-inch Samsung Galaxy Note 3: It's one of the earliest Apple iPhone prototypes, dating back to early 2005. These images, sourced by Ars Technica, come from an Apple employee who worked on a few hardware projects in the early 2000s.

Do applications dream of authenticated requests? | Twitter Developers

People - our users - are central to everything at Twitter. Users read, retweet, favorite, and compose tweets. They follow other users and search for what's meaningful to them. The user is the primary agent of the Twitter experience, in all its varieties.

SymfonyLive Portland 2013: First speakers announced - Symfony

SymfonyLive Portland 2013: First speakers announced Symfony Live Portland 2013 is coming soon! We're very pleased and excited to co-locate this event with DrupalCon and WebVisions, it's going to be really huge, don't miss it! The Schedule Great news, we've selected the first speakers for Symfony Live Portland!

Google Open Source Blog: Google Summer of Code Meetups, Episode 1: Colombo, Sri Lanka

Google Summer of Code Meetups, Episode 1: Colombo, Sri Lanka

Why we should be thankful for $70 PS4 and Xbox 720 games | ExtremeTech

Get ready to pay more for video games. The PS4 and Xbox 720 are going to be big powerful machines, but taking advantage of that hardware is going to require some serious money. As the next generation of video game systems near launch, rumors of a price hike are bubbling to the surface.

Migrating ANIDs to Windows Phone 8

Migrating ANIDs to Windows Phone 8

SQL Database Connectivity and the Idempotency Issue - ADO.NET Blog - Site Home - MSDN Blogs

Applications connecting to SQL Server sometimes experience connections breaks due back-end failures. In general, they tend to be uncommon in LAN environment and more frequent in WAN topologies, when connectivity tends to be challenged by geographically dispersed links. The introduction of Windows Azure SQL Database (WASD), which is a cloud-based SQL Server, added new availability and reliability challenges to the connectivity space.

Clerky (YC S11) launches the fastest, easiest way to incorporate a startup - Y Combinator Posthaven

Here's how it works. Founders enter email address and other info such as company name, board of directors and more into Clerky. Clerky then emails all the founders and involved parties, and in a few clicks everyone can digitally sign and date everything. Clerky handles all paperwork with the Secretary of State of Delaware.

What your Facebook 'likes' really say about you - tech - 11 March 2013 - New Scientist

We are already aware that our every move online is tracked, aggregated and analysed. But you couldn't have known how much Facebook can learn about you from the smallest of social interactions - a "like". Researchers from the University of Cambridge designed a simple machine-learning system to predict Facebook users' personal information and traits based solely on which pages they had liked. - DARPA Plans Long Range Ship-launched UAVs

"It's like having a falcon return to the arm of any person equipped to receive it, instead of to the same static perch every time. About 98 percent of the world's land area lies within 900 nautical miles of ocean coastlines.

BNF to AST | Ocean of Awareness []

This is cross-posted from the new home of the Ocean of Awareness blog. ] The latest version of Marpa takes parsing "whipitupitude" one step further. You can now go straight from a BNF description of your language, and an input string, to an abstract syntax tree (AST).

New Study Exposes Gender Bias In Tech Job Listings | Wired Enterprise |

Only 11 percent of all engineers in the U.S. are women, according to Department of Labor. The situation is a bit better among computer programmers, but not much. Women account for only 26 percent of all American coders. There are any number of reason for this, but we may have overlooked one.

Request for help to verify a docs translation to Serbo-Croation | David Mertens []

Of course, the original docs are written in pod, and I would really like to distribute the translation with PDL itself. However, Vera has not expressed any interest in distributing these docs as pod, possibly because she (he?) would actually like to drive some viewers to his (her?) site.

What's wrong with CPAN? | NeilB []

This is an attempt to succinctly list all the different problems perceived with CPAN, and give them a name. No attempt at proposing solutions, or structuring a taxonomy / priority list, but data gathering. Following Brendan's post on the four major problems with CPAN, and other posts recently, I've been thinking a lot about the general topic, and clearly so have many others.

Magento Ecommerce Blog | Magento

We are excited to announce our stellar lineup of guest keynote speakers for Imagine 2013! They are all masters of their art and leaders in their industries. They will offer the Imagine audience a range of fresh perspectives on topics both within and beyond commerce.

Arduino Blog " Blog Archive " Dive into the Internet-of-Things world with the new Arduino GSM Shield

We are excited to announce that the new Arduino GSM Shield is ready to be shipped allowing Arduino boards (Uno, MEGA and Leonardo) to explore the wonders of adding a GPRS/GSM connection to interactive projects.

75% of a human skull replaced with 3D-printed material | ExtremeTech

We've been able to aid the body's own repair of damaged bones for a relatively long time, but now we're ready to use 3D-printing to completely replace damaged bone. Earlier this week, 75% of a patient's skull was successfully replaced with 3D-printed material, and this is just the beginning.

ET deals: Dell Inspiron 15 laptop with Windows 8 for $299 | ExtremeTech

Factor in the one-year on-site warranty and a chassis that is under 1-inch and 5 lbs and this is a whole lot of laptop for just $299.99 (with free shipping). It may not quite get us geeks all worked up, but the value in this machine is nearly unparalleled.

CodePlex - Open Source Project Hosting

Microsoft's open source project hosting web site. You can use CodePlex to find open source software or create new projects to share with the world.

DailyJS: Node 0.10

Node 0.10 is about to be released - the next stable version of Node. The most major change is the new streams API, which is designed to overcome some of the limitations found in previous versions. For a summary of the issues with streams in Node 0.8 and the new API, see: A New Streaming API for Node v0.10.

