Wednesday 27 February 2013

Platform Updates: Operation Developer Love

Since last Wednesday's update, we launched Facebook SDK 3.2 for iOS, held our first Developers Live, announced March Developer Events, and Join the Facebook Games Team at GDC SF on March 26.

March 2013 Breaking Changes

The following changes can be enabled/disabled using the "March 2013 Breaking Changes" migration until March 6th when they will go into effect permanently for everyone:

No more accessing mailbox FQL tables without a user session
It will not longer be possible to access the message, thread, or mailbox_folder FQL tables without a user session.

Removing apps from /me/accounts/ and page_admin FQL table
We will no longer show apps under /me/accounts/ in the Graph API or in the page_admin FQL table. You can access the list of apps a user is a developer on by hitting /me/applications/developer/ or using the app_role FQL table.

Removing redirect to docs when hitting
We will no longer return a redirect to the Graph API docs when hitting the URL http(s):// with no path.

For more information, check out the Developer Roadmap.

Weekly stats

The following stats are for activity between 02/20/2013-02/27/2013:

Bugs activity

215 bugs were created this week
60 bugs were assigned this week
242 bugs were resolved this week
49 bugs were fixed this week
193 bug were were duplicate, invalid, or by design

Bugs fixed

iOS SDK 3.2 does not appear to be on github
Small mistake in formatting
Realtime Updates extended for Pages doesn't work for all kind of page post
Server side Oauth2 intermittently fails with "Code was invalid or expired." error
Open Graph authentication bug?
iOS native login dialog shows Not Logged In error for new users
iOS: App request dialog returning API Error: 100, message too long
Cannot "Cancel Submission" of App Details
Don't get feed and photo notification via real-time updates
iOS6 FB Integration: Give permission. Delete app from FB via website. Permissions out of sync on device
When using Facebook sdk 3.1(on iOS6) there is no way to re-prompt a user for authorization after the user presses the "Don't Allow" Button.
memory leaks in FBRequest and FBSession
Deep linking failing from shares in news feed (iOS)
iOS - FBSession opens with expired token
Facebook-iOS-Sdk 3.1 Login Problem
iOS SDK loginBehaviorForcingWebview issue.
FBSession urlSchemeSuffix is not pulled from the plist as the docs suggest (iOS SDK)
The crash is in FBGraphObjectTableDataSource.m line 221
iOS SDK: openURL calls not always handled correctly
Better support for urlSchemeSuffix
Deep linking issues in Facebook iOS SDK (v.3.1)
Crash in dealloc in Facebook.m
SSO broken after upgrading to FB iOS SDK 3
Native deep linking broken in newsfeed of the new Facebook App 5.0 for iOS
Playstation Title IDs contraint
Unable to pull posts/promotable-posts for fan page
Wrong functionality description
wrong example
amount_spent of an ad_account stay equals to 0
Ambiguity about when permissions should be requested
Additional link "How to create title-less objects" is invalid (404) and irrelevant
picture and groups
Post to Facebook button doesn't work after clicking the "like" button
Typos in parameters table and example call.
broken link
new format
OG alternate locale uk_UA makes object invalid
Getting 500 internal server error for Action type page
Generic System Error Test JSP posted instead of product description on Facebook "Like"
ticket_uri field does not work unless "Events Timezone" migration is enabled
Learn more about AppCenter Localization?
OAuth redirect failing when adding app for the first time
Editing Open Graph action results in 500 server error
Getting "Call to a member function on a non-object" when not authorized to access account data
Can't view bugs that I've created
Cannot add assign any users to roles
Position of Recommendations Bar after expand
Title being read as debugger
[appdaybug] server side graph api call returns An error occurred. Please try again later.

Activity on

395 questions asked
69 questions with a score of 0 or greater
25 answered, 36% answered rate
47 replied, 68% reply rate

crawled from : Facebook

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