Thursday 28 February 2013

Changes to the 'Sign in with Twitter' flow | Twitter Developers

We just made some changes to our OAuth 1.0A flow, enabling applications to better control automatic redirection behavior in the "Sign in with Twitter" flow. With these changes, we recommend you log in to and review the applications you've created and the specific OAuth options available to them.

BigDog Throws Cinder Blocks with Huge Robotic Face-Arm - IEEE Spectrum

BigDog has grown an arm out of its face, and it's using it to throw cinder blocks across a room. Uh, wow. Boston Dynamics hasn't posted much in the way of additional information on this, besides the following caption on the YouTube video: BigDog handles heavy objects.

Amazon SQS and SNS Announce Lower Prices and Expanded Free Tiers - 50% price drop for SQS

Amazon SQS and SNS Announce Lower Prices and Expanded Free Tiers - 50% price drop for SQS We have good news to share. Effective March 1, 2013, we are reducing prices and expanding the free tier for AWS messaging services - the Simple Queue Service (SQS) and Simple Notification Service (SNS).

Creating your own animated 3-D characters and scenes for the web

To show spatial animations on websites, developers so far have had only two options: to use special software or to implement it from scratch. Computer scientists have developed a declarative markup language which facilitates the creation of distinct spatial animations and ensures their smooth replay in the web browser.

The Hosebird Client streaming library | Twitter Developers

Today we're releasing Hosebird Client, a Java-based client for Twitter's Streaming APIs. While Twitter has open-sourced a considerable amount of software, this is the first API client library we've developed in-house and are releasing to the world.

Monads, part one

Lots of other bloggers have attempted this, but what the heck, I'll give it a shot too. In this series I'm going to attempt to answer the question: I'm a C# programmer with no "functional programming" background whatsoever. What is this "monad" thing I keep hearing about, and what use is it to me?

Google Open Source Blog: Compress Data More Densely with Zopfli

Compress Data More Densely with Zopfli

Compress data more densely with Zopfli - Google Developers Blog

By Lode Vandevenne, Software Engineer, Compression Team Cross-posted with the Google Open Source Blog The Zopfli Compression Algorithm is a new open sourced general purpose data compression library that got its name from a Swiss bread recipe. It is an implementation of the Deflate compression algorithm that creates a smaller output size compared to previous techniques.

Google App Engine Blog: Improve your App Engine skills with Google Developers Academy

The official Google App Engine blog. The latest news on Google App Engine and the App Engine community.

How to Multiply the Capacity of Oracle Storage Systems

Oracle Hybrid Columnar Compression enables the high of data compression and provides enterprises with cost savings and performance improvements due to reduced I/O. Oracle Hybrid Columnar Compression is optimized to use both database and storage capabilities on Oracle storage devices to deliver tremendous space savings AND revolutionary performance.

Pixels guide the way for the visually impaired

Images have been transformed into pixels and projected onto a headset to help the visually impaired in everyday tasks such as navigation, route-planning and object finding. Developed using a video camera and mathematical algorithm, the researchers hope the pixels can provide more information and enhance the vision of patients already fitted with retinal implants.

Improve your App Engine skills with Google Developers Academy - Google Developers Blog

By Wesley Chun, Developer Relations Team Cross-posted with the Google App Engine Blog Are you developing on App Engine today or interested in learning how to use it? If you've gone through all the great App Engine docs and Getting Started tutorials ( Python, Java, or Go) but want to take your App Engine skills a step further, then Google Developers Academy (GDA) is the place to go!

CodePlex - Open Source Project Hosting

Microsoft's open source project hosting web site. You can use CodePlex to find open source software or create new projects to share with the world.

Sublime BlackBerry 10 WebWorks Development

At the risk of broaching a topic that is potentially more volatile than politics, religion, or semi-colons in JavaScript, let's talk a little bit about development environments for BlackBerry 10 WebWorks. Now, while I'm going to talk about one development environment in particular in this blog post, one of the great things about BlackBerry 10 [...]

