Sunday 12 May 2013

Redirecting ASP.NET Legacy URLs to Extensionless with the IIS Rewrite Module

ASP.NET has included support for "friendly URLs" for a while now. ASP.NET MVC has always supported friendly URLs and more recently, so has Web Forms. That means if you don't want to have the .aspx extension, you certainly don't have to. However, there's a LOT of existing legacy apps out there as well as apps that you may not have full control over. For example, there's a site that I want to influence but it's got dozens (hundreds) of links to foo.html and bar.html existing pages. Legacy (n): A super-fancy way of saying "already exists." What I want to do is kind of sloppy and I'm doing it for aesthetic reasons. I'll hopefully get around to updating the site's links later and know that future...(read more)
crawled from : Hanselman

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