Wednesday 1 May 2013

Node Roundup: Caterpillar, squel, mongoose-currency

You can send in your Node projects for review through our contact form.


Benjamin Lupton sent in Caterpillar (GitHub: bevry / caterpillar, License: MIT, npm: caterpillar), which is a logging system. It supports RFC-standard log levels, but the main reason I thought it was interesting is it?s based around the streams2 API.

By piping a Caterpillar stream through a suitable instance of stream.Transform, you can do all kinds of cool things. For example, caterpillar-filter can filter out unwanted log levels, and caterpillar-human adds fancy colours.


I was impressed by Brian Carlson?s sql module, and Ramesh Nair sent in squel (GitHub: hiddentao / squel, License: BSD, npm: squel) which is a similar project. This SQL builder module supports non-standard queries, and has good test coverage with Mocha.

Ramesh has included some client-side examples as well, which sounds dangerous but may find uses, perhaps by generating SQL fragments to be used by an API that safely escapes them, or for generating documentation examples.


mongoose-currency (GitHub: catalystmediastudios / mongoose-currency, License: MIT, npm: mongoose-currency) by Paul Smith adds currency support to Mongoose. Money values are stored as an integer that represents the lowest unit of currency (pence, cents). Input can be a string that contains a currency symbol, commas, and a decimal.

The Currency type works by stripping non-numerical characters. I?m not sure if this will work for regions where numbers use periods or spaces to separate groups of digits ? it seems like this module would require localisation support to safely support anything other than dollars.

Paul has included unit tests written with Mocha, so it could be extended to support localised representations of currencies.

crawled from : Dailyjs

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