Pideas | Raspberry Pi

Quick housekeeping note: thanks for all the kind birthday wishes! We?re going to be celebrating tomorrow on March 1, not today on Feb 28. Prof Alan Mycroft wants me to point you all at the Pirates of

DailyJS: Upgrading to Grunt 0.4

I was working on dailyjs-backbone-tutorial and I noticed issue #5 where ?fiture? was unable to run the build script. That tutorial uses Grunt to invoke r.j from RequireJS, and it turned out I forgot t

AirBurr MAV Navigates by Bouncing Off Walls and Floors - IEEE Spectrum

A lot of UAV research is focused on making flying robots that can navigate by themselves using sophisticated sensor systems, intelligently avoiding crashing into things. This is a fantastic goal to

Google Expands Universal Search to Include Your Calendar | Webmonkey |

Your calendar, now part of your search results. Image: GoogleGoogle has expanded the personalized search ?field trial? it initiated last year, pulling in additional results from Google Calendar. Your

WebP, Table Partitioning and more · YDN Blog

Every Thursday is Tech Thursday where we share a random assortment of technical links we found and liked.

More CSS Secrets, another 10 things you may not know about CSS.

Amazing high-resolution, d

Give the Web the Finger With Microsoft's Proposed 'Pointer Events' | Webmonkey |

The proposed Pointer Events spec makes it easier to handle input from fingers, pens. Image: W3C.
The W3C recently moved Microsoft?s proposed Pointer Events spec to Last Call Working Draft. To help dev

Microsoft Munches Own Open Source Dog Food | Wired Enterprise |

In recent months, Microsoft has made some enormous strides in this area, letting developers run the open-source Linux operating system atop its Azure cloud service and working to build a new version of the open-source Hadoop number-crunching system that runs on its own Windows operating system.

Pre-release of ASP.NET Scaffolding with a Web Forms scaffold generator - .NET Web Development and Tools Blog - Site Home - MSDN Blogs

Today we are sharing a pre-release build of a new code generation framework known as ASP.NET Scaffolding, as well as a scaffold generator (code generator) for Web Forms. The Web Forms scaffold generator can automatically build Create-Read-Update-Delete (CRUD) views based on a model. Many programming tasks involve writing standard "boilerplate" code.

EF6 Alpha 3 Available on NuGet - ADO.NET Blog - Site Home - MSDN Blogs

A couple of months back we released EF6 Alpha 2, since then we've been adding new features, polishing existing features and fixing bugs. Today we are pleased to announce the availability of Alpha 3. EF6 is being developed in an open source code base on CodePlex, see our open source announcement for more details.

W3C News Archive: 2013 W3C

The HTML Working Group has published two First Public Working Drafts today:

Public Identifiers for entity resolution in XHTML. This document adds an additional public identifier that should be recogn

Wednesday 27 February 2013

Amazon CloudSearch Now Available in Three Additional Regions Worldwide

We are excited to announce that Amazon CloudSearch is now available in the the US West (Oregon), US West (N. California), and Asia Pacific (Singapore) Regions. These new Regions join the US East (Nor

Riding Rails: [ANN] Rails 3.2.13.rc1 has been released!

Hey everyone! I am pumped to announce that Rails 3.2.13.rc1 has been released! If no regressions are found I will release 3.2.13 final in two weeks, on March 13, 2013. If you find one, please Open an Issue on GitHub so that I can fix it before the final release.

Platform Updates: Operation Developer Love

Since last Wednesday's update, we launched Facebook SDK 3.2 for iOS, held our first Developers Live, announced March Developer Events, and Join the Facebook Games Team at GDC SF on March 26.


SimplyInsured (YC W13) launches to take the pain out of health insurance quotes and enrollment

Y Combinator-backed SimplyInsured is launching today with a solution. Founders Vivek Shah and George Huo, who were also both early employees at YC startup Cardpool ( which sold to Blackhawk Network in late 2011), have built a simple, online health insurance manager and quote engine for small businesses, which aims to explain in plain English what is or isn't working about your current plan and help you identify hidden costs and cost-savings.

Super-duper special Pimoroni competition | Raspberry Pi

We first met Paul Beech in 2011, when he won a competition we were running to find a logo design. (That's it, up at the top of the page.) Paul, Eben and I hit it off immediately over a shared love of toast and dripping.

