Tuesday 7 May 2013

ODBC Connector for MongoDB

This is a guest post by NYU Information Systems (MSIS) Graduate students Kyle Galloway, Pravish Sood and Dylan Kelemen.m>

We are pleased to announce the Mongo-ODBC project. As NYU MSIS students in Courant Institute?s Information Technology Projects course, we are working under the guidance of 10gen and our Professor Evan Korth to develop an ODBC (Open-Database-Connectivity) driver for MongoDB.

ODBC was created in order to facilitate the movement of data between applications with different file structures and although it is not as popular as it once was, in part due to more flexible alternatives like MongoDB, but many programs maintain ODBC compliance. The goal of our project is to create an ODBC driver that supports the ODBC functions that can be carried out on MongoDB. This will allow users of programs that don?t yet offer MongoDB support some access to data in mongo databases. We believe this will particularly useful for new users and those dependent on programs like excel and tableau for simple business analysis reporting.

Developing the driver has presented some interesting and at times frustrating issues, many but not all of which are due to the fundamental differences between relational and document-based databases. At the moment we are working on parsing SQL where statements into mongo queries, mapping SQL statements to mongo c++ driver functions and handling the ODBC return format specifications.

The NYU MSIS program is composed of course work on the core concepts of computing and business in order to provide students the knowledge necessary for successful careers in technically demanding management roles. Information Technology Projects (ITP) is the final piece of our program, where students work to apply their technical skills in a practical team-oriented context to build real world IT solutions for businesses, government agencies, or non-profit organizations.

This is the third collaboration between the NYU Information Systems Master?s program and 10gen. Prior student groups worked with 10gen on the MongoDB adapter for Hadoop and the MongoDB Disco Adapter. We are excited to be working on an open source project with 10gen and look forward to continuing the successful cooperation between 10gen and NYU ITP.

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