Wednesday 1 May 2013

Version 1.7 Previewed

.NET based CMS Orchard has reached the 4,000,000 module and theme download mark, and is now readying its next r

Google API infrastructure outage yesterday

By Louis Ryan, Software Engineer We know that developers around the world depend on our APIs for their apps, sites and businesses every day. Unfortunately, we experienced an outage of the Google API serving infrastructure yesterday, April 30. This outage impacted most Google APIs, resulting in requests failing with a 500 error code.

Connector/J 5.1

Connector/J 5.1 (5.1.25 GA, published on Thursday, 02 May 2013)

Rails 4.0: Release Candidate 1 released!

Just in time for the opening of RailsConf, we managed to push out the first release candidate of Rails 4.0. This incorporates no less than 1,368 commits since beta 1. You can see <a href="https://g

Brain implant gives early warning of epileptic seizure

People with epilepsy have to learn to cope with the unpredictable nature of seizures - but that could soon be a thing of the past. A new brain implant can warn of seizures minutes before they strike, enabling them to get out of situations that could present a safety risk.

Dart Team Updates for April 2013

DARPA robot hand picks up keys, 50-pound weights

The robotic hand is durable enough to survive being hit with a baseball bat and, at $3,000 apiece, is relatively cheap.

Originally posted at <a href="

Bitcoin | Rogue Employee Turns Gaming Network Into Private Bitcoin Mine

Bitcoin | Rogue Employee Turns Gaming Network Into Private Bitcoin Mine
If you?ve been playing Cou

jQuery Migrate 1.2.0 Released

The latest version 1.2 of the jQuery Migrate plugin is here! It can be used with either jQuery 1.9 or jQuery 2.0 to provide diagnostics and remedial help for plugins that haven?t been updated since

Announcing WebMatrix 3

Editor's Note: This post comes from Justin Beckwith, Program Manager. Today we are excited to announce the release of WebMatrix 3. WebMatrix is a free and lightweight web development tool we introduced in 2010, focusing on simplifying the web development experience for ASP.NET, PHP, and Node.js.

Announcing the Release of WebMatrix 3

I'm excited to announce the release of WebMatrix 3. WebMatrix is a free, lightweight web development tool we first introduced in 2010, and which provides a great, focused web development experience for ASP.NET, PHP, and Node.js. Today's release includes a ton of great new features.

Robots in development can reach out and touch someone

Georgia Tech team is working on a robotic arm that can "feel" through clutter to reach something, a common search-and-rescue task. (Credit: Georgia Institute of Technology) Robotic prostheses may have a way to go before they work exactly like human limbs, but researchers are making great strides.

Got CFF?

Networks | Google Fiber Sparks Yet Another Gigabit Internet Service

Networks | Google Fiber Sparks Yet Another Gigabit Internet Service
Omaha, Nebraska is sla

Seahorse's armor gives engineers insight into robotics designs

The tail of a seahorse can be compressed to about half its size before permanent damage occurs, engineers have found. The tail's flexibility is due to its structure, made up of bony, armored plates, w

Best of both worlds: Towards a quantum Internet with combined optical and electrical technique

Scientists have achieved a breakthrough in quantum science that brings the prospect of a network of ultra-powerful quantum computers -- connected via a quantum internet -- closer to reality. The team

An Open Source CMS That Is Ready To Harvest

It may not be top of mind for most people yet, but Orchard has rapidly become a robust option for a CMS on the .NET platform. It?s free, open source and already powering online stores for major bra

Weekly Podcast 04/30/2013

Meeting notes:

  • A security vulnerability has been found in all versions

Platform Updates: Operation Developer Love

Since last Wednesday'

Symfony 2.3.0 Beta 1 released

As announced yesterday, we have just released
Symfony 2.3.0 Beta 1.

If you want to help us, please, test this version on you

An Affordable, Adaptable, Resilient, Robust Robotic Hand - (watch video)

The ARM-H track of DARPA's Autonomous Robotic Manipulation (ARM) program focuses on development of robust, low-cost and dexterous robotic hand hardware. DARPA funded performers to design and build hand mechanisms that could replace the claw-like hands currently used on robots with hands incorporating 3-4 fingers and useable palms. The teams successfully produced hands that can be manufactured for as little as $3,000 per unit (in batches of 1,000 or more), down from the $50,000 cost of current technology.

Success Continues as NASA's Orion Parachute Tests Get More Difficult

Success Continues as NASA's Orion Parachute Tests Get More Difficult WASHINGTON -- A test version of NASA's Orion spacecraft safely landed during a simulation of two types of parachute failures Wednesday. In the test, conducted in Yuma, Ariz., the mock capsule was traveling about 250 mph when the parachutes were deployed.

NASA Selects U.S. Small Business Technology Transfer Projects For Further Development

NASA Selects U.S. Small Business Technology Transfer Projects for Further Development WASHINGTON -- NASA has selected 14 proposals from small business and research institution teams to continue development of innovative technologies that are needed for future NASA missions and could become viable commercial products and services.

NASA Rover Prototype Set to Explore Greenland Ice Sheet

NASA Rover Prototype Set to Explore Greenland Ice Sheet WASHINGTON -- NASA's newest scientific rover is set for testing May 3 through June 8 in the highest part of Greenland. The robot known as GROVER, which stands for both Greenland Rover and Goddard Remotely Operated Vehicle for Exploration and Research, will roam the frigid landscape collecting measurements to help scientists better understand changes in the massive ice sheet.

NASA Invites Public to Send Names and Messages to Mars

NASA Invites Public to Send Names And Messages to Mars WASHINGTON -- NASA is inviting members of the public to submit their names and a personal message online for a DVD to be carried aboard a spacecraft that will study the Martian upper atmosphere.