Dart News & Updates: Dart in the Shell Video Tutorials Now Available

(Guest post by Dartisan Kevin Moore, author of BOT, Pop Pop Win, and Dart Widgets.)Most of the discussion about Dart revolves around browser-based web app development. Dart is also a great platform fo

New Add-ons in the Windows Azure Store - Windows Azure - Site Home - MSDN Blogs

Editor's Note: This post comes from Chris Lattner, Sr. Product Manager for Windows Azure Store. We are excited to announce the availability of four great new add-ons in the Windows Azure Store. If you have not experienced it yet, the Windows Azure Store is a place to discover, purchase, and use premium app services and data sets which complement and extend the native functionality of Windows Azure.

YAPC::Europe 2013 in Kiev, week minus 24. Booking a hotel and discounts | Andrew Shitov []


A couple of days ago we launched an incredible service for the attendees of this year's YAPC::Europe in Kiev.

Book the hotel using our service and do two things at once:

You will get the r

Magento Ecommerce Blog | Magento

The Magento Community is continuing the tradition of spreading the Magento spirit throughout Vegas before Imagine even begins. They are organizing a group to run together in the Rockin Rabbit 5k/half

Improving Issue Tracker Details - CodePlex Weblog - Site Home - MSDN Blogs

The Friendster Autopsy: How A Social Network Dies | Wired Enterprise |

What kills a social network? A group of internet archeologists have picked over the digital bones of Friendster - the pioneering social networking site that drowned in Facebook's wake - and we now have a clearer picture of its epic collapse. Friendster was once the hottest thing in social networking.

Windows Azure Store: Expanded Availability - Windows Azure - Site Home - MSDN Blogs

We are excited to announce that the Windows Azure Store is now available in 25 new markets, bringing the total count of supported markets to 36. The Windows Azure Store is the place to discover, purch

Dart News & Updates: Using Dart with Sublime Text

We know that developers have a wide range of preferences for their development tools, from simple text editors to full IDEs, and one size does not fit all. We think that all developers should have a p

Storm and Hadoop: Convergence of Big-Data and Low-Latency Processing · YDN Blog

At Yahoo!, Hadoop plays a central role in providing personalized experiences for our users and creating value for our advertisers. To serve Yahoo!?s emerging business needs, the Cloud Engineering Grou

CodePlex - Open Source Project Hosting

Microsoft's open source project hosting web site. You can use CodePlex to find open source software or create new projects to share with the world.

Google App Engine Blog: Deploying App Engine apps with DevTable

Today's post comes from Jake Moshenko, founder of DevTable. DevTable is a collaborative hosted IDE which aims to provide a single development environment that can be accessed online from any device or location. It also allows you to collaborate on projects in real-time with your teammates.

DevFestW: developing diversity - Google Developers Blog

By Stephanie Liu, Developer Relations, Global Programs Lead

The best part of my job (besides making alliterative blog post titles) is working with developer communities, especially the incredibly pa

Embracing social coding: Software development by the people, for the people

This online method of cooperative baking would be the kitchen equivalent of open-software development, a growing programming movement that promotes transparency, accessibility, and collaboration. If traditional software development was a secret recipe, open development would be a community cookbook.

Hangout Live Today With The Quantified Man | Wired Enterprise |

Join Wired Today at 9:30 AM PST for a live video chat on Google+ Hangouts with Chris Dancy, the Quantified Man. Dancy is one of the world's most quantified people. He's hooked up to multiple sensors all the time, and logs everything he does to a Google Calendar.

New 'Sign-Ins' Offer Developers a Facebook Connect for Google+ | Webmonkey |

Google+ Sign-In on Image: Google.
Google has announced a new feature for Google+ ? third-party websites and applications can now offer sign ins through Google+.
The new Google+ Sign-Ins a

MIT Teaching PR2 to be Better at Not Failing - IEEE Spectrum

If there's one thing that robots are consistently fantastic at, it's failure. Robots are absolutely wonderful at completely screwing up even the most basic of tasks. But the problem isn&#3

This Week in Spring - Feb 26th, 2013 |

Welcome to another installment of This Week in Spring! It's been an exciting two weeks for Hadoop content - Hadoop enthusiasts should check last week's post for an HD quality replay of Building

Cloud Cheats on Microsoft With Java | Wired Enterprise |

They're called "platform clouds" or sometimes "platform-as-a-service." They provide a platform where software developers can build online applications without having to mess around with all the infrastructure needed to run them. Some, like Heroku and Google App Engine, run only on the public internet.

