Monday 8 April 2013

U.S. Navy sees shipboard laser weapon coming soon

A solid-state laser will be installed on the USS Ponce, and it may well end up parked in the Persian Gulf. (Credit: U.S. Navy photo by John F. Williams) The U.S. Navy is continuing its flirtation with laser weapons.

Node v0.8.23 (Stable)

64cf0081e4d5d7ac528ce938007f9a7d3d952896 node-v0.8.23-darwin-x64.tar.gz 698b9dd9ece94cde200c25d881700a23a510883e node-v0.8.23-darwin-x86.tar.gz 94ea21cb5425d712b92289a82e0f48541d163fef ...

Scientists find a way to see your dreams

Japanese scientists have developed an algorithm that's able to predict what dreamers see from their neurological patterns. (Credit: oil on canvas, 1895,"Flaming June" by Frederic Leighton) At the ATR Computational Neuroscience Laboratories in Kyoto, Japan, Yukiyasu Kamitani and his colleagues have spent a long time trying to assemble the data they need to image a sleeper's dreams on a screen -- and it looks like they might be nearly there.

5 common mistakes with rel=canonical

Webmaster Level: Intermediate to Advanced

Including a rel=canonical link in your webpage is a strong hint to sear

HP launches power-efficient Moonshot servers

16:45, Electronics/Hardware Hewlett-Packard on Monday launched a Moonshot system that uses smartphone-style chips to power compact, efficient data center servers.Hewlett-Packard on Monday launched a Moonshot system that uses smartphone-style chips to power compact, efficient data center servers.

TapIn.TV (YC S12) evolves into Framebase, making building products that use video much easier

Back in early 2012, four friends set out to build TapIn.TV. As one of many competitors in the crowded live mobile video broadcasting space, TapIn.TV focused almost entirely on video. After months of development, they noticed something rather troubling: building video stuff - the uploading, the recording, the playback - is too damned hard.

Random Robot Roundup

Intel shows off speedier Thunderbolt tech

Intel's next-generation Thunderbolt technology boasts double the speed and backwards compatibility, though isn't immediately available. (Credit: Stephen Shankland/CNET) Intel today announced the next generation of its Thunderbolt technology, which doubles the speed and works with previous inputs. The technology, which Intel announced at the National Association of Broadcasters conference today, supports up to 20 Gbps bidirectionally.

NASA Administrator Discusses 2014 Fiscal Year Budget Proposal

NASA Administrator Discusses 2014 Fiscal Year Budget Proposal WASHINGTON -- NASA Administrator Charles Bolden will brief reporters about the agency's fiscal year 2014 budget proposal at 3 p.m. EDT on Wednesday, April 10, during a media teleconference. NASA Chief Financial Officer Elizabeth Robinson will join the administrator.

AWS Elastic Beanstalk for .NET Supports Amazon VPC and Configuration Files

We are excited to announce that AWS Elastic Beanstalk for .NET now supports configuration files as well as integration with Amazon VPC and Amaz

Mayo Clinic unveils software that pinpoints risky lung nodules

CANARY provides noninvasive method to test for cancer. (Credit: Mayo Clinic) With lung cancer being the leading cause of cancer-related deaths in the U.S., effective early screening is key to saving lives. Researchers at the Mayo Clinic say they've developed new software that can help classify lung nodules noninvasively, saving lives and health care costs.

Rendering Alternates For Your Ad-hoc Shapes

If you start building very customized websites with Orchard CMS you will soon realize you need to be able to render shapes differently in different zones. You have options when the shapes differ by

Importing Your Old WordPress Posts Into Orchard

In one form or another, I have had a Wordpress self hosted blog for the better part of 8+ years. Whether it was this blog (started September 2007), a family blog (no longer running), or other blogs; simply I have been using Wordpress for a very long time.

