Thursday 2 May 2013

Penny Pinching in the Cloud: Enabling New Relic Performance Monitoring on Windows Azure Websites

I've been looking for ways to save money running my (now 12) websites in the cloud lately. Getting insights from logs has been helpful, but I really want more details as to what my app is doing so that I might do less of it. Remember the secret of scaling an application. Have your app do as little as possible. If you do nothing, you can scale infinitely. I like to use tools like Glimpse to profile my apps, check database calls, and explore what's really going on. If you like application insights you may be familiar with New Relic . They are a clever system that profiles apps of all kinds, including sites ASP.NET and Azure. I tweeted this afternoon for folks to hit my site and help me test New Relic. My lovely friends on Twitter promptly...(read more)
crawled from : Hanselman

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