Wednesday 17 April 2013

Frog-like robot will help surgeons

Researchers at the University of Leeds are using the feet of tree frogs as a model for a tiny robot designed to crawl inside patients' bodies during keyhole surgery. The tiny device is one of a growing stable of bio-inspired robots being built in the University's School of Mechanical Engineering.

Windows 8 Shows off Silicon Scale at DEMO Mobile in San Francisco

Four very cool apps for Windows 8 made their debut at DEMO Mobile2013 today as teams from as far away as Poland and Australia competed for attention in front of Silicon Valley's leading mobile investors, developers and designers in San Francisco. Two Windows 8 apps launched on stage.

Google Glass distribution begins this week

Google has picked 8,000 people in the U.S. who entered a contest. The winners will have to pay $1,500 apiece for a test version of Google Glass. The company also took an unspecified number of orders from computer programmers. Google said Wednesday it started making the glasses available Tuesday, though it may take weeks for recipients to get them.

Federal Agencies Adopt Microsoft Dynamics CRM

Today, we announced several new customers who have adopted Microsoft Dynamics CRM to achieve cost savings, help preserve safety and security and streamline service delivery to improve constituent experiences.

Diving for Coral-bots to repair the world's dying reefs

A new Kickstarter campaign hopes to fund autonomous underwater robots that will navigate the depths to repair threatened coral reefs. Head underwater at the Great Barrier Reef with Google Maps, and you'll notice something deeply saddening: instead of the vividly colored corals you would expect, vast swathes of the reef are dull brown -- dying, thanks to pollution, fishing, and climate change.

Networks | Google Fiber Keeps Expanding: Now Headed to Provo, Utah

Networks | Google Fiber Keeps Expanding: Now Headed to Provo, Utah
Google wants to bring its ul

New Quick Videos on Dart's Classes, Exceptions, and More

The Helping Hand of an Expert

Have you ever been stuck working on a problem only to receive a solution from a friendly person you've never met? Some of the most helpful responses on Stack Overflow and open source code have been contributed by our YouTube API community members.

Heap (YC W13) launches a modern take on analytics: Track everything, and write no code to do it

In a startup's never-ending battle for new users, data is king. When the decision to put that shiny signup button down here vs. up there can mean the difference between 40 percent of new visitors signing up instead of 20 percent, good data analysis can be what puts food on the table.

InterviewStreet (YC S11) in Forbes Magazine: The Prince of Programming Contests helps top coders worldwide get the best jobs

In Silicon Valley Talent War, Zombie Math Rules, appearing in the May 6, 2013 issue of Forbes: Within Silicon Valley the prince of programming contests is Vivek Ravisankar, a 26-year-old Indian immigrant who cofounded InterviewStreet, which earned interviews for some 5,000 engineers worldwide last year and placed about 500 in jobs.

Platform Updates: Operation Developer Love

Weekly stats

AWS Elastic Beanstalk Supports IAM Roles

We are excited to announce that AWS Elastic Beanstalk now supports Identity and Access Management (IAM) roles. Elastic Beanstalk makes it easy

New moms more likely to seek help for depression if it's online

Mothers suffering from postpartum depression after high-risk pregnancy would go online for help if they could remain anonymous, according to a new study out of Case Western Reserve. (Credit: WagMob) Postpartum depression afflicts between 10 percent and 15 percent of new moms. But with some never seeking help, those numbers may be even higher.

BlackBerry 10.1 : Gotta have it? Get it!

Hey BlackBerry devs ? we?ve got exciting news for you! To tide you over until the much awaited BlackBerry Q10 release, you?ll be seeing a new SDK OS update for your BlackBerry Dev Alpha C devices.

BlackBerry 10.1 SDK for Adobe AIR reaches Gold!

Today is the launch of the Gol

Taking the BlackBerry 10 device simulator to the next level

BlackBerry developers that rely on a simulator for app development, listen up, be

Goodbye InvocationMirror, Hello Invocation

TL;DR: We added a class Symbol to dart:core, renamed the class InvocationMirror to Invocation (keeping it in dart:core ), and moved Invoke.invokeOn to InstanceMirror.delegate (moving this functionality from dart:core to dart:mirrors ). Furthermore, Function.apply and InstanceMirror.invoke take a Map to represent named arguments. Finally, dart:mirror uses Symbol instead of String to represent names.

Robot builders deliver architects' dreams

A special selection of content every week, giving you access to the latest news in science

MySQL Cluster 7.3 DMR2: Increasing Developer Flexibility and Simplicity

The MySQL team at Oracle are excited to announce the immediate availability of the second MySQL Cluster 7.3 Development Milestone Release (DMR). Some might call MySQL Cluster 7.3 "the foreign keys re

Vibrating fork to combat obesity makes its debut

Those who contribute at least $89 on the crowd funding website will get a HAPIfork, which comes in blue, green and pink, ahead of its planned general release to consumers in the United States and Europe later this year.

LinkedIn for Windows Phone Gets a Major Update

The Windows Phone Blog reported Monday that a major update for the LinkedIn app hit the Windows P

Oases of cool: Creating urban chill-out zones

How can architects and planners keep city dwellers comfortable as global warming bites? We could learn a thing or two from old buildings in the Middle East, which are built to capture cooling breezes. And in the future, new designs could allow shoppers in hot climates to chill out in the dappled shade of an artificial forest or in cold air flowing off a downtown glacier.

