Tuesday 16 April 2013

'Survival of the fittest' now applies to computers: Surprising similarities found between genetic and computer codes

"Survival of the fittest" originally referred to natural selection in biological systems, but new research from Brookhaven National Laboratory and Stony Brook University scientists shows that this evolutionary theory also applies to technological systems. Computational biologist Sergei Maslov, a research staff member in Brookhaven National Laboratory (BNL), holding appointments with

Reading on treadmill no sweat with ReadingMate

You just have to don goggles equipped with infrared LEDs and run in front of an infrared camera that tracks your bobbing head. (Credit: Mark Simons/Purdue University) No diversion can divert me from the fact that treadmills are boring. Even if the weather is bad, I'm not much of a TV viewer -- on or off the treadmill.

Elgg goes Dutch!

Elgg is a leading open source social networking platform which can be used to power your social network.

Controlling a hardware prototype with your Windows Phone

This blog post was authored by Erik Reitan, a programming writer on the Windows Phone developer content team.

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Google Glass: Specs on specs, API docs mark busy week

17:45, Electronics/Consumer & Gadgets (Phys.org) -For those who are just plain curious if not serious about owning Google Glass, the specs are here on Google Glass. Officially announced for Glass Explorer edition, the spec details presented this week carry the official word about display, camera, storage and battery life.

Welcome to the newest member of the team!

At 9pm this evening, Helen, who manages the Raspberry Pi Facebook and G+ accounts (when she?s not on maternity leave) gave birth to the first Raspberry Pi project baby. Alexander Joseph Lynn is a n

This Week in Spring - April 16th, 2013

This Week in Spring

Welcome to another installment of This Week in Spring!
It's been an exciting week for Spring at Pivotal, which you can hear more about at the re-scheduled

SpringOne 2GX 2012 Replays: Cloud Foundry Architecture, Effective Design Patterns in NewSQL

If you have deployed applications on Cloud Foundry, you know how easy it is to push an app, bind services to it, and scale it. There are more magical things behind the scenes. Did you know, for example, that cloudfoundry.com is updated approximately twice a week?

Crowd diagnosis could spot rare diseases doctors miss

Shortly after a backpacking trip in Michigan in 2009, 20-year-old Sarah Sheridan came down with what seemed to be a nasty case of the flu. Unlike the flu, however, her symptoms only got worse with time. Blood tests, MRI scans, spinal taps and other investigations came back normal or inconclusive.

Xen Hackathon 2013 at the Google Dublin

List of Last Minute M4 Breaking Changes

The M4 release saw the Core, Async, and Collection libraries stabilize. Dan Grove has compiled a list of the last minute breaking changes: The separator argument in Iterable.join defaults to "" (instead of `null`). All DateTime constants are non-abbreviated. Also changed DAYS_IN_WEEK to DAYS_PER_WEEK.

LG voice-activated vacuum robot does your cleaning bidding

LG's new Roboking wants to apply for a job as your cleaning minion, and it's happy to be bossed around. We all know what Roombas are good for. They're good for ferrying cats around, dressing up in silly costumes, and occasionally sucking up dirt. One thing they're not good for, however, is bossing around.

CrowdMed (YC W13) raises $1.1M, launches crowdsourced medical diagnosis

CrowdMed is designed to help users who have been unable to get help within the current health system. Because doctors can't always track the thousands of rare diseases that are out there, patients may find themselves going to dozens of physicians and specialists and still not know what is wrong with them.

BlackBerry Jam Unplugged: Android Runtime

Continuing our BlackBerry Jam Unplugged series, we've now posted the latest episode which gives a little more color and insight around the future of the Android Runtime for BlackBerry 10. We'll be continuing this video series leading up to BlackBerry Live 2013 in order to give some more background surrounding the topics that we'll be discussing [...]

