Thursday 2 May 2013

Strong Dart Presence at Google I/O 2013

Join us at Google I/O 2013 in San Francisco's Moscone Center from May 15 through 17.

This year's conference features numerous events of interest to the Dart community. You can see three Dart presentations, and take part in a Dart code lab. One of the talks, by Dart creators Lars Bak and Kasper Lund, will be streamed live. And all of the talks will be available on video.

If you are at I/O, be sure to stop by at the Dart booth in the Developer Sandbox on the 3rd floor of Moscone Center. You can ask questions of Dart team members who will be available on all three days at the booth, and also at the office hours area nearby.

Here are some details about the talks and the code lab:

Web Languages and VMs: Fast Code is Always in Fashion

Lars Bak, Kasper Lund

A fundamental necessity for innovation within web apps is fast execution speed. This talk will take a deep dive into the machine rooms of both V8 and the Dart VM and explain some of the reasons why a new execution engine is needed for taking the web platform to the next level. Please join us to hear about how programming languages impact the underlying virtual machines, complexity, on-the-fly code generation, and predictable performance.

When: May 16, 10:00AM - 11:00AM PDT Level: Intermediate Track: Chrome & Apps

Come see what's new in Dart with its comprehensive, open-source ecosystem for the modern web developer. Learn how to be more productive with a new language: future-based DOM, package manager, JS-interop, a tree-shaking compiler to JavaScript, SIMD, Web Components, a rich editor, and much more. You'll leave this talk all caught up with Dart and ready to make the web awesome

When: May 16, 12:45PM - 1:25PM PDT Level: Intermediate Track: Chrome & Apps

Dart: HTML of the Future, Today!

Sigmund Cherem, Emily Fortuna

Develop large apps in a structured language and still experience fast Edit/Reload development cycles? Indeed, the prophecy has come true. Get crazy productive with Dart's tools, smooth HTML libraries, cross-browser polyfills, and web components based framework. Come learn how you can easily and quickly develop web apps that work cross-browser on both desktop and mobile platforms. We'll show you how to build modern web apps with Web Components and dynamic data-driven views without having to wait for cumbersome compile cycles. Make a change, hit reload, and boom, it's ready for all modern browsers.

When: May 16, 3:30PM - 4:10PM PDT Level: Intermediate Track: Chrome & Apps

You paid for the whole seat but you'll only need the edge! Get hands-on experience and build declarative, modern mobile web apps with Dart and Web Components. Go from zero to magnificent using Dart's structured language, comprehensive libraries, and lightning-fast dev cycle. Learn how to use the Dart toolchain to deploy and test web apps for tablet, phone, and desktop. Yes, you can!

When: May 17, 9:00AM - 11:00AM PDT Level: Intermediate Track: Chrome & Apps

crawled from : Dartlang

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