NASA's LAUNCH Program Recognized for Government Innovation

NASA's LAUNCH Program Recognized for Government Innovation WASHINGTON -- A NASA program supporting innovative approaches to sustainability challenges has received an Innovations in American Government Award from Harvard University's Kennedy School of Government. NASA's LAUNCH program is among the top 25 federal programs recognized by the Kennedy School's Ash Center for Democratic Governance and Innovation.

Deputy Administrator Garver Visits NASA's Gulf Coast Facilities

Deputy Administrator Garver Visits NASA's Gulf Coast Facilities WASHINGTON -- Deputy Administrator Lori Garver will visit NASA's Michoud Assembly Facility in New Orleans and testing facilities at the agency's Stennis Space Center in Bay St. Louis, Miss., Friday, May 3. These facilities are critical to the construction and testing of NASA's Space Launch System (SLS) rocket and Commercial Crew Program.

Announcing New Edge Location in Seoul, Korea for Amazon CloudFront and Amazon Route 53

We are excited to announce the launch of our newest edge location in Seoul, Korea to serve end users of Amazon CloudFront and Amazon Route 53. This is our first edge location in Korea and each new

Node Roundup: Caterpillar, squel, mongoose-currency

You can send in your Node projects for review through our contact form.


Benjamin Lupton sent in Caterpillar (GitHub:

Internet Explorer 10 Doubles Its Desktop Market Share

Myth: Eric Brewer on Why Banks are BASE Not ACID - Availability Is Revenue

In NoSQL: Past, Pre

SOINN artificial brain can now use the internet to learn new things #DigInfo - (watch video)

A group at Tokyo Institute of Technology, led by Dr. Osamu Hasegawa, has succeeded in making further advances with SOINN, their machine learning algorithm, which can now use the internet to learn how to perform new tasks.

NASA Spacecraft Will Visit Asteroid with New Name

NASA Spacecraft Will Visit Asteroid with New Name WASHINGTON -- An asteroid that will be explored by a NASA spacecraft has a new name, thanks to a third-grade student in North Carolina. NASA's Origins-Spectral Interpretation-Resource Identification-Security-Regolith Explorer (OSIRIS-REx) spacecraft will visit the asteroid now called Bennu, named after an important ancient Egyptian avian deity.

Researchers use gait primitives from real animals to simulate movement in robots (w/ video)

10:10, Electronics/Robotics ( -Researchers at the Italian Institute of Technology (IIT) have used stop-motion technology to capture gait primitives of real animals-the data captured was then used to allow a small quadruped robot to walk and trot like a real horse. The team describes their project in their paper published in Biological Cybernetics.

Researchers use gait primitives from real animals to simulate movement in robots (w/ video)

10:10, Electronics/Robotics ( -Researchers at the Italian Institute of Technology (IIT) have used stop-motion technology to capture gait primitives of real animals-the data captured was then used to allow a small quadruped robot to walk and trot like a real horse. The team describes their project in their paper published in Biological Cybernetics.

WebRTC, Online Code Editor Team Up for Real-Time Coding

Pioneering flight of 'Robo Raven' is major breakthrough for micro air vehicles

09:18, Electronics/Robotics Top to bottom: Robo Raven in flight. Robo Raven's wings flap completely independent of each other. 3) (L-R) Students Luke Roberts, John Gerdes, and Ariel Perez-Rosado with Robo Raven. Credit: University of Maryland( -In this age of advanced technology, how hard could it be to develop a robotic bird that flies by flapping its wings?

Pioneering flight of 'Robo Raven' is major breakthrough for micro air vehicles

09:18, Electronics/Robotics Top to bottom: Robo Raven in flight. Robo Raven's wings flap completely independent of each other. 3) (L-R) Students Luke Roberts, John Gerdes, and Ariel Perez-Rosado with Robo Raven. Credit: University of Maryland( -In this age of advanced technology, how hard could it be to develop a robotic bird that flies by flapping its wings?

Talking tissue boxes and other smart objects may be welcomed by most people

Just as people have embraced computers and smart phones, they may also give their blessing to talking tissue boxes and other smart objects, according to Penn State researchers. "Smart objects will become more and more a part of our daily lives," said S. Shyam Sundar, Distinguished Professor of Communications and co-director of the Media Effects Research Laboratory.

Download Google fonts to your desktop

Author PhotoBy Razie

Robots designed to clean up our streets

07:30, Electronics/Robotics It sounds like something from a science fiction film, but the concept of robots cleaning our streets is becoming a reality with what is believed to be a world first. DUSTBOT ('Networked and Cooperating Robots for Urban Hygiene') is an original idea, which operates robots in partially unstructured environments (such as squares, streets, parks) to sweep up rubbish and dirt.

Robots designed to clean up our streets

07:30, Electronics/Robotics It sounds like something from a science fiction film, but the concept of robots cleaning our streets is becoming a reality with what is believed to be a world first. DUSTBOT ('Networked and Cooperating Robots for Urban Hygiene') is an original idea, which operates robots in partially unstructured environments (such as squares, streets, parks) to sweep up rubbish and dirt.

Follow these basics when migrating to Percona XtraDB Cluster for MySQL

Galera/ Percona XtraDB Cluster (PXC) for MySQL is a hot thing right now and some users jump right in without enough testing. Consequently, they're more likely to either suffer failure or issues that prevent them from moving forward. If you are thinking of migrating your workload to Percona XtraDB Cluster, make sure to go through these basics.

Seeking Feedback on Alternative Formats for ASP.NET MVC and Deployment Content Maps

The ASP.NET content maps are lists of resources that we have reviewed and recommend. The content maps have been popular in their present form, but we're looking at ways to improve them, such as by publishing more lists but with a narrower focus to each one, by providing more information for each link, and by formatting them differently.