Tuesday 23 April 2013

XDT (XML Document Transform) released on codeplex.com

In Visual Studio 2010 we introduced a simple and straight forward method of transforming web.config during publishing/packaging. This support is called XML Document Transform, aka XDT. It allows you to transform any XML file, not just web.config. To learn more about XDT check out the docs . Since we've released XDT there has been interest in re-using the transformation engine in other scenarios. To enable some of those scenarios we released XDT on NuGet . After that we started working on integrating XDT into NuGet and asked for some feedback from the community . In order to cover all the scenarios for NuGet users we decided to release the source of XDT on codeplex.com using an Apache 2.0 license . You can now redistribute XDT with your own...(read more)
crawled from : Msdn

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