Monday 6 May 2013

Symfony 2.1.10 released

I've just released Symfony 2.1.10. It fixes quite a few bugs. Here are
some of the most interesting ones:

  • bcb5400: [Form] Fixed transform()/reverseTransform() to always throw TransformationFailedExceptions

  • 2b554d7: [BrowserKit] remove validation related headers when needed

  • 2a531d7: Fix getPort() returning 80 instead of 443 when X-FORWARDED-PROTO is set to https

  • c2bc707: fixed detection of secure cookies received over https

  • 54bcf5c: [Translator] added additional conversion for encodings other than utf-8

  • da156d3: fix overwriting of request's locale if attribute _locale is missing

  • 047212a: [Yaml] fixed handling an empty value

  • 94a9cdc: [Routing][XML Loader] Add a possibility to set a default value to null

  • 9fcd2f6: [HttpFoundation] fixed the creation of sub-requests under some circumstances for IIS

  • bec8ff1: Fix timeout in Process::stop method

  • 3780fdb: Fix Process timeout

  • 64a1d39: Fixed long multibyte parameter logging in DbalLogger:startQuery

Be trained by Symfony experts
- 2013-05-13 Paris
- 2013-05-13 Cologne
- 2013-05-13 Paris
crawled from : Symfony

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