Wednesday 8 May 2013

Weekly Podcast 05/07/2013

Meeting notes:

  • Announcements

  • Status

    • taxonomy navigation provider

    • bug fixes

    • new #{} token: if there is one #{ } block, it switches to that as the token delimiter. Useful for scripts with tokens in them. Also, {{{sometoken}}} would work and be evaluated as {whateverthevalueis}. One can now also use {#{sometoken}}. Escape for #{ is ##{.

    • nHibernate upgraded to 3.3.3

    • long-running worflow distributed across web sites: new Signal workflow activity, which is a named event. Web request activity, with associated controller that can trigger signals, which itself has a token that gives the URL for the action. Suggestion: being able to create a listener URL. Fix needed: querystring and form values from a callback need a little work to be really usable.

    • Content type definitions are loaded once up-front now.

    • Localization part on widget: what should the behavior be? If you have not provided a translation, it assumes that it's the default.

  • Triage

    • 203 active, 52 proposed before. 221 active, 26 proposed after.

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