Tuesday 7 May 2013

One ASP.NET: Nancy.Templates for Visual Studio

I hope you've updated to Visual Studio 2012.2 and picked up Web Essentials because we're continuing to add goodness all the time. As we march forward with the One ASP.NET vision , so does the community. One of the major goals has been to make it easier for the community to not only make templates but also live alongside ASP.NET templates as peers. This has been historically hard. It's still too complex, in fact, but it's easier than before . I'm hoping that one day soon making templates will be as easy as making and sharing NuGet packages . Not only is most of ASP.NET open source , but so are the Azure SDKs, NuGet and more. However, there's a large and rich world of open source frameworks and projects that some companies...(read more)
crawled from : Hanselman

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