Tachyon - Fault Tolerant Distributed File System with 300 Times Higher Throughput than HDFS

Wednesday, April 17, 2013 at 9:25AM Tachyon ( github) is interesting new filesystem brought to by the folks at the UC Berkeley AMP Lab: Tachyon is a fault tolerant distributed ?le system enabling reliable file sharing at memory-speed across cluster frameworks, such as Spark and MapReduce.It offers up to 300 times higher throughput than HDFS, by leveraging lineage information and using memory aggressively.

NASA experimenting with 3D printing for space exploration

President Obama said 3D printing 'has the potential to revolutionize the way we make almost everything.' So why not start with NASA? CNET's Sumi Das visits NASA Ames to look at how they're making space parts from 3D-printing machines. Read this article by Jason Pepper on CNET News.

Microsoft Account Gets More Secure

Over the next couple days we will roll out a major upgrade to Microsoft account, including optional two-step verification to help keep your account more secure. Microsoft has increasingly focused on delivering connected devices and services that are currently used by more than 700 million people around the world.

Node Roundup: 0.10.4, Papercut, rsz, sz

You can send in your Node projects for review through our contact form.

Node 0.10.4

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Free for all? Lifting the lid on a Wikipedia crisis

A special selection of content every week, giving you access to the latest news in science

Joshua Prager: In search for the man who broke my neck - (watch video)

When Joshua Prager was 19, a devastating bus accident left him a quadriplegic for several years. He returned to Israel twenty years later to find the driver who turned his world upside down. In this mesmerizing tale of their meeting, Prager probes deep questions of nature, nurture, self-deception and destiny.

Latest Security Intelligence Report Shows 24 Percent of PCs are Unprotected

Today, Microsoft released new research as part of its Security Intelligence Report, volume 14, which takes a close look at the importance of running up-to-date antivirus software on your computer. The research showed that, on average, computers without antivirus software are 5.5 times more likely to be infected.

Port-A-Thon Rewards Update

Lou Gazzola held the first Port-A-Thon in November of last year. It was a 36 hour event where we asked, ?Got Game?? and you answered ? with apps. Since that successful event, we?ve held four more P

Windows Azure: General Availability of Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS)

This morning we announced the general availability release of our Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) support for Windows Azure - including our new Virtual Machine and Virtual Network capabilities. This release is now live in production, backed by an enterprise SLA, supported by Microsoft Support, and is ready to use for production apps.

Samsung Galaxy S 4 sales start next week in US (Update)

AT&T Inc. has started taking pre-orders, and says phones will be shipped starting April 30. It's charging $200 for the base model, with 16 gigabytes of memory, under a two-year contract. Staples says it will start selling the AT&T model on April 26. Sprint Nextel Corp.

Meet Babbage the Bear!

Your votes have been counted: there was a clear winner. Congratulations to Fergal Butler, who was the first person to respond to the original post with the name Babbage. Well done Fergus! Emma will be in touch with you next week to get your address.

Supercomputer Titan to get world's fastest storage system

( ?Officials at Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) have announced the selection of the Spider II data storage and retrieval system from DataDirect Networks (DDN) to replace the existing sys

SkySweeper robot makes inspecting power lines simple and inexpensive (w/ video)

Mechanical engineers at the University of California, San Diego invented a robot designed to scoot along utility lines, searching for damage and other problems that require repairs. Made of off-the-sh

SkySweeper robot makes inspecting power lines simple and inexpensive (w/ video)

Mechanical engineers at the University of California, San Diego invented a robot designed to scoot along utility lines, searching for damage and other problems that require repairs. Made of off-the-sh

Security holes in smartphone apps

Popular texting, messaging and microblog apps developed for the Android smartphone have security flaws that could expose private information or allow forged fraudulent messages to be posted, according to researchers at the University of California, Davis. Zhendong Su, professor of computer science, said that his team has notified the app developers of the problems, although it has not yet had a response.

Symfony Live Portland 2013: The Schedule has finally been published!

We have finally selected all the great speakers that will share their experience with the Framework with you at <a href="http://portland2

Raspberry-VI: accessibility for visually impaired Pi users

Liz: We've had some really interesting conversations this year with visually impaired users of the Raspberry Pi. Accessibility on the Pi is something the community's been working on since we launched; Michael Ray started a Raspberry-vi (vi stands for visually impaired) mailing list which has been running for a while now, and the group behind it has made some serious advancements in accessibility on the Pi.

Software | What if Your Boss Tracked Your Sleep, Diet, and Exercise?

Software | What if Your Boss Tracked Your Sleep, Diet, and Exercise?
Inside most companies, the

Bear deadlock

We?ve been choosing bear names for the competition today.

A name has been chosen! <a href="

Disconnecting a replication slave is easier with MySQL 5.5+ (RESET SLAVE vs. RESET SLAVE ALL)

It?s not uncommon to promote a server from slave to master. One of the key things to protect your data integrity is to make sure that the promoted slave is permanently disconnected from its old mas

Education on the web

Most of us are well acquainted with the fun and entertaining parts of the internet. But did you know about MOOCs

Weekly Podcast 04/16/2013

Demo from Znowman: Tabs in the content item editor. Works with full drag&drop admin, and with placement extensions: "Content:5#tabName". Should be changed to "Content@tabName:5". Tabs will be moved to inside the white rectangle of the content item editor. Make the selected tab persist after save.

Percona XtraDB Cluster 5.5.30-23.7.4 for MySQL now available

Percona is glad to announce the release of Percona XtraDB Cluster 5.5.30-23.7.4 for MySQL on April 17, 2013. Binaries are available from the <a href="

Start Voting for your Favourite Theme!!

Our Facebook like voting has started for the Easter Theme competition!

Go vote now for the theme you think looks the best at:

<a href="

Connector/J 5.1

Connector/J 5.1 (5.1.23 GA, published on Monday, 04 Feb 2013)