Wednesday 1 May 2013

WebRTC, Online Code Editor Team Up for Real-Time Coding

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Collaborating with Codassium Image:

It?s still going to be some time before WebRTC technology starts to deliver cool apps, but even today developers are quickly moving from the realm of cool WebRTC experiments, like the Mozilla/Google phone call demo, to useful apps like Codassium.

WebRTC is a proposed standard ? currently being refined by the W3C ? with the goal of providing a web-based set of tools that any device can use to share audio, video and data in real time. It?s still in the early stages, but WebRTC has the potential to supplant Skype, Flash and many native apps with web-based alternatives that work on any device.

Codassium uses WebRTC to bring together WebRTC-based video chat and Mozilla?s Ace code editor. The result is what Wreally Studios, creators of Codassium, call ?a better way to conduct remote interviews.? Of course Codassium could be used for more than just interviews ? think code reviews, remote pair programming or even just discussing code with remote employees.

To use Codassium you?ll need to be using a web browser that supports WebRTC ? recent versions of Firefox and Chrome will both work. Head on over to Codassium, click the Start button and allow the site to access your camera and microphone. Once the video chat and Ace editor load, just click the Invite button and send the resulting link to the person you?d like to work with.

crawled from : Webmonkey

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