Tuesday 30 April 2013

Announcing Amazon Web Services Global Certification Program

We are excited to announce the launch of the Amazon Web Services Global Certification Program. AWS Certifications designate individuals who demonstrate knowledge, skills and proficiency with AWS services. This program is built around the three primary roles for engineering teams delivering cloud-based solutions: Solutions Architect, SysOps Administrator, and Developer. Role-based certification credentials can be earned on three proficiency levels: Associate, Professional and Master.

AWS certifications are designed to certify the technical skills and knowledge associated with best practices for building secure and reliable cloud-based applications using AWS technology. To earn an AWS Certification, individuals must prove their proficiency by passing an exam. Exams are administered through Kryterion testing centers in more than 100 countries and 750 testing locations worldwide. Once achieved, individuals can display the AWS Certified logo on business cards and resumes to gain visibility for their AWS expertise while fostering credibility with employers and peers.

The first certification to be offered is the ?AWS Certified Solutions Architect ? Associate Level,? which certifies skills for technical professionals and solutions architects involved in the design and development of applications on AWS. Additional role-based certifications, including certifications for Systems Operations (SysOps) Administrators and Developers, will follow later this year.

To learn more about the AWS Certification Program, visit http://aws.amazon.com/certification.

crawled from : Amazon

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