Friday 19 April 2013

Zend Developer Series: Developers Create Mobile Apps Faster with Zend Server

Cupertino, CA.?April 19, 2013
?The smartphone revolution is under-hyped, more people have access to phones than access to running water. We've never had anything like this before since the beginning of the planet.? -Marc Andreessen [1]

Did you know?

  • 81% of employees regularly use at least one mobile device for business use

  • 71% of companies are considering developing custom mobile applications [2]

  • 90% of PHP developers are already working on mobile apps [3]

Zend, the PHP Company, wants to help developers save time creating mobile apps built with REST/JSON back-end services. We?ve designed Zend Server, which comes in both free and paid editions, to include some cool productivity features that help take care of the web services ?plumbing?.

How Zend Server Helps Developers (Yes, Even the Free Edition!)

  • Zend Server Gateway provides a simple way to build RPC-based and RESTful services. It provides key APIs for web services such as routing, authentication, validation, filtering and request parameter binding.

  • Zend Server used with Zend Studio provides a drag and drop interface for creating web services ? meaning that the web service you create is constantly updating the information for the Zend Server Gateway, and your service is immediately deployed and ready for testing.

  • Zend Server has a web services debug mode, which enables you to trap and find out exactly why a web services call failed

For mobile apps ready to move into production, the Small Business, Professional and Enterprise editions of Zend Server provide production level scalability, management, troubleshooting and support. These versions also provide integration with core enterprise systems, and extended metric and event data retention, automation tools and other advanced features.

Learn More

Interested? Get the full lowdown on Zend Server and download for free at

Watch a webinar about developing mobile apps that utilize cloud web services, by Kent Mitchell, Zend?s Director of Products:


[1] BrainyQuote <>

[2] Forbes, "The Latest Infographics: Mobile Business Statistics for 2012," May 2012.

[3] Zend, ?Spring 2013 Zend Developer Pulse survey?. To be released in April 2013 at

About Zend Technologies

Zend partners with businesses to rapidly deliver modern apps across mobile and cloud. Zend helped establish the PHP language, which today powers over 200 million applications and web sites. Zend?s flagship offering, Zend Server, is the leading Application Platform for developing, deploying and managing business-critical applications in PHP. Zend solutions are deployed at more than 40,000 companies, including NYSE Euronext, BNP Paribas, Bell Helicopter, France Telecom and other leading brands worldwide. Learn more at
crawled from : Zend

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