Wednesday 27 March 2013

NASA, SpaceX Discuss Dragon Mission to Space Station

NASA and SpaceX will host a teleconference for news media at 1 p.m. EDT, Thursday, March 28, to discuss the Tuesday return of the company's Dragon spacecraft from a cargo mission to the International

CodePlex Daily Summary for Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Microsoft's open source project hosting web site. You can use CodePlex to find open source software or create new projects to share with the world.

ET deals: Stackable discounts on Alienware m14x gaming laptop

Alienware M14x r2 - front
The model on sale today foregoes the pric

WebRTC Data Channels for Great Multiplayer

Petit four, the quick and easy online CakePHP baking tool

In our Web agency we have been glad to use CakePHP for almost two years as it has really helped us speed up our projects.However from time to time there are still some tasks that feel a bit slow or ti

Education Awards on Google App Engine

Last year we invited proposals for innovative projects built on Google's infrastructure. Today we are pleased to announce the 11 recipients of a Google App Engine Education Award . Professors and their students are using the award in cloud computing courses to study databases, distributed systems, web mashups and to build educational applications.

Call for Arduino music at Gwendalyn Festival 2013

(Italian version below) Are you a musician, music amateur, electronic bricoleur or maker who makes music by creating your own instruments and tools using Arduino? We are looking for your music tracks to be presented in a radio program entirely dedicated to (DIY) music made with Arduino based synths and instruments.The program is scheduled within the GwenFestival program, an international music and radio festival organized in Chiasso (TI, Switzerland) during April 2013.

Quality control opens path to synthetic biology's Ikea

A new scoring system that rates biological components according to how reliable they are should let bioengineers mass-produce living machines<img width="1" height="1" src="

How a surgeon installs seizure sensors inside a skull

Anil Ananthaswamy watches a brain surgeon implanting electrodes inside the skull of a person with epilepsy to pinpoint where his seizures start<img width="1" height="1" src="http://feeds.newsci

T-Mobile iPhone 5: The ultimate American iPhone, and cheaper too

iPhone 5, coming to T-Mobile
Earlier today, T-Mobile announced t

Software | Internet Maverick Launches Free Coder School In Paris

Software | Internet Maverick Launches Free Coder School In Paris
French internet mog

History | Professor Enlists Android Phones in Search for Black Holes

David Anderson wasn't interested in the aliens. He was interested in a worldwide network of computers down here on Earth. Anderson is a computer science professor at the University of California at Berkeley. In 1995, one of his grad students suggested they pool the processing power from personal computers across the globe and use this extra computing juice to track down extraterrestrial life.

T-Mobile USA launches LTE network with breathtaking speeds

T-Mobile LTE
Earlier today, T-Mobile officially announced the launch

Knowing the unknown: Researchers work to build robots' awareness of their own limitations

07:31, Electronics/Robotics Credit: Allegra Boverman and Christine daniloff/MITRobot butlers that tidy your house or cook you a meal have long been the dream of science-fiction writers and artificial intelligence researchers alike.

DW radio on coding in schools and Pi

DW Radio in Germany (which is broadcast in the English language) broadcast a short piece on coding in schools in the UK, with emphasis on the Pi. You can <a href="

MongoDB 2.4 Javascript Changes

The upcoming release of MongoDB 2.4 brings an exciting change to the JavaScript engine. Previously, MongoDB ran Spidermonkey 1.7,

Aluminium-air battery can power electric vehicles for 1,000 miles, will come to production cars in 2017

Phinergy's aluminium-air batteries
Phinergy, an Isr

Danish Robot Arms Reach Across North America

A UR5 robot from Universal Robots works right alongside the employees in the production of gear wheels at BJ-Gear. BJ Gear is one of the world's leading manufacturers of special gears, precision gears and transmissions. The company had been looking to automate production for several years but was reluctant to acquire solutions from robot manufacturers as these were too costly and complex.

Crowd-sensing apps tap every stranger's eyes and ears

When social networks and location apps collide, you can suddenly ask people anywhere what's happening where they are. What will you want to know?<img width="1" height="1" src="http://feeds.newscientis

Open-Captions, Using Closed Captions as Meta Data for ASL

This post originally appeared on the Yahoo! Accessibility blog.

What is Open-Captions?

<img src="http://y

Qt Installer Framework 1.3 released

Thus far, the Qt Installer Framework has been used to create Qt SDK Installers. You can now use it also to create installers for your own applications. This is why we decided to make a formal r

The future of tablets, according to Amazon: No batteries, no processors, all streaming

Those of you that follow the tech world closely enough might already thi

Latest Chrome Tries to Rid the Web of Misspellings

Google has updated the sta

New middleware makes porting games to Windows Phone easy

Volcanoes mark the spot for Africa's buried energy treasure

East Africa is sitting on a mother lode of geothermal energy. Could volcanoes be the key to tapping it?<img width="1" height="1" src="" bor

The Changing Face of Scale - The Downside of Scaling in the Contextual Age

Wednesday, March 27, 2013 at 9:38AM Robert Scoble is a kind of Brothers Grimm for the digital age. Instead of inspired romantics walking around the country side collecting the folk tales of past ages, he is an inspired technologist documenting the current mythology of startups.

Education Awards on Google App Engine

Author PhotoBy An

Education Awards on Google App Engine

Posted by Andrea Held, Google University Relations

Cross-posted with Google D