Monday 6 May 2013

PHP Conference Argentina

4-5 OCTOBER 2013, Buenos Aires, ARGENTINA

This year we gathered the best of the programming world. With several
talks that cover a wide range o

Percona XtraBackup 2.0.7 for MySQL available for download

Percona is glad to announce the release of Percona XtraBackup 2.0.7 for MySQL on May 6, 2013. Downloads are available from our download site here and Percona Software Repositories . Percona XtraBackup is the world's only open-source, free MySQL hot backup software that performs non-blocking backups for InnoDB and XtraDB databases.

Othermill on Kickstarter: a robust, personal CNC machine for milling circuit boards and more

My friend Jon

Phosforce laser flashlight can illuminate or incinerate

Stick the Phosforce lens on your Arctic laser and you've got a powerful flashlight. Take it off and you can annihilate balloons with the laser.

Originally posted at <a href="

ISOs for Visual Studio Updates are Now Available

Last month, we shipped Visual Studio 2012 Update 2 (VS2012.2). We're continuing to see good uptake of the Update releases, with the majority of Visual Studio 2012 users now running on VS Update. We're also hearing positive feedback on the VS Update cadence, and the ongoing improvements that it brings to Visual Studio customers.

Robo-docs: RP-VITA bot now in 7 hospitals

RP-VITA can navigate to your room to put you in touch with a doctor, and it's being used in everything from newborn care to stroke treatment. (Credit: iRobot) Would you mind if your doctor were treating you through a display on top of a robot? What if that display could save your life?

Intel revamps chipsets in new mobile push

The Silicon Valley giant said its new, low-power, high-performance Silvermont chip design could be used in segments ranging from smartphones to the data center. "Silvermont will be the foundation for a range of innovative products beginning to come to market later this year," Intel said in a statement.

Hulu Plus for Windows Phone 8 hits the Windows Phone Store

If you?re a fan of shows like ?Modern Family,? ?Family Guy? or ?Community,? you?ll be happy to know that the <a href="

Cloud | Dell Nabs Cloud Gurus as Software Makeover Continues

Cloud | Dell Nabs Cloud Gurus as Software Makeover Continues
Dell CEO and founder Michael D

Navy's X-47B makes first arrested landing

The autonomous aircraft's successful ability to grab a special cable upon landing sets it up for its first carrier tests later this month. (Credit: U.S. Navy) The U.S. Navy's X-47B is one step closer to being ready to start making test flights off of aircraft carriers after completing its first-ever arrested landing.

Symfony 2.1.10 released

I've just released Symfony 2.1.10. It fixes quite a few bugs. Here are
some of the most interesting ones:

  • bcb

Baxter Robot Used to 3D Scan Objects - (watch video)

MIT researchers [] plan to use Baxter to scan hundreds of objects and people. Their goal is to create a comprehensive 3D library. Using Baxter to perform this repetitive task saves them time and improves the quality of the scans. Read more about Baxter:

Microsoft, brands envision the future of online advertising at Creative Week

If you find yourself at a SoHo bar this week, and you spot a discarded napkin with scribbles on it, you might want to take a second look: The odds are slightly better than usual that those scribbles will be Madison Avenue's next winning idea.

Live motion tracking

It is a bank holiday, and we are all quite?cheerful, post company barbecue, so I will keep this brief. Here?s a motion tracking demo from Erik Haberup. He says:

In case the Raspb

Neil Armstrong's moon walk EKG reading up for auction

Astronaut Neil Armstrong's EKG reading from the moment he first stepped on the moon is going up for auction along with some other interesting space memorabilia, including Buzz Aldrin's space onesie. <

NASA to Mark 40th Anniversary of Skylab and Life Off Earth

NASA to Mark 40th Anniversary of Skylab and Life Off Earth WASHINGTON -- NASA will commemorate the 40th anniversary of America's first space station Monday, May 13, with a televised roundtable discussion featuring Skylab astronauts, a current astronaut and agency managers planning future space missions.

