Friday 15 March 2013

First ever commercial quantum computer may not be quantum | ExtremeTech

A couple of years ago, D-Wave Systems reported that qubits within its quantum computers were tunnelling. This would permit the qubits to, in effect, explore the energy of all the possible states of a system significantly faster than a traditional system, speeding up certain kinds of computations.

NASA - NASA's Webb Telescope Gets Its Wings

NASA's Webb Telescope Gets Its Wings WASHINGTON -- A massive backplane that will hold the primary mirror of NASA's James Webb Space Telescope nearly motionless while it peers into space is another step closer to completion with the recent assembly of the support structure's wings.

Windows Azure Root Certificate Migration - Windows Azure - Site Home - MSDN Blogs

As part of our ongoing commitment to security we are making a change to our SSL certificate chain that will require a small number of customers to take action before April 15 th, 2013. Windows Azure currently uses the GTE CyberTrust Global Root and beginning on April 15 th, 2013 will migrate to the Baltimore CyberTrust Root.

NASA - NASA TV News Conference To Discuss Planck Cosmology Findings

NASA will host a news conference at 11 a.m. EDT Thursday, March 21, to discuss the first cosmology results from Planck, a European Space Agency mission with significant NASA participation.

CodePlex - Open Source Project Hosting

Microsoft's open source project hosting web site. You can use CodePlex to find open source software or create new projects to share with the world.

Donor livers kept alive outside the body for 24 hours - health - 15 March 2013 - New Scientist

Donated livers can survive for at least a day outside the body thanks to a new device which keeps the organ ticking over as if it hadn't been removed. The machine is likely to more than double the availability of livers for transplant.

BuildZoom (YC W13) connects homeowners with over 2.5M licensed contractors for remodeling projects - Y Combinator Posthaven

Y Combinator-backed BuildZoom, a new service to help homeowners find licensed contractors to help them with their remodeling projects, is today making its public debut. The startup's database now contains every licensed contractor across the U.S. - over 2.5 million of them.

Amiato (YC W12) raises $2M from A16z, Data Collective, Ignition to bring the power of SQL to deep analysis of A/B tests - Y Combinator Posthaven

Amiato has built a tool that lets companies, websites, and apps perform comprehensive A/B test analysis on their products at big data scale.

Robotic swim buddy snaps your stroke from below - tech - 15 March 2013 - New Scientist

NOT feeling your front crawl? Breaststroke a little off-kilter? Not to worry, a robotic swimming buddy can help you out. Swimoid is a robot that glides along the pool floor underneath you as you swim, monitoring your form and providing real-time feedback on a 50-centimetre LCD screen.

High Scalability - High Scalability - Stuff The Internet Says On Scalability For March 15, 2013

Friday, March 15, 2013 at 9:30AM Hey, it's HighScalability time: 0: # of Google Readers; 2.5 billion/day: new pieces of content added to Facebook; 2.7 billion/day: likes added to Facebook; 7PB/month: photos added to Facebook Quotable Quotes: @cwgem: It seems like cutting down API access is the stock scalability answer these days @abenik: @Prismatic surfaced this article on their architecture for me.

Focus Feedback · YDN Blog

The browser provides visual feedback when a control receives focus. The default visualization usually matches how focus is rendered on the host platform: On Windows this is a subtle dotted outline, on MacOS a blue glow.

Magento Ecommerce Blog | Magento

Hackathons have been a long tradition of the Magento community throughout the world. Developers and enthusiasts alike come together to work on challenging and inspiring projects, sharing of ideas and building friendships and experiences that are memorable. At every new event, a different and new hackathon format is introduced by creative community members.

BlackBerry Live and BlackBerry Jam Americas, Together At Last

We're just two months away from BlackBerry Live 2013 and we're psyched that BlackBerry Live and BlackBerry Jam Americas are combining like the Wonder Twins to bring you the biggest BlackBerry event ever. I've had the privilege to attend BlackBerry Live (well, BlackBerry World, and before that WES) in the past - and it has always [...]

Sinatra 1.4.0, 1.3.6, 1.2.9 released!

Sinatra 1.4.0, 1.3.6, 1.2.9 released!

Did Microsoft Fry Its Cloud With an Air-Conditioner Update? | Wired Enterprise |

One of the great things about cloud computing is that you don't have to worry about bumpy old software updates, except when they take down the entire cloud. That's what happened on Tuesday when Microsoft's Hotmail,, and Skydrive sites went down for some.

Tech Time Warp of the Week: The Commodore-64, 1983 | Wired Enterprise |

The best selling computer of all time? It wasn't the Macintosh. Or the Apple II. Or the IBM PC. It was the Commodore-64, the computer-disguised-as-a-keyboard that made its debut in 1982.

To the stars: After a 25 year hiatus, NASA restarts plutonium production | ExtremeTech

After a quarter-century hiatus, the United States has begun producing plutonium-238 once more. The decision was made to ensure that future NASA projects would have access to the valuable fuel. As US stocks dwindled, NASA began buying plutonium-238 from Russia, but that agreement came to an end in 2010.

Dear Valve, what exactly is a Steam Box? | ExtremeTech

When Valve announced its Steam Box in January at CES, we saw what was supposed to be a prototype of the console. Produced by Xi3, the little box shown was a very small form-factor PC, able to fit in the palm of your hand.

Science Museum Great British Innovation | Raspberry Pi

The Science Museum has shortlisted the Raspberry Pi in its competition to find the great British innovations of the 21st Century. We'd love it if you could vote Pi!

BlackBerry 10 Appreciation Event, Brazil [Video]

On January 30th, more than 200 developers got together to celebrate the launch of BlackBerry 10 at the Red Bull house in Recife, Brazil. You can see all the 154 pictures on our #BBJamSessions Facebook Page Related Posts

Phys.Org Mobile: Brainless bristlebots found to exhibit swarming behavior

10:00, Electronics/Robotics (a) A collection of the BBots used in the experiment. (b) Schematic of an individual BBot. A plastic chassis is connected to a pair of toothbrushes via a slanted wedge. An eccentric motor is positioned on the top side of the device and is powered by a VARTA rechargeable button-cell battery.

Flag-waving, without use of arm muscles | Raspberry Pi

Eben met Alex from earlier this week, and was given this rather fantastic flag-waving kit for our demo table. (If you've got something you think we could use in demos at schools, in talks, and when we chat to the press, give me a shout at - we're always looking for new kit to show off.)

Learn and share about new topics every month on MDN ✩ Mozilla Hacks - the Web developer blog

Did you have "expand my technical knowledge" as one of your New Year's resolutions a few months ago? How's that going? How about setting aside a day, or just a few hours, once a month, to teach yourself about a topic related to Web development, and share what you've learned with others?

Livebots | Raspberry Pi

This is brilliant. Livebots is a project which allows you to control a robot (powered by the Pi, of course) over the internet. Follow the link, or watch this rather excellent video to see what's going on. You'll be using buttons in the browser to send Python instructions to the robots via their serial ports.