Wednesday 27 February 2013

Translating OData queries to HQL - .NET Web Development and Tools Blog - Site Home - MSDN Blogs

AspNet Web API OData makes it really simple to expose your IQueryable backend to be queried using the OData query syntax. Check out some samples here . If you are building using Entity Framework as your ORM (object-relational mapping) to talk to your database or just store all your data in-memory(Linq2Objects), you are in a good shape as you have an existing IQueryable. If you are talking to your own custom data source, you might not be lucky enough to have a LINQ provider or have a provider that has an incomplete implementation. If you are in this mess and are about to undertake the herculean task of implementing an IQueryable (don?t believe me - check out LINQ: Building an IQueryable provider series ) ? STOP now and thank me later. Implementing...(read more)
crawled from : Msdn

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