Thursday 18 April 2013

Amazon DynamoDB Announces Support for Local Secondary Indexes

We are thrilled to announce that we have expanded the query capabilities of DynamoDB. We call the newest capability Local Secondary Indexes (LSI). While DynamoDB already allows you to perform low-latency queries based on your table?s primary key, even at tremendous scale, LSI will now give you the ability to perform fast queries against other attributes (or columns) in your table. This gives you the ability to perform richer queries while still meeting the low-latency demands of responsive, scalable applications.

With LSI we expand DynamoDB?s existing query capabilities with support for more complex queries. Customers can now create indexes on non-primary key attributes and quickly retrieve records within a hash partition (i.e., items that share the same hash value in their primary key).

The enhanced query flexibility that local secondary indexes provide means DynamoDB can support an even broader range of workloads. At Amazon, we have already come to start with DynamoDB as the default choice for every application that does not require the flexibility of relational databases like Oracle or MySQL. Customers tell us they?re adopting the same practice, particularly in the areas of digital advertising, social gaming and connected device applications where high availability, seamless scalability, predictable performance and low latency are very critical.

Today, local secondary indexes must be defined at the time you create your DynamoDB tables. In the future, we plan to provide you with an ability to add or drop LSI for existing tables. If you want to equip an existing DynamoDB table to local secondary indexes immediately, you can export the data from your existing table using Elastic Map Reduce, and import it to a new table with LSI.

Local secondary indexes are available today in all regions except GovCloud. You can get started with DynamoDB and Local Secondary Indexes by reading the developer guide.

crawled from : Amazon

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