BlackBerry Jam Starter Session

Ever since the launch of BlackBerry 10 on January 30th, momentum for the BlackBerry

Sea lion may be first nonhuman mammal to keep a beat

Humans and parrots, clear the dance floor. This sea lion's got rhythm. (Credit: Video screenshot by Amanda Kooser/CNET) In the wild, sea lions are kept busy with hunting prey, caring for young, and swimming about in the great big ocean. In captivity, they have more time to devote to activities like sunning themselves, playing, and rocking out.

NASA to 'lasso' an asteroid

The White House confirms the space agency is working up plans to snag a space rock and bring it closer to Earth for study. (Credit: NASA/JPL Near-Earth Object Program Office) There could be a sequel in the works to that absurd scene from 1998's "Armageddon" in which Ben Affleck and friends land on a threatening near-Earth asteroid.

Mentoring Organizations for Google Summer of Code 2013 Announced

Draft (YC S11) launches a clean, modern word processor with built in editing services

Draft offers clean saves of drafts instead of the usual autosave jumble, clear version control between multiple users, easy importing from popular file services like Dropbox and Evernote, and something pretty unique - an editing service.

Moving Tenants Across Orchard Instances

A few days ago I was facing the task of "merging" two Orchard instances (both of them containing two tenants) into one. As a matter of fact I thought I was looking forward to a raging storm of erro

Computer scientists develop video game that teaches how to program in Java

Computer scientists have developed an immersive, first-person player video game designed to teach students in elementary to high school how to program in Java, one of the most common programming langu

Watsi (YC W13) profiled in The Next Web: YC's first startup non-profit

This is the story of Watsi a non-profit that found itself in the care of a startup accelerator called Y Combinator (YC). YC normally works with for-profit companies focused on technology innovation, and has generated successful businesses worth billions of dollars.

Arram Sabeti, founder of ZeroCater (YC W11), on getting his start in the Valley

Five years ago

Support for Windows XP Set to End in April 2014

A year from now will mark the final milestone for Windows XP ? that of its end of support date.

Starting April 8, 2014, Microsoft will <a href="

Float down fairways on this hovercraft golf cart

Could this be the next big thing for golf? (Credit: Neoteric Hovercraft) Golf can be frustrating on the best of days. What better way to calm your nerves than to sail around the links on this hovercraft golf cart?

Use the PeerFinder API to launch applications via NFC

With the introduction of NFC on Windows Phone 8, the scenarios of device interaction become much more reachable to consumers and developers. By simply by tapping one WP8 device with another, we can perform a variety of tasks, like sharing a contact, photo, video, or app, pairing with Bluetooth, etc.

NuoDB's First Experience: Google Compute Engine - 1.8 Million Transactions Per Second

Monday, April 8, 2013 at 9:25AM This is a repost of the blog entry written by NuoDB's Tommy Reilly . We at NuoDB were recently given the opportunity to kick the tires on the Google Compute Engine by our friends over at Google. You can watch the entire Google Developer Live Session by clicking here.

Freeman Hrabowski: 4 pillars of college success in science - (watch video)

At age 12, Freeman Hrabowski marched with Martin Luther King. Now he's president of the University of Maryland, Baltimore County (UMBC), where he works to create an environment that helps under-represented students -- specifically African-American, Latino and low-income learners -- get degrees in math and science. He shares the four pillars of UMBC's approach.

Why Blossom is Switching to Dart

So what motivated us to switch to Dart? In this post I'll try to answer this question and go into how I see Dart as a huge step forward for the web & mobile development ecosystem. Blossom is a lightweight project management tool for people who craft modern mobile and web applications.

Microsoft Shows Cloud Momentum Before 5,000 IT Pros at Summit

The following is a post from Brad Anderson, corporate vice president of Windows Server & System Center at Microsoft. This post was originally published on <a href="http://blogs.technet

Windows Azure Active Directory: Ready for Production with over 265 Billion Authentications &amp; 2.9 Million Organizations Served!

Last week we shared how Enterprises can benefit by integrating Windows Azure into their business strategy. Having a strong enterprise identity strategy is a key component for enabling new applications and infrastructure in the cloud. Today, we're excited to share that Windows Azure Active Directory (AD) has reached general availability and is now ready for production use!

