Thursday 18 April 2013

Amazon RDS for Oracle Now Supports Transparent Data Encryption and Native Network Encryption

We have good news to share. Many of you have told us that data encryption, at rest and in transit, is very important to you as you move mission-critical database workloads to Amazon RDS. Today, Amazon RDS is announcing support for Oracle?s Transparent Data Encryption and Native Network Encryption in all regions. Both of these features are components of Oracle?s Advanced Security option for the Oracle Database 11g Enterprise Edition. Oracle Database 11g Enterprise Edition is available on Amazon RDS for Oracle under the Bring-Your-Own-License (BYOL) model. There is no additional charge to use these features.

Oracle Transparent Data Encryption encrypts data before it is written to storage, and automatically decrypts data when reading from storage. Oracle Transparent Data Encryption enables you to encrypt table spaces or specific table columns using industry standard encryption algorithms such as Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) and Data Encryption Standard (Triple DES). Oracle Native Network Encryption encrypts the data as it moves into and out of the database. Oracle Native Network Encryption enables you to encrypt network traffic travelling over Oracle Net Service using industry standard encryption algorithms such as AES and Triple DES.

To learn more about using Oracle Transparent Data Encryption and Native Network Encryption on Amazon RDS for Oracle, please visit our User Documentation

crawled from : Amazon

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