Wednesday 27 February 2013

DailyJS: Node Roundup: 0.8.21, Node Redis Pubsub, node-version-assets

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Node 0.8.21

Node 0.8.21 is out. There are fixes for the http and zlib modules, so it?s safe and sensible to update.

Node Redis Pubsub

Louis Chatriot sent in NRP (Node Redis Pubsub) (GitHub: louischatriot / node-redis-pubsub, License: MIT, npm: node-redis-pubsub) which provides a Node-friendly API to Redis? pub/sub functionality. The API looks a lot like EventEmitter, so if you need to communicate between separate processes and you?re using Redis then this might be a good solution.

Louis says he?s using it at tl;dr in production, and the project comes with tests.


node-version-assets (GitHub: techjacker / node-version-assets, License: MIT, npm: node-version-assets) by Andrew Griffiths is a module for hashing assets and placing the hash in the filename. For example, styles.css would become styles.7d47723e723251c776ce9deb5e23062b.css. This is implemented using Node?s file system streams, and the author has provided a Grunt example in case you want to invoke it that way.
crawled from : Dailyjs

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