Wednesday 8 May 2013

AWS Direct Connect location in Seattle and access to AWS GovCloud (US) now available

We are delighted to make two important announcements today - a new AWS Direct Connect location in Seattle supporting the AWS US West (Oregon) region and support for AWS Direct Connect to the AWS GovCloud (US) region from any AWS Direct Connect location are both now available!

You can use AWS Direct Connect to create a dedicated network connection from your datacenter, office, or colocation environment to AWS. Connections are always made to a particular Direct Connect location, and can run at either 1 Gbps or 10 Gbps.

Instructions on how to set up AWS Direct Connect are available in our AWS Direct Connect Users Guide. For AWS GovCloud (US) access, please see the AWS GovCloud (US) Users Guide.

Join us for our weekly AWS GovCloud (US) Region Office Hours on May 14th, 1:00 ? 3:00 PM EST to learn more about AWS Direct Connect for the AWS GovCloud (US) region.

Sign in to your AWS Management Console to order AWS Direct Connect today!

crawled from : Amazon

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