MongoDB Tip: Create Short Field Names

MongoDB's dynamic schema and document-based data structure offer a lot of flexibility in development, but it's important to understand how your document construction can affect available memory in your application. It's incredibly valuable to optimize storage size of your documents, and one easy way to do this is by shortening your field names.MongoDB stores all field names in each BSON document.

[VIDEO] Interview with Marmalade's Nick Smith - February 2013

Did you know Marmalade and BlackBerry Jam go great together for a flavorful combination? Preserve jokes aside, our platform partner Marmalade has made it easy to create apps and deploy towards BlackBerry 10 and many other ecosystems. Marmalade's Nick Smith joins us in this interview to talk about why he's excited about BlackBerry 10 and [...]

On the track with Chrome Super Sync Sports - Google Developers Blog

By Paul Kinlan, Chrome Developer Relations Cross-posted with the Chromium Blog Earlier today we launched Chrome Super Sync Sports. It's an interactive web game that enables up to four friends to compete in running, swimming and cycling events on a shared computer screen, using their smartphones or tablets as game controllers.

Blog Upgrade Rack immediately - Padrino Ruby Web Framework

All Rack users, including all Padrino users, should upgrade their Rack dependency as soon as possible. Multiple severe issues have been found, one of them including a potential remote code execution. This is espcially important if you are using Rack::Session::Cookie, which Padrino activates by default. See the Rack website for details.

Blog JSON gem vulnerability - Padrino Ruby Web Framework

An vulnerability affecting the json gem has been found. A detailed explanation can be found at the Rails security mailing list . This is not an isolated Rails issue, as it affects a third-party library. It affects all users of the json gem. This gem might be pulled in as a dependency of other libraries in use.

Translating OData queries to HQL - .NET Web Development and Tools Blog - Site Home - MSDN Blogs

AspNet Web API OData makes it really simple to expose your IQueryable backend to be queried using the OData query syntax. Check out some samples here . If you are building using Entity Framework as yo

RELEASED - Download Internet Explorer 10 for Windows 7 - Scott Hanselman

Just about a month ago the IEBlog published a post to allow business to manage the update schedule for Internet Explorer 10. It says "this approach lets organizations control when they are ready

Firefox 20 Beta Brings Better Private Browsing | Webmonkey |

Firefox?s new per-window private browsing mode. Image: Screenshot/Webmonkey.
Firefox 20, currently six weeks away from a stable release, brings two nice new features to the popular open source browser

Swiss Perl Workshop - Venue | Swiss Perl Workshop []

If you are still undecided on joining us at Swiss Perl Workshop in Bern on March 22, it's probably because you are worried that the venue may be hard to reach. You can put your mind at rest. :-)


DailyJS: Node Roundup: 0.8.21, Node Redis Pubsub, node-version-assets

You can send in your Node projects for review through our contact form.

Node 0.8.21

Node 0.8.21 is out. There are fixes for the http and zlib modules, so it?s safe and sensible to update.

Node Red

Google Chrome Blog: Race to win on big and small screens with Chrome Super Sync Sports

Smartphones and tablets are great for all sorts of games, and lately we've been thinking about new ways to play. Chrome Super Sync Sports is a new Chrome Experiment that uses the unique features of mobile devices to create a new gaming experience on big and small screens.

Doctors Supercharge Their iPads With | Wired Enterprise |

In Winston-Salem, North Carolina, a group of more than 60 doctors have revamped the iPad for use in emergency departments across the region with a little help from a familiar application: the popular file-sharing services. Using Box, they've built a new system that lets them share procedures, journal articles and -- perhaps most importantly -- conversations.

Building A Paid App For Firefox OS ✩ Mozilla Hacks - the Web developer blog

At first glance the Firefox Marketplace for Firefox OS may look similar to the Apple Store or Google Play Store but there is a key difference: it does not lock you into Mozilla or lock you into your F

Pod to HTML | Toby Inkster []

OK, so there were already a thousand solutions for converting pod to HTML, but I wasn't especially happy with any of them. Things I wanted were:

Clean-looking XHTML and/or HTML5 output.

The Strange Beauty of Historic Computers Brought Back From the Dead | Wired Enterprise |

Cade Metz is the editor of Wired Enterprise. Got a NEWS TIP related to this story -- or to anything else in the world of big tech? Please e-mail him: cade_metz at Read more by Cade Metz Follow @cademetz on Twitter.