Tuesday 23 April 2013

Percona Monitoring Plugins 1.0.3 release

Percona is glad to announce the release of Percona Monitoring Plugins 1.0.3 ? high-quality components to add enterprise-grade MySQL monitoring and graphing capabilities to your existing in-house, on-premises monitoring solutions. The components are designed to integrate seamlessly with widely deployed solutions such as Nagios and Cacti, and are delivered in the form of templates, plugins, and scripts.



* MySQL 5.6 compatibility for InnoDB graphs (bug 1124292)
* Added performance data to Nagios plugins (bugs 1090145, 1102687)
* Added UTC option to pmp-check-mysql-replication-delay to be compatible with pt-hearbeat 2.1.8+ (bug 1103364)
* Added 1-second granularity to pmp-check-mysql-deadlocks (bug 1154774)
* Added package install/update instructions and other documentation updates (bugs 1139652, 1124200, 1015981)
* Updated documentation with the new Cacti sample images
* Updated ?Network Traffic? to be blue and green and to show bits/sec (bug 1132900)
* Extended ?MySQL Threads? graph with all kind of threads (bug 1157911)
* Some Cacti single-item graphs were broken due to cacti hexadecimal transformation (bug 1155513)
* Memcached graphs were broken when the wrong arguments for nc command are passed (bug 1155712)
* ss_get_by_ssh.php didn?t gather mongodb stats without SSH (bug 1050537)
* ss_get_by_ssh.php didn?t timeout commands that hang (bug 1160611)
* pmp-check-file-privs didn?t throw the proper error on directory permissions issue (bug 1024001)
* pmp-check-mysql-replication-running reported OK when a slave is in ?Connecting? state (bug 1089506)

Update note: Cacti templates have to be re-imported together with the updating of ss_get_*.php scripts. Then make sure you rebuilt the poller cache under Cacti -> System Utilities. Also the following Cacti graphs need to be recreated: MySQL ?MySQL Threads?, Linux ?Network Traffic?.

A new tarball is available from downloads area or RPM and DEB packages from our software repositories. The plugins are fully supported for customers with a Percona Support contract and free installation services are provided as part of some contracts. In addition as part of Percona?s Remote DBA installation and setup of these tools are included with our services. You can find links to the documentation, forums and more at the project homepage.

The post Percona Monitoring Plugins 1.0.3 release appeared first on MySQL Performance Blog.

crawled from : Mysqlperformanceblog

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