Tuesday 26 February 2013

DailyJS: jQuery Roundup: jQuery.IO, Animated Table Sorter, jQuery-ui-pic

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jQuery.IO (GitHub: sporto / jquery_io.js, License: MIT) by Sebastian Porto can be used to convert between form data, query strings, and JSON strings. It uses JSON.parse, and comes with tests and a Grunt build script.

Converting a form to a JavaScript object is just $.io.form($('form')).object(), and the output has form names as keys rather than the array results .serializeArray returns.

Animated Table Sorter

Animated Table Sorter (GitHub: matanhershberg / animated_table_sorter, License: MIT, jquery: AnimatedTableSorter) by Matan Hershberg is a table sorting plugin that moves rows using .animate when they?re reordered.

All you need to do is call .tableSort() on a table. CSS and images have been provided for styling the selected column and sort direction.


jQuery-ui-pic (GitHub: rtsinani / jQuery-ui-pic) by Artan Sinani provides an extracted version of the icons from Bootstrap and the image sprites from jQuery UI.

In this version the CSS classes are all prefixed with pic-, so you can use them like this: <i class="pic-trash"></i>. This might prove useful if you?re looking for a quick way to reuse jQuery UI?s icons without using the rest of jQuery UI. I licensed Glyphicons Pro myself because I find myself using them so much.
crawled from : Dailyjs

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