Update on Tablet App Guidelines and Screenshots

Posted by Ellie Powers, Google Play team

More and more, developers are investing in a full tablet experience for t

New BlackBerry Certified Builder Program Recognizes Developer Expertise

We?re excited that the BlackBerry Certified Builder program has la

HTML5 2D game development: Collision detection and sprite animations

In this series, HTML5 maven David Geary shows you how to
implement an HTML5 2D video game one step at a time. In this installment,
learn how Snail Bait implements collision det

NASA Awards Cooperative Agreement for Internships

NASA Awards Cooperative Agreement for Internships WASHINGTON -- NASA's Office of Education has awarded a cooperative agreement to the Universities Space Research Association (USRA) to support the agency's education internship programs. The award's value is estimated at $3 million and $10 million per year, depending on options.

NASA Seeks Innovative Suborbital Flight Technology Proposals

For a second year, NASA's Space Technology Mission Directorate is seeking proposals for suborbital technology payloads and spacecraft capability enhancements that could help revolutionize future space

Sofia Observations Reveal a Surprise in Massive Star Formation

Sofia Observations Reveal a Surprise in Massive Star Formation WASHINGTON -- Researchers using the airborne Stratospheric Observatory for Infrared Astronomy (SOFIA) have captured the most detailed mid-infrared images yet of a massive star condensing within a dense cocoon of dust and gas. The star is G35.20-0.74, commonly known as G35.

Social media can support healthiness of older people

The use of social media by older people can offer valuable additional support in cases of sickness and diseases, new research from the University of Luxembourg has shown. In a new publication, Dr Anja Leist from the University's Research Unit INSIDE, concludes that possibilities for a systematic application in clinical practice seem promising.

Now Available on Xbox LIVE: Flixster

Movie fans rejoice! The popular movie app Flixster is now available to Xbox LIVE subscribers in the U.S.!

<a href="http://blogs.technet.com/cfs-file.ashx/__key/communityserver-blogs-componen

How to detect if NFC is enabled on Windows Phone 8 devices

Near field communication (NFC) enables many practical features by using the intuitive tapping gestures, such as sharing contacts, pairing Bluetooth, sending photos, etc. The Proximity API, as the enabler of NFC on Windows Phone 8, has gained a lot of attention from application developers.

Netflix Plans to Ditch Silverlight for HTML5

More improvements for Chrome at the office

You probably use a browser throughout the day to access useful information, stay connected with people, and run web apps -- at work, at hom

Core libraries stabilize with Dart&#39;s new M4 release

Today, we are releasing Dart SDK Milestone 4, available for immediate download. The highlights are: Core and collection libraries are now stable. There will be no more breaking changes to these libraries.1 Performance improved in both the dart2js compiler and the Dart VM. Dart Editor comes with an all-new analysis engine for faster real-time feedback.

Sponsored Post: Surge, Rackspace, Simple, Fitbit, Amazon, Booking, aiCache, Aerospike, Percona, ScaleOut, New Relic, LogicMonitor, AppDynamics, ManageEngine, Site24x7

Tuesday, April 16, 2013 at 9:28AM Who's Hiring? LogicMonitor is looking for a Front End developer to have a huge impact, be valued, realize their dreams, and help us realize ours. We are looking for someone to own the code that delivers the design and usability of LogicMonitor's enterprise SaaS application(s).

Thomas Insel: Toward a new understanding of mental illness - (watch video)

Today, thanks to better early detection, there are 63% fewer deaths from heart disease than there were just a few decades ago. Thomas Insel, Director of the National Institute of Mental Health, wonders: Could we do the same for depression and schizophrenia?

HP will integrate Leap Motion controllers with PC

The Leap Controller tracks people's fingers and hand motions as they gesture, swipe and point at their computer screens. Applications developed for it let people control games, work on office tasks, paint pictures or design 3-D objects. At first, the controllers will be bundled with PCs and other devices from Hewlett-Packard Co.

OKCupid partners with Coinbase (YC S12) to become the latest Web service to support Bitcoin

The newest addition to the growing list of companies to support Bitcoin - which includes Reddit, Mega, WordPress.com, Expensify, Namecheap, the Internet Archive, and countless others - the dating site has partnered with Y-Combinator-backed Coinbase, a platform for buying and selling the digital currency, to expand its payment options.

jQuery Roundup: TyranoScript, Sly, FPSMeter

Note: You can send your plugins and articles in for review through our contact form.


