Thursday 28 February 2013

Changes to the 'Sign in with Twitter' flow | Twitter Developers

We just made some changes to our OAuth 1.0A flow, enabling applications to better control automatic redirection behavior in the "Sign in with Twitter" flow. With these changes, we recommend you log in to and review the applications you've created and the specific OAuth options available to them.

BigDog Throws Cinder Blocks with Huge Robotic Face-Arm - IEEE Spectrum

BigDog has grown an arm out of its face, and it's using it to throw cinder blocks across a room. Uh, wow. Boston Dynamics hasn't posted much in the way of additional information on this, besides the following caption on the YouTube video: BigDog handles heavy objects.

Amazon SQS and SNS Announce Lower Prices and Expanded Free Tiers - 50% price drop for SQS

Amazon SQS and SNS Announce Lower Prices and Expanded Free Tiers - 50% price drop for SQS We have good news to share. Effective March 1, 2013, we are reducing prices and expanding the free tier for AWS messaging services - the Simple Queue Service (SQS) and Simple Notification Service (SNS).

Creating your own animated 3-D characters and scenes for the web

To show spatial animations on websites, developers so far have had only two options: to use special software or to implement it from scratch. Computer scientists have developed a declarative markup language which facilitates the creation of distinct spatial animations and ensures their smooth replay in the web browser.

The Hosebird Client streaming library | Twitter Developers

Today we're releasing Hosebird Client, a Java-based client for Twitter's Streaming APIs. While Twitter has open-sourced a considerable amount of software, this is the first API client library we've developed in-house and are releasing to the world.

Monads, part one

Lots of other bloggers have attempted this, but what the heck, I'll give it a shot too. In this series I'm going to attempt to answer the question: I'm a C# programmer with no "functional programming" background whatsoever. What is this "monad" thing I keep hearing about, and what use is it to me?

Google Open Source Blog: Compress Data More Densely with Zopfli

Compress Data More Densely with Zopfli

Compress data more densely with Zopfli - Google Developers Blog

By Lode Vandevenne, Software Engineer, Compression Team Cross-posted with the Google Open Source Blog The Zopfli Compression Algorithm is a new open sourced general purpose data compression library that got its name from a Swiss bread recipe. It is an implementation of the Deflate compression algorithm that creates a smaller output size compared to previous techniques.

Google App Engine Blog: Improve your App Engine skills with Google Developers Academy

The official Google App Engine blog. The latest news on Google App Engine and the App Engine community.

How to Multiply the Capacity of Oracle Storage Systems

Oracle Hybrid Columnar Compression enables the high of data compression and provides enterprises with cost savings and performance improvements due to reduced I/O. Oracle Hybrid Columnar Compression is optimized to use both database and storage capabilities on Oracle storage devices to deliver tremendous space savings AND revolutionary performance.

Pixels guide the way for the visually impaired

Images have been transformed into pixels and projected onto a headset to help the visually impaired in everyday tasks such as navigation, route-planning and object finding. Developed using a video camera and mathematical algorithm, the researchers hope the pixels can provide more information and enhance the vision of patients already fitted with retinal implants.

Improve your App Engine skills with Google Developers Academy - Google Developers Blog

By Wesley Chun, Developer Relations Team Cross-posted with the Google App Engine Blog Are you developing on App Engine today or interested in learning how to use it? If you've gone through all the great App Engine docs and Getting Started tutorials ( Python, Java, or Go) but want to take your App Engine skills a step further, then Google Developers Academy (GDA) is the place to go!

CodePlex - Open Source Project Hosting

Microsoft's open source project hosting web site. You can use CodePlex to find open source software or create new projects to share with the world.

Sublime BlackBerry 10 WebWorks Development

At the risk of broaching a topic that is potentially more volatile than politics, religion, or semi-colons in JavaScript, let's talk a little bit about development environments for BlackBerry 10 WebWorks. Now, while I'm going to talk about one development environment in particular in this blog post, one of the great things about BlackBerry 10 [...]

Pideas | Raspberry Pi

Quick housekeeping note: thanks for all the kind birthday wishes! We?re going to be celebrating tomorrow on March 1, not today on Feb 28. Prof Alan Mycroft wants me to point you all at the Pirates of

DailyJS: Upgrading to Grunt 0.4

I was working on dailyjs-backbone-tutorial and I noticed issue #5 where ?fiture? was unable to run the build script. That tutorial uses Grunt to invoke r.j from RequireJS, and it turned out I forgot t

AirBurr MAV Navigates by Bouncing Off Walls and Floors - IEEE Spectrum

A lot of UAV research is focused on making flying robots that can navigate by themselves using sophisticated sensor systems, intelligently avoiding crashing into things. This is a fantastic goal to

Google Expands Universal Search to Include Your Calendar | Webmonkey |

Your calendar, now part of your search results. Image: GoogleGoogle has expanded the personalized search ?field trial? it initiated last year, pulling in additional results from Google Calendar. Your

WebP, Table Partitioning and more · YDN Blog

Every Thursday is Tech Thursday where we share a random assortment of technical links we found and liked.

More CSS Secrets, another 10 things you may not know about CSS.

Amazing high-resolution, d

Give the Web the Finger With Microsoft's Proposed 'Pointer Events' | Webmonkey |

The proposed Pointer Events spec makes it easier to handle input from fingers, pens. Image: W3C.
The W3C recently moved Microsoft?s proposed Pointer Events spec to Last Call Working Draft. To help dev

Microsoft Munches Own Open Source Dog Food | Wired Enterprise |

In recent months, Microsoft has made some enormous strides in this area, letting developers run the open-source Linux operating system atop its Azure cloud service and working to build a new version of the open-source Hadoop number-crunching system that runs on its own Windows operating system.

Pre-release of ASP.NET Scaffolding with a Web Forms scaffold generator - .NET Web Development and Tools Blog - Site Home - MSDN Blogs

Today we are sharing a pre-release build of a new code generation framework known as ASP.NET Scaffolding, as well as a scaffold generator (code generator) for Web Forms. The Web Forms scaffold generator can automatically build Create-Read-Update-Delete (CRUD) views based on a model. Many programming tasks involve writing standard "boilerplate" code.

EF6 Alpha 3 Available on NuGet - ADO.NET Blog - Site Home - MSDN Blogs

A couple of months back we released EF6 Alpha 2, since then we've been adding new features, polishing existing features and fixing bugs. Today we are pleased to announce the availability of Alpha 3. EF6 is being developed in an open source code base on CodePlex, see our open source announcement for more details.

W3C News Archive: 2013 W3C

The HTML Working Group has published two First Public Working Drafts today:

Public Identifiers for entity resolution in XHTML. This document adds an additional public identifier that should be recogn