Tuesday 30 April 2013

CDNs fail, but your scripts don't have to - fallback from CDN to local jQuery

There's a great website called http://whoownsmyavailability.com that serves as a reminder to me (and all of us) that external dependencies are, in fact, external. As such, they are calculated risks with tradeoffs. CDNs are great, but for those minutes or hours that they go down a year, they can be super annoying. I saw a tweet today declaring that the ASP.NET Content Delivery Network was down. I don't work for the CDN team but I care about this stuff (too much, according to my last performance review) so I turned twitter to figure this out and help diagnose it. The CDN didn't look down from my vantage point. I searched for things like "ajax cdn,"microsoft cdn," and "asp.net cdn down" and looked at the locations...(read more)
crawled from : Hanselman

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