Monday 15 April 2013

Keynotes, BOFs, and the Community Networking Reception at Percona Live MySQL Conference and Expo

The Percona Live MySQL Conference and Expo begins next Monday and runs April 22-25, 2013. Attendees will see great keynotes from leaders in the industry including representatives from Oracle, Amazon Web Services, HP, Continuent, and Percona.

Memory allocators: MySQL performance improvements in Percona Server 5.5.30-30.2

In addition to the problem with trx_list scan

Eric Schmidt: Regulate civilian drones but not Google Glass

Google Glass is a small object often in motion with a camera and GPS, typically in the air. It might also fall in a similar category to what might could be called personal drones.

Testing Drivers

If you?ve ever tried to test Orchard part drivers, you may have been blocked by the fact that the methods on drivers are protected. That, fortunately, doesn?t mean they are untestable. Those method

NASA Hosts Media Briefing to Discuss Kepler Planetary Discovery

NASA will host a news briefing at 2 p.m. EDT, Thursday, April 18, to announce new discoveries from the agency's Kepler mission.

NASA Funded Asteroid Tracking Sensor Passes Key Test

NASA-Funded Asteroid Tracking Sensor Passes Key Test PASADENA, Calif. -- An infrared sensor that could improve NASA's future detecting and tracking of asteroids and comets has passed a critical design test. The test assessed performance of the Near Earth Object Camera (NEOCam) in an environment that mimicked the temperatures and pressures of deep space.

NASA Marks Third Anniversary of Obama Support of Space at Kennedy

NASA Marks Third Anniversary of Obama Support of Space at Kennedy CAPE CANAVERAL, Fla. -- NASA marked the third anniversary Monday of President Obama's speech at the agency's Kennedy Space Center in Florida, where he laid out a plan to ensure the United States will remain the world's leader in space exploration.

UAVs for Weather and Environmental Research

Researchers at the University of Virginia are testing UAVs as potential replacements for weather balloons which co

Google Summer of Code Meetup Episode 5: Graz, Austria

FlightCar (YC W13) raises $5.5M from General Catalyst, Softbank, Brian Chesky, Ryan Seacrest, to bring P2P Airport Car Rental everywhere

Working kidney created in bioengineering lab

Scientists build a functional kidney that can be transplanted into a rat and go about its urine-making work. (Credit: Video screenshot by Amanda Kooser/CNET) There just aren't enough donated organs to fill the need. That's why scientists have been dreaming of growing transplantable organs in labs.

Programming in C# Jump Start

This course covers C#, Microsoft's managed C-style language for the .Net Framework. In typical Jump Start fashion, this session will be engaging and demo rich. Microsoft Technical Evangelist Jerry Nixon and the co-founder of Crank211, Daren May, provide sample after sample to show simple and complex techniques you can take back to your workplace.

SendHub (YC W12) launches the best phone service for businesses on iOS and Android, supports call, text, call transfer, and group messages

Like the iOS version, the new app also includes support for calling and texting over Wi-Fi, 3G, 4G or cellular voice networks, support for group messages, the ability to add auto-responders and contacts, and more. In addition, it includes support for call transfers - a feature which is currently in the Apple App Store review process, expected to launch in a week or so.

Bing Apps for Windows 8 Get Refreshed

It?s spring time now ? a time of rebirth and renewal and new beginnings.

In that spirit, the Bing team today announced the rollout of several significant updates to six Bing Apps for Windows

Scaling Pinterest - From 0 to 10s of Billions of Page Views a Month in Two Years

Monday, April 15, 2013 at 9:25AM Pinterest has been riding an exponential growth curve, doubling every month and half. They've gone from 0 to 10s of billions of page views a month in two years, from 2 founders and one engineer to over 40 engineers, from one little MySQL server to 180 Web Engines, 240 API Engines, 88 MySQL DBs (cc2.8xlarge) + 1 slave each, 110 Redis Instances, and 200 Memcache Instances.

Satellites could be targeted to stop cyberattacks

A special selection of content every week, giving you access to the latest news in science

Rose George: Let's talk crap. Seriously. - (watch video)

It's 2013, yet 2.5 billion people in the world have no access to a basic sanitary toilet. And when there's no loo, where do you poo? In the street, probably near your water and food sources -- causing untold death and disease from contamination.

Smart heat nets fire the next energy revolution

A special selection of content every week, giving you access to the latest news in science

Evolution of the QML engine, part 1

QML as a technology has become increasingly important for the success of Qt. It allows for the creation of smooth, animated user interfaces, in line with expectations on the market today. There

How a Scrappy Team of Microsoft Engineers Quietly Built the City of the Future

In 1986, Microsoft?s Redmond, Wash. campus was still a grass- and forest-covered 88-acre plot of land in a sleepy, one-stoplight suburb of Seattle.

Today the campus spans 500 acres and 125 b

Live Apple Bicycle Photographed in Natural Habitat

Live Apple Bicycle Photographed in Natural Habitat
Most people know about Google's famous multi-co

Recent results on Higgs studies at ATLAS and CMS

Krisztian Peters, presenting on behalf of the ATLAS experiment and Chiara Mariotti, presenting on behalf of the CMS experiment, both commented on the excellent performance of the LHC. A total dataset of approximately 25fb-1 was delivered to ATLAS over the first run, with CMS having around 23fb-1 with an average of 21 interactions per bunch crossing.

We must wake up to the threats of new chemical weapons

SYRIA, AD 256: Persian forces are under siege by the Romans. The attacking forces seek to tunnel under the Persian fortifications, but are met by a toxic mix of fumes from burning sulphur and bitumen. Syria, 2013: as yet unsubstantiated claims and counterclaims abound that chemical weapons have been deployed in the country.

Construction of world's largest optical telescope approved

The massive Thirty Meter Telescope will be able to image objects 13 billion light years away, near the beginning of time. (Credit: Courtesy TMT Observatory Corporation) If you love eye-popping images of space, here's welcome news: the Hawaiian Board of Land and Natural Resources has backed building what's to be the world's largest, most powerful optical telescope above the clouds atop the volcano Mauna Kea.

A C# Helper To Read And Write XML From And To Objects

This is especially useful when writing the import and export methods in an Orchard part driver.

A C# helper to read and write XML from and to objects

I really like jQuery?s pattern of attribute getters and setters. They are fluent and work really well with HTML and XML DOMs. If you specify a value in addition to the name, it?s setting, otherwise it

ASP.NET Web Forms Extensibility: Handlers

Ricardo Peres describes three options for registering a handler in ASP.NET Web Forms, explains some common uses, and shows an example which creates an image from a queryst

The State of Node and Relational Databases

Recently I started work on a Node project that was built using Sequelize with MySQL. It was chosen to ease the transition from an earlier version written w

A week of symfony #328 (8->14 April 2013)

A week of symfony #328 (8->14 April 2013) This week, the Symfony project introduced Debug to its growing family of components. In addition, a code sprint for Symfony 2.3 took place to boost the development of the upcoming first LTS version of Symfony2.

Beat Feet: set your beats and effects with gestures using Arduino

One of the teams participating to the MIT Media Labs Design Innovation workshop at PESIT Bangalore last January built something called Beat Feet using Arduino Uno: We designed a system which will allow musicians, guitarists and keyboardists to set the beats according to the music they play, without getting up from their place or even without lifting their hands off the instrument!

The Second Annual BlackBerry Developer Awards Have Arrived!

With BlackBerry Jam Americas fast approaching, we?re excited to announce the second annual BlackBerry Developer Community Awards!

We are looking to honor those that have gone above and beyon