Tuesday 2 April 2013

Competition: name our bear!

In about a month?s time, we?re going to be launching a brand-new range of Raspberry Pi merchandise. (My desk is currently awash with notebooks, gym bags, pencils, mugs, umbrellas and?stuff.)

>This little guy is going to be one of the additions to the line-up.

He?s soft, he?s cuddly, he?s only about 20cm tall, and he doesn?t have a name yet. That?s where you come in.

To win a bear, as well as some other goodies I?ll select from what?s kicking around in the office, and to have your choice of name used in the shop, leave a comment below with your chosen name, with an explanation of why you selected it. (Make sure the email address you log in with is a genuine one, so we can get in touch with you if you win.) The competition ends at midnight on Tuesday April 16.

crawled from : Raspberrypi

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