Tuesday 9 April 2013

BlackBerry Jam Unplugged: Momentics Tooling


Last year we started sharing roadmaps for our tools and APIs with our community, and now we?re looking to give that information a bit more color. Sure, there?s a little bit of information on the roadmaps talking about what the features will entail, but we don?t usually get the chance to explain them in more detail.

Of course, we could create long blog articles to try and cover the ?ins? and ?outs? of the functionality, but that can be a little bit tedious. So we figured we could do something a little different and frankly just a little bit weird. We decided to give you some background on the features as part of a video blog series. Now you may ask, what?s weird about that? well, you?ll have to watch the videos to find out.

We?ll be running this video series leading up to BlackBerry Jam Americas in Orlando to give some more background of some of the topics that we?ll be discussing at length during the conference.

This first video will give you some information surrounding the different roadmap items that we?re looking at for improvements in our Momentics tooling.

I hope you enjoy the series and find the information both useful and entertaining!

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