High Scalability - High Scalability - Low Level Scalability Solutions - The Conditioning Collection

Monday, March 11, 2013 at 9:51AM We talked about 42 Monster Problems That Attack As Loads Increase. And in The Aggregation Collection we talked about the value of prioritizing work and making smart queues as a way of absorbing and not reflecting traffic spikes.

PrePAN is Now on AWS | kentaro []

PrePAN had been working on my private server. oalders, the founder of metacpan, referred to PrePAN in his blog post, so I made up my mind to move the site to AWS to ensure stability.

NASA - NASA Launches Exploration Design Challenge

NASA unveiled an Exploration Design Challenge on Monday to give students from kindergarten through 12th grade the opportunity to play a unique role in the future of human spaceflight. The innovative educational opportunity was announced in a special event at NASA's Johnson Space Center in Houston.

Astrobiologists discover fossils in meteorite fragments, confirming extraterrestrial life | ExtremeTech

Researchers in the United Kingdom have found algae-like fossils in meteorite fragments that landed in Sri Lanka last year. This is the strongest evidence yet of cometary panspermia -- that life on Earth began when a meteorite containing simple organisms landed here, billions of years ago.

Node v0.10.0 (Stable)

The fs.WriteStream throughput increases considerably, for most workloads. As the size of the chunk goes up, the speed is limited by the underlying system and the cost of string conversion, so v0.8 and v0.10 converge. But for smaller chunk sizes (like you'd be more likely to see in real applications), v0.10 is a significant improvement.

Cloud-computing platform for robots launched

Researchers have developed a cloud-computing platform for robots. The platform allows robots connected to the Internet to directly access the powerful computational, storage, and communications infrastructure of modern data centers - the giant server farms behind the likes of Google, Facebook, and Amazon - for robotics tasks and robot learning.

Teachers are the Key to Everyone Learning to Code | Webmonkey | recently made a splash with its high-profile supporters - everyone from Bill Gates to Snoop Dogg have offered up their support for's premise: that everyone should learn to code. While's goals are admirable, the movie above spends near zero time talking about what might be the most important part of the equation: computer science teachers.

JavaScript FTW: Episode 2: Classes and Inheritance (and why it matters!)

As we discussed last time, if we have code that's disorganized and difficult to debug, coding performance and scalability optimizations becomes moot. However, being explicit with your code not only makes your life easier, but actually makes your code faster (say whaaaaaaaat?). We have to remember that JavaScript isn't like most other languages.

Spring Data REST 1.1.0.M1 Released |

Version 1.1 is virtually a re-write from the ground up. Not only is it easier to configure than 1.0 and better conforms to Spring MVC expections for the transition to Spring 3.2, but the biggest change in the internals of Spring Data REST is that it now supports other types of Spring Data repository implementations beyond just JPA.

The Web of the Future Wants to Hear What You Have to Say | Webmonkey |

Forget touch screens, the voice-powered web is coming. While voice-powered pages aren't yet ready for prime time, developers are experimenting and discovering how voice commands might fit with and perhaps even rearrange the web as we know it. A new demo from developer Jordan Moore showcases Chrome's voice-powered API to control elements like font size and page color.

Spring Tool Suite and Groovy/Grails Tool Suite 3.2.0 released |

we are happy to announce the next major release of our Eclipse-based tooling today: The Spring Tool Suite (STS) 3.2.0 and the Groovy/Grails Tool Suite (GGTS) 3.2.0.

Solar plant domes spring up in Fukushima's shadow - environment - 11 March 2013 - New Scientist

From a distance they look like two giant blancmanges or Jell-Os quivering in the biting midwinter wind. On closer inspection they are in fact white nylon domes, erected alongside thousands of photovoltaic panels on the very fields in Fukushima that were ravaged by tsunami waves and nuclear fallout in 2011.

Researchers print flexible electronic tattoo directly onto human skin | ExtremeTech

From the research lab that brought us stick-on electronic tattoos, and recently the stretchable battery, we now have the first electronic circuit that has been printed directly onto human skin. These sensors can directly measure skin hydration and temperature, and electric signals from muscle and brain activity.

Phys.Org Mobile: Cloud-computing platform for robots launched

( -Researchers of five European universities have developed a cloud-computing platform for robots. The platform allows robots connected to the Internet to directly access the powerful computational, storage, and communications infrastructure of modern data centers - the giant server farms behind the likes of Google, Facebook, and Amazon - for robotics tasks and robot learning.

App::Midgen what is it? | bowtie []

This started out as a way of generating the core for a Module::Install::DSL Makefile.PL, why DSL because it's nice and clean, so now you can generate the contents and check when you want, yes it's another PPI powered app.

3D parametric plotter | Raspberry Pi

This video from Benedek93 is a little slow to get going, but it's well worth watching all the way through for a really tight demonstration of what you can achieve with OpenGL ES on the Pi.

Magento Ecommerce Blog | Magento

Magento's Partner Pavilion opens for the first time at Retail Business Technology Expo, London on March 12-13. Retail Business Technology Expo, Europe's biggest and fastest growing retail event fills the gap in the UK and European retail technology market to provide retailers with the opportunity to discover the newest and most innovative products and solutions.

ASP.NET Web API Queryable with OData (Channel 9)

Download How do I download the videos? To download, right click the file type you would like and pick "Save target as..." or "Save link as..." Why should I download videos from Channel9? It's an easy way to save the videos you like locally. You can save the videos in order to watch them offline.


ASP.NET Web API <#= Proxy to T4 #>

A Message Flow in ASP.NET Web API OData - .NET Web Development and Tools Blog - Site Home - MSDN Blogs

What exactly happens from the moment this message arrives at the server until the new Customer gets added in the backend? Let us take a closer look. Stop 1: Parse the incoming URL into OData Path Segments The very first stop is a custom Route Constraint that parses the incoming request URL into a list of OData Path Segments.