BlackBerry Jam 2013 will be a Truly Mobile Conference with NFC, the Conference App, and More

BlackBerry Live Conference App

One of our goals for this year?s Bla

Robots Podcast #129: Controlled flight of insect-sized rob

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More than a good eye: Robot uses arms, location and more to discover objects

A robot can struggle to discover objects in its surroundings when it relies on computer vision alone. But by taking advantage of all of the information available to it?an object's location, size, shap

3D-printed 'Liberator' gun fires first successful shot

The gun debate expands to include plastic firearms that can be printed at home, with lawmakers expressing concerns about new technology. (Credit: YouTube/DXLiberty) A Texas man has become the first person to successfully fire a real bullet from a gun created on a home 3D printer. Sound crazy?

Robotics students build automated locker for special-needs peer

A student with muscular dystrophy could not open his own school locker, so two robotics students stepped up to build an automated opener to give him a hand.

Originally posted at <a href="http://new

Timothy Bartik: The economic case for preschool - (watch video)

In this well-argued talk, Timothy Bartik makes the macro-economic case for preschool education -- and explains why you should be happy to invest in it, even if you don't have kids that age (or kids at all). The economic benefits of well-educated kids, it turns out, go well beyond the altruistic.

More than a good eye: Robot uses arms, location and more to discover objects

A robot can struggle to discover objects in its surroundings when it relies on computer vision alone. But by taking advantage of all of the information available to it -- an object's location, size, s

More than a good eye: Robot uses arms, location and more to discover objects

A robot can struggle to discover objects in its surroundings when it relies on computer vision alone. But by taking advantage of all of the information available to it -- an object's location, size, s

NASA Invites Media to Annual Lunabotics Mining Competition

Fifty teams of undergraduate and graduate students from around the world will demonstrate their lunar excavator robots May 20 - 24 at NASA's Kennedy Space Center in Florida.

More than a good eye: Robot uses arms, location and more to discover objects

A robot can struggle to discover objects in its surroundings when it relies on computer vision alone. But by taking advantage of all of the information available to it?an object's location, size, shap

7 Not So Sexy Tips for Saving Money On Amazon

Harish Ganesan CTO of 8KMiles has a very helpful blog, Cloud, Big Data and Mobile , where he...

Terrafugia to develop vertical takeoff flying car

The TF-X will build on the company's Transition flying car and will allow drivers to takeoff and land vertically. (Credit: Terrafugia) Frustrated commuters may soon have some more good news from Terrafugia, the maker of the Transition flying car.

Swarm, Dookie, AngularJS Book


Swarm (GitHub: gritzko / swarm, License: MIT) by Victor Grishchenko is a da

Controlling robots with your thoughts

08:32, Electronics/Robotics Student Angel Garcia use his eyes, eyebrows and other parts of his face to make the robot move. Credit: Thor NielsenThis is Angel Perez Garcia. He can make a robot move exactly as he wants via the electrodes attached to his head.

Controlling robots with your thoughts

08:32, Electronics/Robotics Student Angel Garcia use his eyes, eyebrows and other parts of his face to make the robot move. Credit: Thor NielsenThis is Angel Perez Garcia. He can make a robot move exactly as he wants via the electrodes attached to his head.

Command Line Rocks! Building BlackBerry 10 Apps Without An IDE

Don't get me wrong, I love our Momentics IDE. It provides many features that help to build apps rapidly including the QML previewer and code auto-completion. Sometimes, however, it can be extremely useful to know what's going on under-the-hood. This article will aim to explain how to build a native app from the command line, [...]

Data Centers | The Facebook Special: How Intel Builds Custom Chips for Giants of the Web

<img src="" alt="Data Centers | The Facebook Special: How Intel Builds Custom Chips for Giants of th

Percona Toolkit 2.2.2 released; bug fixes include pt-heartbeat &amp; pt-archiver

During the Percona Live MySQL Conference & Expo 2013 the week before last, we quietly released Percona Toolkit 2.2.2 with a few

New in Symfony 2.3: Buttons support in Forms

<a href="https://connect.sensiolab

Building a Real-Time Photo Gallery with Xamarin, SignalR, Azure, and WebAPI

Lately I've been throwing around the idea of writing an app for my wedding, and started thinking of what I'd want to put in it. One feature that I thought could be fun would be to let guests upload photos directly from the app and display them both to other guests and on our site in real time.