<img src="http://dailyjs.com/i

nginx-1.3.16 development version has been released.


development version has been released.

Leap Motion strikes bundling, embedding deal with HP

Starting this summer, the San Francisco startup will have access to HP's sizable market. But Leap Motion won't yet say which devices will feature its gesture-control technology. (Credit: Leap Motion) Leap Motion has struck a deal with Hewlett-Packard to bundle and embed its 3D motion control technology in some of the computer giant's devices.

qbs reached mile stone 0.3

Qbs, our alternative build tool, has reached a new mile stone. Since the last one in December, qbs has had the following impro

Huffington Post video segment on the Pi (and Eben!)

When Eben was at PyCon last month, he spent some time with the Huffington Post. Here?s the video that resulted from that. If you?re having trouble watching it here (there are some geographical rest

Massive WordPress Attack Targets Weak Admin Passwords

Developing for Google Glass: Mirror API, HTML5 and how to change your mind

Google Glass is around the corner it's time to prepare our services for this new device type. Reading the specs for the first time can be a little overwhelming; therefore I'll try to make a quick go through the Glass app development process, the mirror API and its HTML5 support.

Windows Azure Infrastructure Services Now Available

The following is a post from Bill Hilf, General Manager of Windows Azure Product Marketing at Microsoft . I'm excited to announce that today Microsoft released Windows Azure Infrastructure Services. Windows Azure is Microsoft's public cloud platform and Windows Azure Infrastructure Services is a new Windows Azure service that lets customer easily migrate existing applications and infrastructure to the cloud.

Unexploded Boston bombs could yield vital clues

An analysis of exploded bomb fragments could yield vital clues to help identify the perpetrator of the fatal twin bombings of the Boston marathon on 15 April. If enough of the bombs survived the blast then it may be possible to find out more about their design, firing system, and the type of explosive and detonator they used, says Roland Alford, of Alford Technologies in Chippenham, UK, which makes bomb disposal equipment.

Is your MySQL buffer pool warm? Make it sweat!

Today?s blog post diving into the waters of the MySQL buffer pool is a cross-post from Groupon?s engineering blog

Testing the Micron P320h

The Micron P320h SSD is an SLC-based PCIe solid-state storage device which claims to provide the highest read throughput of any server-grade SSD, and at Micron's request, I recently took some time to put the card through its paces, and the numbers are indeed quite impressive.

The Pi balloon: a Swiss mystery

If you've been wondering what happened to PIE, the Raspberry Pi camera-equipped balloon Dave Akerman launched on Saturday (with considerable hinderance from me, Eben and JamesH), Dave's blogged about the launch and its aftermath.

Use the internet to defuse gang culture

Street gang members often lead parallel lives online - and that makes cyberspace a great channel for reaching out to them Your research is part of a Google Ideas project about using the internet to counter extremism. What's the thinking behind that? Google Ideas is a think tank founded in 2010 to tackle human challenges using technology.

Stanford Robot Block Party 2013 - (watch video)

Stanford Robot Block Party 2013

Debugging ASP.NET Web API with Route Debugger

Tutorial and Tool written by Troy Dai (Twitter @troy_dai) with assistance from Rick Anderson (Twitter @RickAndMSFT) Search for "asp.net web api routing" on stackoverflow, you'll find many questions. How exactly does Web API routing work? Why doesn't my route work? Why is this action not invoked? Often time it is difficult to debug route.

Testing Orchard drivers

If you?ve ever tried to test Orchard part drivers, you may have been blocked by the fact that the methods on drivers are protected. That, fortunately, doesn?t mean they are untestable. Those methods a

Talking about hacking secondary school education in Spain at Coderdojo conference

Coderdojo is a global collaboration providing free and open learning to young people, especially in programming technology. Last weekend David Cuartielles from the Arduino team went to Slane Castle in Ireland to make a brief presentation to the CoderDojo conference about the Castilla project and how we are hacking Secondary School education in Spain.