Robohub coverage of We Robot

WeRobot graphic

We Robot: Getting Down to Business is the title of the 2nd annu

Bluetooth Low Energy and the Internet of Things

Having spent some time looking at Near Field Communication (NFC), my colleague Martin Woolley (@mdwrim) and I (@jcmrim) became really excited when we came across the new Bluetooth Low Energy APIs in BlackBerry 10. "Bluetooth Low Energy", I hear you say. "I know all about Bluetooth since that's been around for many years.

Technique finds software bugs in surgical robots and helps developers fix flaws, ensure safety

Surgical robots could make some types of surgery safer and more effective, but proving that the software controlling these machines works as intended is problematic. Researchers have demonstrated that

Technique finds software bugs in surgical robots and helps developers fix flaws, ensure safety

Surgical robots could make some types of surgery safer and more effective, but proving that the software controlling these machines works as intended is problematic. Researchers have demonstrated that

Future Firefox to Offer More Social, Privacy Choices

Mediaroom and Our TV Journey

The following is a post from Yusuf Mehdi, Corporate Vice President of Marketing, Strategy and Business for the Interactive Entertainment Business at Microsoft.


Raspberry Pi Magic Mirror

Here's a somewhat creepy mirror with a disembodied (French) voice, which recognises the person looking into it and responds accordingly. This lovely hack from Pierre Raufast is the sort of OpenCV application that we hope to see much more of when the camera board goes up for sale (and the Pi camera would be a great solution here, with a much higher framerate).

Qt 5.1 Alpha Available

Two weeks ago we initiated the Qt 5.1 cycle by merging our development code base into the stable branch. Since then, the release team has been working on stabilizing the branch and we now have the first set of Qt 5.1 packages available.

Tech Titans Plot to Reprogram Internet of the Future

Tech Titans Plot to Reprogram Internet of the Future
Raymie Stata, the former

Liquid Robotics launches autonomous sea-faring data center

The new Wave Glider SV3 is essentially a fully autonomous floating server rack, a system its maker fashions as the Amazon Web Services of the open ocean.

Create Rich User Stories with New Open Graph Tools

We are committed to helping developers build apps that allow users to share engaging stories about their lives. Last week, we announced an update to timeline that lets users showcase stories

LS1 report: Across the accelerator complex

The warm-up of the first LHC sector (5-6) is now complete; it is at room temperature for the first time in over three years. Next week, the W bellows in this sector will be opened in preparation for the consolidation of the superconducting circuits, splices and interconnections (the SMACC project).

A first layout for the High Luminosity LHC

A first baseline for the layout of the High Luminosity inner triplet and associated magnets has recently been defined. This is the second major milestone, after the choice of a 150 mm aperture for the quadrupoles in July 2012.

New in Symfony 2.3: DomCrawler enhancements

New in Symfony 2.3: DomCrawler enhancements Today, I'm really happy to resume my Living on the edge series of articles about new features in Symfony. For the first post about Symfony 2.3, I like to start with some interesting features added to the DomCrawler component.

Padrino 0.11.1 Released - Bug fix release

Connector/C++ 1.1

All distributions of Connector/C++ contain a README file, which contains platform-specific notes. At the end of the README file contained in the binary distribution you will find the settings used to build the binaries. If you experience build-related issues on a platform, it may help to check the settings used on the platform to build the binary.

Connector/C++ 1.1

All distributions of Connector/C++ contain a README file, which contains platform-specific notes. At the end of the README file contained in the binary distribution you will find the settings used to build the binaries. If you experience build-related issues on a platform, it may help to check the settings used on the platform to build the binary.

LungoJS, Math.js, Collage



LungoJS (GitHub: Ta

Clearbridge Mobile and the USA Today on BlackBerry 10

I?ve worked very closely with Clearbridge Mobile Inc. ? the developers of USA TODAY for BlackBerry 10