Tuesday 26 February 2013

Announcing AWS Diagnostics for Microsoft Windows Server - Beta

We are excited to announce the beta release of AWS Diagnostics for Microsoft Windows Server. AWS Diagnostics for Microsoft Windows Server is an easy to use tool that you can run on your EC2 Windows Server instances. It is a very valuable tool not just for collecting log files and troubleshooting issues, but also proactively identifying possible areas of concern.

This tool can, for example, be used to diagnose configuration mismatch issues between the Windows Firewall and the Amazon EC2 security group that may affect your applications. It can even examine EBS boot volumes from other instances and collect relevant logs for troubleshooting Windows Server from the volume.

The AWS Diagnostics for Microsoft Windows Server is free for AWS Customer. You can learn more about it at http://aws.amazon.com/windows/awsdiagnostics/. Also note that this tool is in beta release and your feedback will be extremely useful in further improving this tool. You can give us feedback here.
crawled from : Amazon

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