Wednesday 1 May 2013

Symfony 2.3.0 Beta 1 released

As announced yesterday, we have just released
Symfony 2.3.0 Beta 1.

If you want to help us, please, test this version on your existing projects or
play with it on a new one:

  • Create a new project via Composer:

    $ php composer.phar create-project symfony/framework-standard-edition somewhere/ 2.3.0-BETA1

  • Download a ready-made project based on the Standard Edition

  • Download some components via Github downloads:{COMPONENT_NAME}/archive/

If you want to update an existing project, update the dependencies in the
composer.json file according to the versions found in the composer.json file
from the Symfony Standard Edition and then follow the upgrade instructions
(for Symfony.

If you are only using some of the Symfony components, just update the versions
of these components in your composer.json file.

There are a few additional things I want to mention about the Symfony Standard

  • The Symfony Standard Edition now only depends on MIT/BSD licensed
    libraries and bundles (Swiftmailer
    recently changed its license to MIT). If you are using the
    JMSDiExtraBundle or JMSSecurityExtraBundle bundles, you can still
    use them by manually updating your composer file (see the commit
    that removed them).

  • The Symfony Standard Edition repository does not come with a
    composer.lock file anymore. This was mainly done because Composer
    installs a different version of the symfony/Icu component depending on
    your PHP configuration. But anyway, as the Standard Edition is a generic
    application, it is better to not lock out some specific versions.

And don't forget to report any issues you might find.

Be trained by Symfony experts
- 2013-05-13 Paris
- 2013-05-13 Cologne
- 2013-05-13 Paris
crawled from : Symfony

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