Saturday 2 March 2013

Short algorithm, long-range consequences

At this year's ACM Symposium on the Theory of Computing, MIT researchers will present a new algorithm for solving graph Laplacians that is not only faster than its predecessors, but also drastically simpler.

CodePlex - Open Source Project Hosting

Microsoft's open source project hosting web site. You can use CodePlex to find open source software or create new projects to share with the world.

Built for BlackBerry and the 10K Developer Commitment: Dates to Remember

You know the saying "a nice problem to have" or "embarrassment of riches"? Well, we have experienced something along those same lines with the amazing response from our developer community, especially the Herculean effort to have applications ready in BlackBerry World for the launch of BlackBerry 10 on January 30, just a few short weeks [...]

The only bad thing about Mason | Jerome Eteve []

At the moment, I'm writing a presentation about Mason2. The goal is to somehow convince my colleagues to consider using Mason. Instead of Template Toolkit. As part of it, I thought I'd do a bit of performance benchmarking against Template Toolkit.

CakePHP 2.3.1 released :: The Bakery: Everything CakePHP

The CakePHP core team is proud to announce the immediate availability of CakePHP 2.3.1[1]. 2.3.1 is a bugfix release for the 2.3 release branch. Since the release of 2.3.0 there have been 70 commits and 20 tickets resolved. A short list of the changes you can expect is:

Notes from a Newbie 10: Authentication/Authorization | j0e []

Notes from a Newbie document the creation and deployment of with Perl Catalyst on shared hosting. They are intended for a Perl Catalyst Newbie who would like to study the creation and deployment of a simple Perl Catalyst application. Now that we've experimented a little and are confident in what we are doing, we'll start over from scratch.

Four new single page application templates - Gunnar Peipman's ASP.NET blog

Four new single page application templates ASP.NET and Web Tools 2012.2 are officially out and although it brings a lot of new stuff to us I want to stop on new Single Page Application templates available by community. I was able to get them all work and now let's take a look at them.

DailyJS: localStorage DOS, Lunr.js, Vlug

Vlug (GitHub: pllee / vlug, License: MIT, npm: vlug) by Patrick Lee is a small instrumentation library for benchmarking code without manually adding log statements. The Vlug.Interceptor object takes a specification of things to log, which will dynamically invoke calls to console.time and console.timeEnd to collect benchmarks.

Video Friday: Robot Fish Cars, Kibo in Zero-G, and Roboy Says Hi - IEEE Spectrum

Of all the robotic kids we've had the pleasure of meeting, Roboy somehow manages to be one of the least creepy. Even if he is, you know, skinless. But hey, at least he looks friendly-ish, doesn't he? Maybe not-spend-time-with-him-alone-in-the-dark-friendly, but robot babies are always a work in progress.

Changes for a couple Yahoo! Developer Network (YDN) offerings · YDN Blog

As of April 16, 2013, we will no longer support the Yahoo! Updates API. You can continue to use the service as is and the documentation will remain for now, but the team will no longer support the API. This also means the Updates forum will be removed.

What Makes WebKit, WebKit? | Webmonkey |

It's the most widely used rendering engine on the web, but not every WebKit-based browser is the same and your website will not necessarily look the same in all of them. Google Chrome's Paul Irish offers developers an overview of what WebKit is and why not all "WebKits" are the same.

W3Conf Videos Showcase the Latest in Web Standards | Webmonkey |

The W3C, the group that oversees web standards like HTML and CSS, recently held W3Conf, an annual conference for web developers. If, like me, you couldn't make it this year, fear not, videos of all of the talks are now available online.

Client Spotlight: Kim Starks of VoiceBee - SocialEngine

"What's going on?" An easy enough question to answer, yet more people are finding it increasingly difficult to take time out of their busy lives to connect with one another. Take SocialEngine user Kim Starks for example. Kim has always been interested in people and how they interact with one another.

Big data: Searching large amounts of data quickly and efficiently

Not only scientific institutes but also companies harvest an amazing amount of data. Traditional database management systems are often unable to cope with this. Suitable tools are lacking in information retrieval on big data. Computer scientists have now developed an approach which enables searching large amounts of data in a fast and efficient way.

Math behind icon design | Code Blog

Did you know... The squircle (the matemathical term) is pretty close to the Nokia icon shape. Luckily enough, you don't need the formula to create your launcher icon; you can always use the Icon templates we have created for you. And you don't need Photoshop to work with them: they are also available for Inkscape!

jQuery 2.0 Beta 2 Released | Official jQuery Blog

The next beta of jQuery 2.0 has arrived! This beta has several changes and tweaks based on the feedback we received from those of you who generously tested the first beta. We really need you to test this version as well and let us know what still needs to be done.

CodePlex - Open Source Project Hosting

Microsoft's open source project hosting web site. You can use CodePlex to find open source software or create new projects to share with the world.

Node v0.9.11 (Unstable)

2e11c53449523642f1b3f2cad9726d032ebf0a1b node-v0.9.11-darwin-x64.tar.gz 6a8c18185d67ff50979a143b9e100d56b35aedde node-v0.9.11-darwin-x86.tar.gz 16a95dfc6974ba3562801d9f7bb9e2fa0c001d32 ...

Google Chrome Bug Plagues Mac Users | Wired Enterprise |

Has Google's Chrome browser been crashing on you in recent weeks? If so, you're not alone. Many people who use Chrome on Apple's Mac OS X operating system have been complaining of frequent crashes while browsing sites like Google Drive and Facebook. They're complaining on Twitter and, well, in the Wired newsroom.

Fridaygram: Netizen of the Year, amazing ants, mesmerizing math - Google Developers Blog

By Scott Knaster, Google Developers Blog Editor Each year Reporters Without Borders presents the Netizen of the Year Award to someone who makes a notable contribution in defense of online freedom of expression. This sort of activism is vital, and can be hazardous: bloggers and others are sometimes jailed for what they write online.

Magento Ecommerce Blog | Magento

Grow your online business with the help of Magento's Ecommerce Blog. Find many articles and resources to enhance your online business!

Google Open Source Blog: Dare to try: a story of summer triumph

Dare to try: a story of summer triumph

New SE Cloud Features: Anon posting, post-by-email, Clean theme improvements and more! - SocialEngine

New SE Cloud Features: Anon posting, post-by-email, Clean theme improvements and more!

Windows Azure Community News Roundup (Edition #56) - Windows Azure - Site Home - MSDN Blogs

Editor's Note: This post comes from Mark Brown, Windows Azure Community Manager. Welcome to the newest edition of our weekly roundup of the latest community-driven news, content and conversations about cloud computing and Windows Azure.

Holy bloat, Batman! | educated_foo []

./perl -Ilib -le 'print $^V'; /usr/bin/time -l ./perl -Ilib -le 'use constant X => 1..5; print X' 2>&1 | grep 'maximum resident' v5.17.10 3829760 maximum resident set size $ /usr/bin/time -l ./perl -I/tmp -le 'use constant X => 1..5; print X' 2>&1 | grep 'maximum resident' 1200128 maximum resident set size That's 2.6MB bloat to define a constant.