Tuesday 9 April 2013

Raspberry Pi in schools: discussion

This video of the closing panel discussion from last month?s Raspberry Jamboree has just appeared, and if you?re interested in applications of the Pi in schools, it?s well worth your time. If you want to find out more about the successful teaching of Computing in schools, this is a great place to start.

The OCR materials that are mentioned in the discussion are available for download for anyone: you don?t have to be a teacher. They?re only the start of a large planned scheme of work, and you?ll find materials for both pupils and teachers.

So watch the video, have a look through the worksheets, and let us know what you think. I?m meeting Alan O?Donohoe, who runs the Raspberry Jams, in?about ten minutes ? if you have any questions for him please leave them in the comments, and I?ll pass them on!

crawled from : Raspberrypi

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